121 entries in 0.317s
deedbot: http://trinque.org/2017/03/10/deedbot-wired-to-dulap/ << trinque - deedbot.org wired to dulap
trinque: Reuel: http://trinque.org/2016/08/11/logbot-genesis/ << yep
ben_vulpes: imma sit here mashing refresh on trinque.org
deedbot: http://trinque.org/2016/11/29/namecheap-the-incompetent-namecheap-the-nameless/ << trinque - Namecheap the Incompetent, Namecheap the Nameless
trinque: gabriel_laddel: http://trinque.org/2016/08/11/logbot-genesis/
asciilifeform: trinque: http://trinque.org/2016/10/01/sage-smartprobe-rehabilitated/#comment-2 .
deedbot: http://trinque.org/2016/10/01/sage-smartprobe-rehabilitated/ << trinque - Sage SmartProbe Rehabilitated
mod6: btw: is this trinque's cookbook then? http://trinque.org/2016/08/10/ircbot-genesis/
trinque: http://trinque.org/src/logbot/ << v.pl sync pulls from a URL structure like this one, populates patches and seals
asciilifeform: http://trinque.org/2016/08/11/logbot-genesis
trinque: http://trinque.org/2016/08/11/logbot-genesis/ << speaking of v
trinque: all my v stuff is going to live at http://trinque.org/src
a111: Logged on 2016-08-11 17:50 deedbot: http://trinque.org/2016/08/11/logbot-genesis/ << trinque - logbot-genesis.vpatch
deedbot: http://trinque.org/2016/08/11/logbot-genesis/ << trinque - logbot-genesis.vpatch ☟︎
deedbot: http://trinque.org/2016/08/10/ircbot-genesis/ << trinque - ircbot-genesis.vpatch
trinque: this weekend I'm going to put together a rudimentary site for trinque.org and gather a few of the tools I've built there
assbot: Logged on 13-05-2015 02:08:53; trinque: I'll just stick the thing on trinque.org and then you guys can make your own decisions re: newsworthiness
assbot: Logged on 13-05-2015 02:08:53; trinque: I'll just stick the thing on trinque.org and then you guys can make your own decisions re: newsworthiness
trinque: I'll just stick the thing on trinque.org and then you guys can make your own decisions re: newsworthiness ☟︎☟︎
gribble: Nick 'trinque', with hostmask 'trinque!~trinque@trinque.org', is identified as user 'trinque', with GPG key id 42F9985AFAB953C4, key fingerprint FC66C0C5D98C42A1D4A98B6B42F9985AFAB953C4, and bitcoin address None
gribble: Nick 'trinque', with hostmask 'trinque!~trinque@trinque.org', is not identified.