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ben_vulpes: oh fascinating
tarver wrote bipolar lisp programmer as well
a111: Logged on 2016-10-01 21:30 asciilifeform: the new
tarver is instead a case of 'my sbcl-with-serial-number-filed-off-pays-my-mortgage, open sores suxx!111'
mircea_popescu: this is i think the first positive case of logrot due to idiots being idiots (
tarver, in this case)
the_scourge: that mark
tarver article really resonated with me. that pretty much described me to a T.. and still does. it's actually why i ended up doing non-STEM degrees: there is no lack of boredom when you're lost in a library
the_scourge: asciilifeform: you know that mark
tarver guy you linked to, are you familiar with his Qi and Chen languages?