600+ entries in 0.011s
mp_en_viaje: the iranis don't wanna be the most lulzily vulnerable group to such things, how about they a) start sucking cock thrice a day and b) get some people under 50 involved in their lemon party.
mp_en_viaje: and what sense does this make, the us is so way the fuck behind in biotech it could just as well be eritreea, but it nevertheless infected the heartland of chinese manufacture, notwithstanding that the chines aren't quite as backward nor is that place so easily accessible [as others would have been] just to get to some utterly obscure and very deeply isolated community of predictably self-selected geriatrics ?
mp_en_viaje: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-03-06#1959020 << a shred command is a command, ie, a user space program. a kernel call is a kernel call. i don't care how it is exposed ; i deeply care the kernel isn't ~built around it~.
ossabot: Logged on 2020-03-06 14:29:53 jfw: mp_en_viaje: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-03-05#1958950 - still worked, though that was on a musl gawk, perhaps it's special in a sufficiently different way. I don't have a drepper box around with that much disk atm. I'll believe it once blew up in some environment though.
mp_en_viaje: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-03-06#1959015 << i think gawk doesn't actually have this problem. i tend not to use it because of all the networking bs.
diana_coman: and sure, one can still branch (effectively on the manifest file), but again, I don't see the situation where the leaves are not obvious even in a huge tree.
diana_coman: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-03-06#1959017 - if you mean the branches from before the manifest was introduced in that specific tree, it's not that much "with a manifest" really; but in any case, regardless of how many leaves there are, they are still obvious enough in a tree text dump so that I don't think it's needed separately as such.
jfw: mp_en_viaje: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-03-05#1958950 - still worked, though that was on a musl gawk, perhaps it's special in a sufficiently different way. I don't have a drepper box around with that much disk atm. I'll believe it once blew up in some environment though.
ossabot: Logged on 2020-03-06 04:08:24 mp_en_viaje: billymg, http://trilema.com/2020/our-democracy-or-rather-mostly-theirs/#comment-147687 << you know, i actually live in costa rica, i ain't going anywhere. what http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-03-03#1958805 means is that i'll be in costa rica till late may, and then from june onwards ; it's true i've lived 11 months in 33 or some shit euro towns, but that was a brief interruption as these things go -- be
mp_en_viaje: http://archive.is/7LwE5 << not that the other side is any better. imagine, all the "socially well adjusted" morons who can't add managed to re-do the same trite nonsense 50000 times, NOT ONE thinking to mention... i dunno, any of the self-obvious points, from "it depends on what is is" and onwards.
diana_coman: ahaha, that's the list of "we didn't push, they just jumped"?
ossabot: Logged on 2020-03-03 12:40:10 mp_en_viaje: jfw, well, i plan on maybe going to rio late may ; other than that i'll be mostly around. pick a day, i don't specifically care which and it doesn't make any sense for you to try and coordinate with large groups at large distances -- if indeed there's a gathering you can take the hourish trip down again, at the considerable cost to you of a lunch out or w/e it is.
mp_en_viaje: billymg, http://trilema.com/2020/our-democracy-or-rather-mostly-theirs/#comment-147687 << you know, i actually live in costa rica, i ain't going anywhere. what http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-03-03#1958805 means is that i'll be in costa rica till late may, and then from june onwards ; it's true i've lived 11 months in 33 or some shit euro towns, but that was a brief interruption as these things go -- before that i lived in cr
mp_en_viaje: bvt, i think a large part of it is that indeed this tool is evoloving ; and has been, but deliberately under the specific sort of pressurte, which comes with usage. you're not under some great weight of "having to get it perfectly & forever right" now, just as mod6 or ben_vulpes or anytone else wasn't 3 years ago.
mp_en_viaje: so you don't like lexis texas... fine, take her out. you wanna put eleni mitzali there instead ? fine, copy/paste it in, or instead. or change the order, or whatever the fuck. it's your fucking file. what the fuck.
ossabot: Logged on 2020-02-21 01:58:17 mircea_popescu: jfw, tell mom to come in sometime, i wouldn't mind commissioning ru versions of some trilema articles from ye 30year veteran editor of the executive intelligence review.
ossabot: Logged on 2020-03-04 10:38:48 mp_en_viaje: aaand in "other questions nobody [was smart enough to have] asked of me" : "hey mp, why do you always cat file | awk ? isn't it awkward ? don't you know awk can load its own file directly by itself ?"
jfw: perhaps there is in any language of interest, but won't be the same comment
jfw: mp_en_viaje: well a signature can't sign itself, yes? so there is some transformation from clearsigned file to hash input.
diana_coman: well, the pics I really wish I had would cover the '80s rather, so dunno; but anyway, since can't take them in past, might as well take them when there next, what else to do.
mp_en_viaje: "people shouldn't lie" "motherfucker, I WAS TELLING A STORY!!!" what, "nevertheless!!!" what is this, jeffersonian democracy ?
dorion: yeah, let them talk, watch them do and don't let what they say really affect what you do.
mp_en_viaje: if i do check it out, and in a week return, "bitch, i know five guys that've done you" she'll ask me "so ?" and if i go "you lied" she'll leave because "you're a fucking idiot". she has a point, doesn't she.
mp_en_viaje: right. one day i met a girl, we fucked, then she told me i am her third. this happens ; what do i care ? i didn't refrain from anything until her claim checked out (nor did i bother checking), what difference does it possibly make.
dorion: I didn't mean it as how I treat them, but what my expectations are.
mp_en_viaje: doesn't even have to be as harsh as all that. literature is not history nor history literature ; no ought yet flew from any is, in other words... you recall bacon ?
dorion: mp_en_viaje discount what they say until they've executed on an offer ? act as if the check isn't going to cash until it does.
mp_en_viaje: the other's illustrated in glengarry glenn ross, "I want to show you something. It might mean nothing to you...and it might not. I don't know. I don't know anymore. What is that? Florida. Glengarry Highlands. Florida. "Florida. Bullshit." And maybe that's true; and that's what I said: but look here: what is this? This is a piece of land. Listen to what I'm going to tell you now:"
ossabot: Logged on 2020-02-19 21:23:42 mircea_popescu: "literate" veals, very capable of scribbling their own name in an alphabet of their choice (somehow nobody notices "using an alphabet of your own choice" is THE OPPOSITE OF SPELLING, and the exact definition of illiteracy -- all the fucking farmhands who can't read or write COULD scribble something down, anyone can screech random squgg;lies, with a shovel in a pile of dirt, with their own piss on driven snow, f
mp_en_viaje: aaand in "other questions nobody [was smart enough to have] asked of me" : "hey mp, why do you always cat file | awk ? isn't it awkward ? don't you know awk can load its own file directly by itself ?"
mp_en_viaje: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-03-02#1958772 << in retrospect, i suspect maybe you don't take my meaning.
whaack: mp_en_viaje: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-03-01#1958708 Apologies, I had responded to this without having +v and didn't realize the message didn't go through. (thankfully jfw pointed out I had missed the msg) I'm in Playa Junquillal, a beach in Guanacaste (the nearest city is Santa Cruz) . It's pretty close to billymg's location. I am game for the 28th.
billymg: mp_en_viaje: i didn't mean to invite myself to anything though, if it was meant to be only for a smaller group i'm happy to wait until called upon
jfw: I admit I haven't seen.
mp_en_viaje: jfw, well, i plan on maybe going to rio late may ; other than that i'll be mostly around. pick a day, i don't specifically care which and it doesn't make any sense for you to try and coordinate with large groups at large distances -- if indeed there's a gathering you can take the hourish trip down again, at the considerable cost to you of a lunch out or w/e it is.
dorion apologizes that wasn't asked 3 weeks ago.
ossabot: Logged on 2020-01-14 08:58:52 mircea_popescu: i will want a full release ready to go concomitantly, so if your client isn't liable to be around then maybe deed it prior.
mp_en_viaje: mod6, i didn't end up in costa rica by accident, you know ?
mp_en_viaje: trinque, the problem with your proposal is that the article isn't yet loaded at that point.
mp_en_viaje: i don't think you understand ; costa rica is austin in march/april 12 months a year.
billymg: trinque: i haven't looked closely enough at it yet to say but i will check out get_header and see if i can get it working that way. ty for the lead on that
trinque: mp_en_viaje: I might be able to travel in summer, don't mind the mugginess as long as there's beach.
BingoBoingo: mp_en_viaje: Thank you. I've been making progress fitting more of the tools in my hand and building with them. diana_coman is working me on how to plan, re-examining my relationship with time and how I budget it, and grounding myself in practicality. I've surrendered to diana_coman's mastery and the breaches in my head aren't completely closed yet, but I'm surrendered and working her program.
diana_coman: mp_en_viaje: thank you and no worries at all; I hope I didn't come across as not wanting to visit either, it's more the 12+ hours travel one way that gives me pause.
mp_en_viaje: diana_coman, i hope it doesn't come across as any kind of disinterest or noninviting. i very much would like to do more steaks, but i don't want to produce an obligation.
mp_en_viaje: then if people don't use the proper linking thing and the dysfunctional js one becomes too entrenched we'll be stuck with it forever and so on and so forth.
mp_en_viaje: i practically have the choice of either publishing a screamingly offensive non-patch in november of 2019, or else wait until there's a place to meaningfully add it as a patch ; which necessarily is stalled on "what the fuck is the correct cut for themes, cuz it seems evident it isn't what's now done", which in turn rests on a half dozen or so more nodes that are all further away from what is actually being worked now.
trinque: I don't have w/e patch improves the quoting mechanism apparently
trinque: if there isn't currently an answer, I'll host the patches.
mp_en_viaje: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema-hanbot/2020-02-17#1001392 << you can't be serious ?! how's about say cat ? | grep http | sed 's/http/\nhttp/g' | grep ^http | sed 's/\(^http[^ <]*\)\(.*\)/\1/g'
mp_en_viaje: i don't recall where's included that picture with the 12yo boy looking angry from under an abundance of spurious shaving cream, but anyways.
mp_en_viaje: "Filozofii Regi si Parlamentul Perfect - Also Sprach Zamolxis" how do you like them apples! gnat can't survive a decade, mouthfulla big ticket items, philosophers, kings, why the hell not.
diana_coman can't find ofc the article on own blog though I think I did write it.
mp_en_viaje: the costa ricans wanted to know whether i visited china, iran or korea in the interval. i wanted to know how they arrived at the list. they wanted to know if i don't watch the news or what's my problem.
diana_coman: re flu it's all right, I'm sure there's plenty of advice and "we'll take care of it" everywhere, except I never quite bother to look and it didn't seem to make any difference
diana_coman: mp_en_viaje: the lanky blonde whores don't seem to be native to cr, lol
mp_en_viaje: can't even put into words the "how come", it's just simply that everyone in costa rica is stupid naturally and only to the extension it can't be helped,
deedbot: dorion rated lobbes 5 << he owns auctionbot and isn't afraid to punch above his weight. writes at krankendenken.com
deedbot: dorion rated mircea_popescu 9 << the part of you that doesn't like what he says is probably the part holding you back. long history of protecting the intelligent from idiots. MPEx/S.MPOE ; trilema.com ; go, read.
billymg: from your travelog articles it seems like europe is not much different from usia in terms of cultural decay, i.e. the sysco food, the hipsters and their oh-so-cool detachment, the clerks with their "i'm sorry, we can't do that, it's the 'policy'"
ossabot: Logged on 2020-02-28 01:24:04 mp_en_viaje: talking about later tell, it seems the only practical usage actually is to annoy people : either they do read the log, in which case it's spurious, or else they don't read the log, in which case it doesn't do anything useful.
mp_en_viaje: i can't be arsed to drag out where in the log this point was made for ignoramus asciilifeform 's benefit, HEY, JUSTIFY PRICES LIKE CIVILISED PEOPLE,
mp_en_viaje: ully detached from it -- so if the person doesn't read that day's log, they miss out on that day's log, necessarily including the point in question.
mp_en_viaje: i guess as a concept it harkens back from an olden time, when people were comparatively more superficially equipped and more superficially involved ; today the proper avenue for making a timeline-breaching note on some topic is a comment the person's blog (and if they don't have one that'd cotextually-support the concern then "person" who ?) ; whereas non-timeline-breaching points obviously belong in their day's log context, as they can't be meaningf
mp_en_viaje: so i dunno, maybe we don't even want it as such ?
mp_en_viaje: i also tried out a subsidiary "send notes to self on main nick" putative utility a while back, didn't actually pan out irl.
mp_en_viaje: talking about later tell, it seems the only practical usage actually is to annoy people : either they do read the log, in which case it's spurious, or else they don't read the log, in which case it doesn't do anything useful.
mp_en_viaje: yes, indeed. asciilifeform has a whole lot of those. can sure take more -- the overwhelming abundance to date hasn't bothered anything, so definitely could double, triple, infinite-etc.
mod6: Anyway, I haven't even eaten today. So I'm gonna head out.
mp_en_viaje: or what exactly is the idea, erryone's gonna be so fucking impressed with the whole "oh, you know what, ye olde bitcoin has, among its many race conditions, one where you can dos it by getblock spam" that we'll just move right back on to 2015 ? it ain't ever gonna be 2015 again, make a blog, find a master, do some work AS THEY DIRECT YOU, and so on.
mod6: bvt: et, al. Still testing/debugging. Tried an experimental vpatch, didn't work. Going to make some changes and continue on. Here's the latest logs for the curious: http://www.mod6.net/wedger/mod6_wedger_test2.log http://www.mod6.net/wedger/trb_debug_wedgerpy_test2.log
mod6: When alf alerted about this wedge on the 22nd, I was quick to point out this wave of stuff that I don't typicaly see.
mp_en_viaje: bvt, don't feel too bad, this is a massive problem owing to the insanity of the gearbox involved. the vast majority of historically observed wedges were never reproduced
ossabot: Logged on 2020-02-24 00:32:40 mp_en_viaje: so no, you didn't do any research. you used your tv to read webistes, they used their tv to watch soccer games. both are the exact same activity -- leisurable passtimes. gringo pomous nonsense where you think they're niggers and you also think you're god's chosen and therefore their masturbation is jacking off while your masturbation is "research" is a (rather offensive, at that) religious belief of very little th
mp_en_viaje: o wait wait, it's "i don't have to actually do, because [http://thewhet.net/2017/01/feminine-exceptionalism/?b=The%20follow&e=The%20following%20is%20a[n%20attempt%20at]%20translation%20of%20the%20Trilema%20piece%20Exceptionalismul%20feme#select][i am worth]", i recall beating speshul cuntlets black and blue over the same delusionary approach, yes, yes, certainly.
mp_en_viaje: how did you end up with this batshit insane not to mention riotously ridiculous notion you're worth two shits, anyways ?! don't fucking tell me research, hein!
ossabot: Logged on 2020-02-19 21:23:42 mircea_popescu: "literate" veals, very capable of scribbling their own name in an alphabet of their choice (somehow nobody notices "using an alphabet of your own choice" is THE OPPOSITE OF SPELLING, and the exact definition of illiteracy -- all the fucking farmhands who can't read or write COULD scribble something down, anyone can screech random squgg;lies, with a shovel in a pile of dirt, with their own piss on driven snow, f
mp_en_viaje: value (its practical value as "protestantism" ie, "we don't need to learn proper latin, let the scripture be translated in vernacular" notwithstanding)
mp_en_viaje: so no, you didn't do any research. you used your tv to read webistes, they used their tv to watch soccer games. both are the exact same activity -- leisurable passtimes. gringo pomous nonsense where you think they're niggers and you also think you're god's chosen and therefore their masturbation is jacking off while your masturbation is "research" is a (rather offensive, at that) religious belief of very little theological
hanbot_abroad: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-02-23#1958451 << i don't know of many US-driven notions as major in their time or as utterly forgotten by now as this chautauqua thing --at least nominally; ultralame "community"-ing still pushed as a thing by descendants of the same lamers, but the name's entirely absent.
lobbes: I hadn't pulled the crank it some time but just did now; it'll attempt snarf all links the bot has seen since dec 24th (probably will take about 2 hours to run I'd say)
BingoBoingo: mp_en_viaje: Beyond the old, I've got some scribblings on William Torrwy Harris, Anna Bracket, the failure of "St. Louis Normal School/Harris-Stowe State College" that aren't very organized at present. Harris and Bracket have some essays on the intentionally severing children's connections to the real world to better shape them into
mod6: jfw: I don't have any information regarding what miners of any size are currently running.
ossabot: Logged on 2020-02-21 16:55:04 jfw: Indeed mom taught me the English cases (though perhaps not the fucking cases) and sentence trees while the sixth grade did not; and I remember grandma taught me handwriting exercises that the second grade couldn't be bothered with
jfw: Indeed mom taught me the English cases (though perhaps not the fucking cases) and sentence trees while the sixth grade did not; and I remember grandma taught me handwriting exercises that the second grade couldn't be bothered with
mircea_popescu: jfw, tell mom to come in sometime, i wouldn't mind commissioning ru versions of some trilema articles from ye 30year veteran editor of the executive intelligence review.
mircea_popescu: the notion of trees as an approach to human knowledge is such alien mp-arcana not because mp came up with anything, but because everyone else failed 6th grade, can't take sentence produce the grammatical tree therein.
jfw: np. Gotta run for now - this bitcoin signing code isn't going to cut itself.
mircea_popescu: what the fuck "long time computer users" ? we're using periphrases for humanity now ? the fucking cows don't belong in computing already.
mircea_popescu: oddly i can't find havng discussed that whole pile of unicode breakage in the logs -- though i'm pretty sure i said something on multiple occasions.
mircea_popescu: it's quite obvious, incidentally, perusing the collection of liberated rats, that the walls are rather in their way. if there weren't all these things they practically speaking stole from other people (through the complicity of father time, not through some sort of effort on their part) being in the way, if it weren't the case they lack both the drive and the equipment to tear them down, it's rather self-obvious watchin
mircea_popescu: neways. the cows have enough sense to find their own house, but only if the gate hasn't been changed recently -- the village cattle minder just takes them to the end of the village as the air turns dusky, and they on their own time sorta lumber towards the respective storage units
mircea_popescu: "literate" veals, very capable of scribbling their own name in an alphabet of their choice (somehow nobody notices "using an alphabet of your own choice" is THE OPPOSITE OF SPELLING, and the exact definition of illiteracy -- all the fucking farmhands who can't read or write COULD scribble something down, anyone can screech random squgg;lies, with a shovel in a pile of dirt, with their own piss on driven snow, fingerpain
jfw: http://archive.is/ghjcb << my reply to musl, couldn't resist rubbing in a bit more salt.
deedbot: hanbot updated rating of asciilifeform from 3 to -1 << For all his pretensions to personhood, this guy actually needed me to save him from a hotel bill he couldn't handle as he was too stupid, neglectful, or both, to check out on his own. Years later he's decided to keep raging against acquiring basic skills by attempting to tarnish those who tried to help him. In a word, the ficklest friend I ever thought I had.
diana_coman: well, they are certainly stuck to "resolve" through pretense of one sort or another; whether that is the easiest pretense or not doesn't even matter all that much, it's more like a forced move really, what *else* are they going to do since they rule out entirely addressing the root cause?
mircea_popescu: for some reason these couldn't be further apart in the romanian mind.
mircea_popescu: ahahaha. the guy's name is topescu with a tz, like in https://dexonline.ro/definitie/țoapă ; not with a plain t like in to melt.
hanbot_abroad: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-02-18#1958312 << wait, wouldn't this family name be "melter"?
jfw: trinque: hm, I thought you had implemented selection there but doesn't appear working.