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snsabot: Logged on 2019-08-17 14:17:38 asciilifeform: imho this hypothesis has explanatory power, in re usg's eagerness (against protest of all of the generals!) to scrap, e.g. the famous '
http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/trilema/2019-08-17#1929384 << Note that global state of the art in this area has fallen from
Warthog to Super Tucano. Much as the SR-71 and concorde are gone, the
Warthog has been out of print for a while. Maybe the Chicoms make a flying tank at some point, but the art has fallen from flying tank to flying toyota Hilux
snsabot: Logged on 2018-08-29 12:10:45 mircea_popescu: pro tip : the thompson's a passible concrete cutter. it comes from the same mental era as
http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=warthog ; made by the same people for the same reasons, abandoned by the same cucks for the same reasons.
mircea_popescu: i doubt it was anywhere near any biz, seeing how the
warthog withdrawal happened prior.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform the
warthog got withdrawn. ~for lack of that fab~.
mircea_popescu: also the chopper not being a plane, it can tolerate a lot more than the
warthog could.
mircea_popescu: hey,
warthog does manage to fire those "girl you'd fuck" sized bullets...
ben_vulpes: still trying to get the hang of the m1a1, very much adrift in the cockpit of a
BingoBoingo: <ben_vulpes> is this one of the birds nominally intended to replace the
warthog? << Compliment
ben_vulpes: is this one of the birds nominally intended to replace the
mircea_popescu: mats not just the thunderbolt. same story with the
warthog. idea being basically "we wish to move on from this real-items tethered system of bezzle to a system of pure bezzle. we do not wish to have any further actual items involved in the entire allocation and expenditure of budgets thing"
mircea_popescu: speaking of heavy howitzers : a move reminescent of the dumping of the
warthog is the army cancellation of crusader paladin upgrade / any nlsc weapon at all. leaving the paladin, a 1960s make, as the pretty much only us howitzer for the rest of history.
BingoBoingo: * asciilifeform will fly to conf3 on a pig, if this happens << The Fairchild "