12 entries in 0.829s

mircea_popescu: and the fascination of all the old "olympiad problems" in the books,
trains, what have you, is specifically this : "get people to come up with very COOL!!!! solutions"
a111: Logged on 2014-11-21 01:37 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform but in the same vein of "hard problems, if you're new here", you know the two
trains and
fly one im sure
mircea_popescu: the entire story of the "olympiad problems" (the
fly between
trains thing et al) is a fine indication of just how hard this sort of thing is, irl.
a111: Logged on 2014-11-21 01:38 mircea_popescu: well anyway : two
trains moving on the same track leave simultaneously 29 miles apart, one doing 5mph the other 7mp. a
fly caugh between them flies straight until it reaches a train then turns back and recurses, doing 9mph.
mircea_popescu: jurov you recall that story with the
trains and the
fly ?
decimation: the fact that bricks
fly at such
trains ought to be newsworthy
decimation: re: parasail < I've heard of incidents where pilots of parasails
fly too close to moving
trains. They get caught in the vortex and then crash
assbot: Logged on 21-11-2014 01:38:58; mircea_popescu: well anyway : two
trains moving on the same track leave simultaneously 29 miles apart, one doing 5mph the other 7mp. a
fly caugh between them flies straight until it reaches a train then turns back and recurses, doing 9mph.
mircea_popescu: well anyway : two
trains moving on the same track leave simultaneously 29 miles apart, one doing 5mph the other 7mp. a
fly caugh between them flies straight until it reaches a train then turns back and recurses, doing 9mph.
☟︎☟︎ mircea_popescu: asciilifeform but in the same vein of "hard problems, if you're new here", you know the two
trains and
fly one im sure