600+ entries in 0.025s
mircea_popescu: aand congrats spyked on the feedbot not falling down
trinque: iirc ave1 was already going down that path.
diana_coman: it wasn't a put down, no.
dorion: circle back on that article to drill down on the more interesting points in subsequent pieces, and for sure work to limit scope moving forward.
BingoBoingo: Even down here the little shim for converting laptop optical disc bays into generic 2.5" SATA drive bays are common enough finding one wasn't a headache
ossabot: Logged on 2019-11-13 04:54:57 spyked: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-11-12#1950779 <-- around 10 hrs, plus-minus 2. it's not much time, but I aim to, as much as possible, stick to that 10hrs/week figure and properly break down/manage the tasks I can fit into this time.
spyked: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-11-12#1950779 <-- around 10 hrs, plus-minus 2. it's not much time, but I aim to, as much as possible, stick to that 10hrs/week figure and properly break down/manage the tasks I can fit into this time.
trinque: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-11-11#1950544 << here and down, and they agreed, and I have not heard from them in #trinque , is where we stand.
jfw: which was all upside-down because showing up here should have been first.
mp_en_viaje: both lobes reference ~the same "work"~, to boot! this will go down in history as "ustarded summarization", when the authors are so reliant on retarded readership, they will actually write bullet points in direct contradiction to the material with no care or concern.
lobbes will create an article from notes once it is nailed down
BingoBoingo: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-11-10#1950469 << It occurs to me that this sorta aversion to the local "nativists" wanting to socialism down here spoiled the Trump "hallucinated best friend" hangers on back in old country.
bvt: not that it takes a lot of time, i guess i just never properly noted it down. will do after the measurements
BingoBoingo: I've been taking a half hour each day to check the Commie melt down in the local papers. Central Committee had to tell their militants to stop calling the opposition "fachos, conservadores, y rosaditos" because it's sinking their own likeability. Now I may be naive, but it seems a large portion of the FA would prefer to throw the presidential race this cycle so they can derp and strike for 5 year and generally parroting the Argentines.
BingoBoingo: Sure, the computer's normally working for you, but when else do you really get to stress the machine on something satisfying? Games bogging down the computer are frustrating, compiling is... something, but a bunch of tar commands... nice to see something made with nanometer precision and operating at gigahertz need take the time to handle shit that matters.
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: It's always a nice feeling to bog down a computer with your own history.
mircea_popescu: it's quite a pleasure to watch otherwise powerful systems bogged down for hours at a time, diligently going through overpoweringly long lists of tasks in their usual, bulldozer-like systematic manner, while one twiddles his thumbs and grins.
BingoBoingo: trinque: If I do get a Cuntoo running this weekend, you can expect me to submit Cuntoo-ified versions of my desktop work tools at the speed I port them. Everything I depend on seems to have already been ported to musl based linux distributions. I can't promise doing this fast, but it can be something that would help make a noob-cuntoo image down the line.
diana_coman writing those 2 down
diana_coman: but you know, if the "few times" when it goes down it fucks your electronics, I have no idea how you get to "no complaints"
spyked: srsly tho, I have no complaints about the service most of the time. but the few times power goes down, it has to be intermittently and with spikes
a111: Logged on 2017-07-06 15:09 mircea_popescu: which is how every god damned kid that was sexually abused through the process of socialist schooling (which is all of them -- education is education, and socialist school is definitionally sexual abuse of all children involved) ends up with the idea that newton sat down TO discover whatever he did (unimportant, really) and THEREFORE he did.
mp_en_viaje: diana_coman, stuff down where you mean ?
diana_coman: ah, hm, that's a point; yes, I think I will (though I do need to write stuff down there, huh).
mircea_popescu: i dunno, he threatens to burn down arad.
BingoBoingo: I'm not entirely unsure I don't have or in the past hed a touch of engineer bogging down my head, but not indentifying as an engineer myself... I am unsure what has to break for an engineer to get the resignation, that can build to a faith, that recovery can proceed from.
BingoBoingo: And I'm going to move the cleaning recent comments and pingbacks down the work order list
mircea_popescu: !!down feedbot
deedbot: mp_en_viaje may not $down feedbot.
mp_en_viaje: !!down feedbot
mp_en_viaje: there's a vacant lot next to my place, here. and the middle class "investor" owners of it came late summer to cut down the grass (city ordnances threatening fines no doubt impelling them), with a brand-new... wheedwhacker, they paid a hundy or two for, in tow.
mp_en_viaje: they don't do the whole secretary thing down there huh
mp_en_viaje: seems the model's already breaking down then ?
mp_en_viaje: then he starts moving down his circle. and you notice there's a difference ; if you attempt to discuss it, he'll make the cost of measuring the infinitesimal difference (which nevertheless keeps growing, and at an ever faster pace) infinitely large
mp_en_viaje: because, like everything else, once i sit down to write it, it's written.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-18 12:02:14 mp_en_viaje: <mp_en_viaje> if you're just looking for a coupla week's amateur entertainment, i got a whole line of hookers looking for same pounding down my door.
BingoBoingo: Down here the easiest part was visiting the irons... while that lasted
BingoBoingo: It slows down getting from point A to point B, and this mostly puts me in contact with older 40 to retired-ish folks. However, the big effect is it sucks all the energy out of the nearby socialists trying to hand out their lists.
BingoBoingo had a productive day. So far. Sat down with the fellow who recommended yesterday's audition. Told him that I was letting him know as a courtesy that after the meeting I developed the strong suspicion that the recommended fellow was the other party's counsel. That I don't know how good his relationship with the fellow is, but that I do not mind, and it may even help me if he warns the fellow that in the case I have been
BingoBoingo: mod6: This weekend I hope to get the opportunity to sit down and do the accounting. Last weekend my hope to do so was beaten by time consuming yet time sensitive legaling.
BingoBoingo: The Monday guy, through his holding down the Montevideo outpost of an international... He benefits from big firm forced professional development. He know the ways Uruguay sucks compared to the outside world and the ways it doesn't because he's been forced to travel.
BingoBoingo: If the truly damaging denuncia is filed before they can sit down... kinda spoils the sitting down. Once a denuncia is filed it goes to the local prosecutors office.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: I came into the first one through having paid them for sit down to discuss the residency process. Things never got further than paying fot the sit down in that case as their rate for help with places I have to go myself anyways was rather rich for the task, but they were incredibly responsive and un-Uruguayo. I hope I left them with the impression that I pay for value.
snsabot: (ossasepia) 2019-10-23 asciilifeform: guten tag diana_coman . you may have noticed, i put back the bot . it was synced with the new autosyncer that was to get deployed right before piz burned down. i'ma put it as vpatch, but prolly wont get chance this wk, hands full w/ 2nd draft of ispism.
asciilifeform puts down the microphone, and goes to meat. bbl.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-20 16:34:01 asciilifeform: diana_coman: currently your box looks like this. it'll be sat down on iron DIN rail w/ additional forced air when i put this in, it is still snailing its way through the mails.
mp_en_viaje: or, to quote the lulziest group in all england, "When I first came here, this was all swamp. Everyone said I was daft to build a castle on a swamp, but I built in all the same, just to show them. It sank into the swamp. So I built a second one. And that one sank into the swamp. So I built a third. That burned down, fell over, and then sank into the swamp. But the fourth one stayed up. And that’s what you’re going to get, Son, the strongest cas
trinque: to make this happen, I need to replace some infrastructure I had in UY (the boxes down there weren't idle entirely)
asciilifeform: diana_coman: the move will involve ~30 seconds of down time, we will schedule it together prior to any movement.
asciilifeform: diana_coman: currently your box looks like this. it'll be sat down on iron DIN rail w/ additional forced air when i put this in, it is still snailing its way through the mails.
diana_coman: asciilifeform: no, I didn't; (and yes, I should have written it down).
mp_en_viaje: only reason i finally broke down and got a tripod was that it was cheap, and i already have a pile of car platform machinery, so what's it hurt.
mp_en_viaje: oh, and to spell out that other thing : re http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-10-20#1947023 your principal gain is that when you go to sit down with laywers later, and you tell them what happened and what you did so far, on that basis your odds of being taken for a rube drop from the usual 80% ot well under 1%
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-19 15:12:39 BingoBoingo: No lawyer that bit yesterday's pitch wants any money for the initial sit down to talk about the case. The water here is rich with blood the doesn't taste like mine.
mod6: asciilifeform: I do not want to pay them any more money, no. At the same time, I don't want BingoBoingo ending up in some sort of personal litigation down there, if they come after him personally.
mod6: And if we can get, apparently 3, different lawyers to look at our case (are we interviewing them for free, or is there a retainer for each? if so, how much?). please write down what they say, if they think we have a good case, etc.
BingoBoingo: No lawyer that bit yesterday's pitch wants any money for the initial sit down to talk about the case. The water here is rich with blood the doesn't taste like mine.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-19 11:47:54 hanbot_abroad: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-10-19#1946721 << this makes me sad, both 'cause i rather like mod6, and 'cause the comment rings rather true. i hope whatever's bogging him down, stops.
hanbot_abroad: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-10-19#1946721 << this makes me sad, both 'cause i rather like mod6, and 'cause the comment rings rather true. i hope whatever's bogging him down, stops.
ericbot: Logged on 2019-10-18 15:37:49 mp_en_viaje: lobbes i'm thinking of cloning the pizarro shared for sitting down your thing on ; but comments welcome.
trinque: I've tossed 150k+ down this hole, hurt the other guy, great. I can't spend his hurt.
BingoBoingo: lobbes: I still gotta write a post for asciilifeform on what a shared hosting stack should look like. It may also be the case that the bot would be better with its own 'dulap' type server. I have not had time to sit down and catch up completely with the conversation surrounding this bot.
ericbot: Logged on 2019-10-18 15:37:49 mp_en_viaje: lobbes i'm thinking of cloning the pizarro shared for sitting down your thing on ; but comments welcome.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform mod6: Update. As of the most recent communication from the datacenter, it seems they want to be sued. You have this weekend to think this matter over. There is the chance they may be pushed into settling. Based on their response and the fact they pushed it through Maxi, I suspect they ended their week of sweating by deciding to bluff. First sit down with counsel scheduled for 8pm UTC Monday. Another sitdown may be
mp_en_viaje: now, this may morph into a very different, from the top down discussion, okay, if you will. but then let's carry it properly, neh ? rather than mix everything in there.
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: moar concerned with 'box goes down' or 'writes garbage to disk' or 'permits login from rando' than 'garbage www output'.
mp_en_viaje: lobbes i'm thinking of cloning the pizarro shared for sitting down your thing on ; but comments welcome.
mp_en_viaje: <mp_en_viaje> if you're just looking for a coupla week's amateur entertainment, i got a whole line of hookers looking for same pounding down my door.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-18 09:50:40 mp_en_viaje: in the end i suppose whether build new or buy pizarro's comes down to what it costs. what does pizarry want for the two boxes used to run smg servers before ?
mp_en_viaje: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-10-17#1946199 << the spirit of service-eagerness is fine, but you're going overboard with the options. no, he doesn't want a pogo, simmer down.
mp_en_viaje: in the end i suppose whether build new or buy pizarro's comes down to what it costs. what does pizarry want for the two boxes used to run smg servers before ?
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-16 14:15:42 asciilifeform: aite, let's ask BingoBoingo to dd if=/dev/thatstick | gzip > diana_coman.img.gz and then gpg to asciilifeform . i'ma modify it strictly as required to sit down on new ip and naught else.
asciilifeform: diana_coman: per my notes, smg was gearing to purchase its inhabited irons (pending delivery of replacements) , this fell down when the rack fell down. i expect if it comes out as +ev , and estimate of time for transportation aint outrageous, mp may want to proceed with said purchase and grab the irons. worth to ask.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-16 14:15:42 asciilifeform: aite, let's ask BingoBoingo to dd if=/dev/thatstick | gzip > diana_coman.img.gz and then gpg to asciilifeform . i'ma modify it strictly as required to sit down on new ip and naught else.
lobbes: you can't keep a good qntra down
feedbot: http://qntra.net/2019/10/what-happened-when-qntra-was-down-again/ << Qntra -- What Happened When Qntra Was Down (Again)
asciilifeform: ty BingoBoingo . i purchased exact same ssd stick as used prior, so oughta sit down cleanly.
asciilifeform: aite, let's ask BingoBoingo to dd if=/dev/thatstick | gzip > diana_coman.img.gz and then gpg to asciilifeform . i'ma modify it strictly as required to sit down on new ip and naught else.
mp_en_viaje: o no wait, i mean, ima go check the third decimal of my laser-temperature measurer, if it happens to be nine ima go walk up and down the hallway for exactly 4 minutes 44 seconds, if i count exactly 395 paces THEN ima tqake the sluts for breakfast.
BingoBoingo: mod6: Be aware your box down here is heavier and longer than any other. Shipping the whole box in you case is likely to be the lowest return way to handle your.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Right. This is not Argentina, so there should not be any export taxes in the reading I've done so far. Anyways priced per rack unit, it may vale la pena for the custodial benefit if you can make it down.
mod6: Regarding the foundation's two boxen: One was in .uy, the other was supposed to go down there, but is still in the possession of ben_vulpes. I communicated with him last week regarding the box, he'll be sending it to me as soon as I get him the deets.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Depends on the regional registry, but yeah. One of the early headaches down here is that LATAM is IP space poor.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-09-25 16:55:08 asciilifeform: achtung panzers! piz pipe down ?!
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: went down for-good on 6 oct. 0130 hrs (nyc time) .
diana_coman: given how many there are though, I can't quite imagine this mythical "so many customers, can afford to turn down this one who says she wants several boxes, possibly rack"; nevertheless...
diana_coman: asciilifeform: see from there down, there's a few more, arguably more important too
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: the mirrors are used to pull down tarballs for which in the image 'portage' already contains frozen hashes. but really these oughta be abolished, and all tarballs to be present on install stick.
diana_coman: asciilifeform: at 3-19, argh, put in there the exact place of pl2303 in kernel, it was annoying enough to have to track it down once.
BingoBoingo: By contrast Based on the Monday sit down, if Oscar was empowered to act as a telecom manager in the way his title suggests... Maybe the week could have played out differently. Then again if I had a magic clicker that reset time back five minutes every time I clacked it, I may have never made it past age 5 or 13 much less 30 due to juvenile min-max attempts. But hypotheticals are hypotheticals.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Since this collapse started and this Maxi fellow appeared... Based on the Monday sit down Maxi would be a walking talking tort generator in a common law jurisdiction. Here in this Roman law jurisdiction he seems to be actively generating breaches, non-performance, and faltas. He's been shooting from the hip and clearly been a detriment to his apparently absentee boss.
mp_en_viaje: somewhere, down the line, eventually.
mp_en_viaje: dia i don't propose you should die with that horse. give it a fair run down, and report.
BingoBoingo: Anyways. Having everything but the one switch powered down when the network doesn't work seems like the only sane response to walking into the Monday Air conditioner disaster.
mp_en_viaje: meanwhile in trips down memory lane, http://archive.is/S2GEb
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-10 00:09:24 asciilifeform: http://logs.ericbenevides.com/log/trilema/2019-10-10#1944353 << just think, how much couldve pissed, if we went down with 40 riders instead of 7 !
mp_en_viaje: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-10-09#1944283 << if you continue in this vein of stupid, stroking your hurt ego by knocking down straw dollies you imagined, ima simply devoice you.
asciilifeform: http://logs.ericbenevides.com/log/trilema/2019-10-10#1944353 << just think, how much couldve pissed, if we went down with 40 riders instead of 7 !
BingoBoingo back with the 4 1 servers. Oscar ended up walking me out and asking if I'd checked that the IPs were opened back up again some time today.... to the powered down diskless rack. No notice had been provided that the IPs were restored. Told him I'd return and check from the one of the microservers. Will try to do so when I return to fill bags again.
asciilifeform: aite. cuz i suspect it's 'moldavia all the way down'.