26 entries in 0.614s
asciilifeform: i only remember mark tarver's 'disappearing mozarts'
ben_vulpes: oh fascinating tarver wrote bipolar lisp programmer as well
a111: Logged on 2016-10-01 21:30 asciilifeform: the new tarver is instead a case of 'my sbcl-with-serial-number-filed-off-pays-my-mortgage, open sores suxx!111'
mircea_popescu: this is i think the first positive case of logrot due to idiots being idiots (tarver, in this case)
asciilifeform: the new tarver is instead a case of 'my sbcl-with-serial-number-filed-off-pays-my-mortgage, open sores suxx!111' ☟︎
asciilifeform: tarver had an open source crackpot lisp system for a decade or so, then quit in disgust, then opened some commercial thing
mircea_popescu: who is "mark tarver" anyway.
asciilifeform: jurov: unfortunately it was tarver, not i, who 'reductio ad microsoftium' -- literally! http://shenlanguage.org/professional.html << his turd requires winblows.
asciilifeform: on the other hand, if tarver - or anybody 'open source has failed!111' else - thinks that i am going to build anything whatsoever on top of his closed turd, he is smoking dope.
a111: 15 results for "tarver", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=tarver
asciilifeform: !#s tarver
ascii_butugychag: see tarver's 'mozard vanishes'
asciilifeform: this hammer hit me in the face the first time around (as a young man, when i had notions of actually making a living in that field, and recoiled in disgust, having encountered something quite similar to what is described in tarver's and moldbug's essays)
asciilifeform: ^ mark tarver
ascii_butugychag: iirc we had a few tarver threadz
assbot: 8 results for 'tarver' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=tarver
ascii_butugychag: !s tarver
ascii_butugychag: and this is tarver
asciilifeform: tarver wrote about this, i recall
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-06-2014#729349 << obligatory mark tarver thread ☝︎
the_scourge: that mark tarver article really resonated with me. that pretty much described me to a T.. and still does. it's actually why i ended up doing non-STEM degrees: there is no lack of boredom when you're lost in a library
asciilifeform: iirc tarver eventually gave up and went off to hell knows where.
the_scourge: asciilifeform: you know that mark tarver guy you linked to, are you familiar with his Qi and Chen languages?
asciilifeform: ^ tarver does not shit gold, not all necessarily worth reading
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: other screeds by tarver: http://www.lambdassociates.org/blog
asciilifeform: ;;google tarver decline and fall