21 entries in 1.357s
a111: 19 results for "twinkle", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=twinkle
asciilifeform: !#s twinkle
mircea_popescu: then we can build twinkle at home.
felipelalli: asciilifeform, I didn't have too much time yet to explore this project and your work but I follow far with twinkle in my eyes. Congrats!
punkman: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/COvAcV9WgAAnepS.jpg:large that twinkle in his eye
assbot: Successfully updated the rating for davout from 2 to 3 with note: you wouldn't believe how this man makes the girlies eyes twinkle.
ben_vulpes: !rate davout 3 you wouldn't believe how this man makes the girlies eyes twinkle.
asciilifeform: for folks who liked the 'twirl/twinkle' thread
assbot: 11 results for 'TWINKLE' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=TWINKLE
asciilifeform: !s TWINKLE
asciilifeform: in 'twinkle', you just have a led in each and a phototransistor on top.
asciilifeform: for real life implementations of 'spaghetti sort', see adi shamir's 'twinkle' and 'twirl' machines.
mircea_popescu: there should not have existed a raspberry pi if apple had a twinkle of a clue.
asciilifeform: see TWINKLE and TWIRL
mircea_popescu: it's actually pretty good sarcasm, re twinkle.
asciilifeform: incidentally, 'there are no new ideas', etc. and this is but a minor generalization of shamir's TWINKLE/TWIRL
herbijudlestoids: asciilifeform: it is not a working TWINKLE :)
asciilifeform: http://www.ussrback.com/crypto/rsa/TWINKLE/twinkle.html
herbijudlestoids: i dunno what a twinkle is, but my name is sina, so close enough :P
asciilifeform: it depends on what the project is. if it's a lamecoin, it could be 10,000 schmucks. if it's a working TWINKLE, your name is shamir and they already know where you live.
ThickAsThieves: as a twinkle Peter's eye