23 entries in 0.415s
asciilifeform: and afaik 'warrant canary' has never been tested in any court.
shinohai: https://cock.li/transparency/warrant-canary.txt <<< text of canary is why I applaud him.
asciilifeform: shinohai: 'warrant canary' is an endearing custom but is quite useless on several different levels
shinohai: I applaud the guy for at least putting up warrant canary on server
mircea_popescu: ahahaah wait, INTEL had a warrant canary ?
ascii_field: 'Fwd: [Cryptography] Did Intel just execute its warrant canary ?'
assbot: US Government Makes Slight Concession in Twitter’s Warrant-Canary Suit | Just Security ... ( http://bit.ly/1NpGODx )
trinque: http://justsecurity.org/20850/government-slight-concession-twitters-warrant-canary-suit/
TomServo: This being the 'warrant canary'?
BingoBoingo: I suppose that is also a concern. Maybe the current practice for the warrant canary lacks room for improvement.
BingoBoingo: Sign a message asserting that passing the balance between the two addresses fuctions as your warrant canary and GPG crypt the message to a few trusted parties that can release the signed doc if the behavior consituting the canary ceases
BingoBoingo: Why, because they aren't Apple who has the press gloss over "The canary died because it became unecessary, not because a warrant came to kill it"
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: The header text on the libressl.org page is part of the jpg with the pufferfish. If the warrant canary triggers the header text becomes comic sans is my reading of it.
assbot: and the libressl warrant canary is... you guessed it, comic sans. https://t.co/bx6nNNg6Tn http://t.co/uWLw8ao6nf
BingoBoingo: https://twitter.com/blakkheim/status/522162864409546753/photo/1 << LibreSSL's warrant canary
BingoBoingo: https://twitter.com/dannyyadron/status/515205493623898112 << Guess the apple warrant canary disappeared because... warrant
assbot: 5 results for 'warrant canary' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=warrant+canary
nubbins`: !s warrant canary
assbot: Apple's "Warrant Canary" Has Died - Slashdot
mats_cd03: http://apple.slashdot.org/story/14/09/18/2216222/apples-warrant-canary-has-died
mircea_popescu: "While Apple won't confirm it, the company has removed its warrant canary from its latest transparency report, issued this week. While this could mean that the company has received a new secret government order to provide user data, there is still another more likely possibility: it's not publishing warrant canaries at all."
BingoBoingo: http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2014/09/no-apple-probably-didnt-get-new-secret-govt-orders-to-hand-over-data/ << Apple's warrant canary disappears, No Big Deal is the report
BingoBoingo: http://meta.ath0.com/2014/05/30/truecrypt-warrant-canary-confirmed/