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mircea_popescu: but i hope that she's regarding her death with the requisite superior detachement, feigned as it may be. "well... that didn't whelm!"
diana_coman: it must be because she didn't use unicode.
mircea_popescu: rade, as part of being independent liberated woman etc -- as a colt she wished something or the other re "oualelor de paste" which is an impossible construction derived off romanian ou ie egg by someone who doesn't understand how difficult genitives form. so she was celebrated for an april in song and lulz
mircea_popescu: incidentally, cristina topescu died recently, as in, over xmas (this was the daughter of just such a wonder, the ONLY romanian sports commenter, one cristian topescu. socialist romania had one of everything, you knew what panties the girl has on before looking and you knew who was gonna narrate the game on the radio while you're looking). the chick was only famous for once on tv -- because hey, she followed the famlby t
jfw lmao, was trying to figure out if it was over or under that he wasn't whelmed
mircea_popescu: at least the original soviets had the werewithal to laugh at it on their own power, didn't need foreign polyglots to "not whelm" by pointing and laughing.
jfw: mircea_popescu: not sure what you mean, I don't think clooney's involved
mircea_popescu: i don't particularly care if you put a "you're beautiful today" motd in your libc. but i also can't use such a libc, so i'll have to fork it if i want to use it. which is the whole point here.
mircea_popescu: tecuane, your notion of what words mean is inadequate. you can't "look up a word" in this sense, because natural languages do not admit strict equivalency.
mircea_popescu: a polyglot is someone who speaks multiple languages. this state doesn't take the "expert" tag.
mircea_popescu: i've not seen it in good code. i don't mean recently, i mean ever.
jfw: I at least haven't written a class except as required for Python exceptions in years
mircea_popescu: look, race doesn't enter into it.
ossabot: Logged on 2020-02-18 15:58:41 ossabot: Logged on 2020-02-04 22:40:07 mircea_popescu: jfw, re the whole musl & locales issue, it might be an idea to signal to them, "look, we use musl, and we don't think this is a good idea". irrespective of whether it does anything, at least that way they can't say they didn't realise "unanimity" is hallucinated etc.
mircea_popescu: i don't expect much happening in that sense. if you bury the dead rather than let them rot under the bird-ladden sky, what happens ?
ossabot: Logged on 2020-02-04 22:40:07 mircea_popescu: jfw, re the whole musl & locales issue, it might be an idea to signal to them, "look, we use musl, and we don't think this is a good idea". irrespective of whether it does anything, at least that way they can't say they didn't realise "unanimity" is hallucinated etc.
ossabot: Logged on 2020-02-17 23:08:08 mircea_popescu: i get it, you're a nice fellow and would like for things to be good and work out. nothing wrong with that. you wanna help along with the things, excellent. the prompter's at "get the few who actually seem like they could have something intelligent to say on the topic to comment on the proposed spec ; an' help mp figure out why they don't apparently naturally want to ; but without going out of what he's doing, s
ossabot: Logged on 2020-02-17 23:07:57 mircea_popescu: wth do you even represent the eventual world-equivalent of your word usage to be ? two weeks hence mod6 shows up with a working drop-in replacement for an intricate, specialist piece of machinery that happens to be built with skills he doesn't have by an advanced programmer he isn't on a worldview he doesn't share ?
dorion: a reason I read the logs w/o talking was that very "try and figure out how to conduct myself such that the others don't puke." as I had puked myself reading the various douchebags.
mircea_popescu: perhaps the best model to inform this issue'd be the western cowbody brought to boston, or any other such savage-in-london rapturous moments. well... do you suppose heaven has a stiff learning curve ? how to conduct yourself such as all the others there don't throw up ?
mircea_popescu: imagine by the way what serious problems the concept of heaven actually poses to people. what do they do there all day ? well, conceivably, IF indeed they do something, if haven's something besides hell under another name (the problem with hell self-evidently ain't "the fire", but THE BOREDOM) they conceivably do something. yet... what ? likely not anything driven or inspired by "the flesh", which leaves... what does it
ossabot: Logged on 2020-02-17 09:37:40 diana_coman: maybe I'm not fully getting the idea of the manifest file here but my current understanding is that it's a record of the history and as such I really don't see any case where something gets deleted from it - at most it gets branched from a previous version but that's still an added line to (a previous version of) the manifest file.
mircea_popescu: r instance by speciffically calling them for it point blank. for some reason he didn't do that though he self-evidently could have, maybe there's a reason for that other than his being shy, such as perhaps that he doesn't wanna force march it, for which call there might in turn also be reasons and so on."
mircea_popescu: i get it, you're a nice fellow and would like for things to be good and work out. nothing wrong with that. you wanna help along with the things, excellent. the prompter's at "get the few who actually seem like they could have something intelligent to say on the topic to comment on the proposed spec ; an' help mp figure out why they don't apparently naturally want to ; but without going out of what he's doing, such as fo
mircea_popescu: whenever it's bois freedom afternoon at the household of whatever chick owns his sorry ass, half hour sunday while she's out with her friends or w/e, and then drops random offensive nonsense that doesn't actually go with anything but it's nevertheless the best he could get to in the limited time and with the limited involvement his owner permits.
mircea_popescu: wth do you even represent the eventual world-equivalent of your word usage to be ? two weeks hence mod6 shows up with a working drop-in replacement for an intricate, specialist piece of machinery that happens to be built with skills he doesn't have by an advanced programmer he isn't on a worldview he doesn't share ?
diana_coman: maybe I'm not fully getting the idea of the manifest file here but my current understanding is that it's a record of the history and as such I really don't see any case where something gets deleted from it - at most it gets branched from a previous version but that's still an added line to (a previous version of) the manifest file.
diana_coman: bvt: why does your vpatch cancel a line from the manifest? To my mind this doesn't quite make sense - if you want to revert to a previous point, that means simply branching the tree from a previous node so using *that* manifest, doesn't it?
spyked: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-02-14#1958099 <-- sounds great actually, the "pitiable ancestry" interpretation didn't occur to me until diana_coman mentioned it. but it still misses a connection to the "du-te-n ..." expression
feedbot: http://thetarpit.org/2020/nu-te-mai-preocupa-esti-vai-de-mortii-tai << The Tar Pit -- Linguistic ruminations on the connection between dead relatives and how "the people" aren't worth two shits; and other urban subcultural considerations
feedbot: http://trilema.com/2020/the-great-buck-howard-aint-letting-me-sleep/ << Trilema -- The Great Buck Howard ain't letting me sleep.
mircea_popescu: everything that exists is easily gone. rome sits on karstic hills, a guatemala-style sinkhole could have opened up and swallowed it 600 cubits underearth at any point. it didn't, which is besides the point in this discussion.
diana_coman: mircea_popescu: in 2 words, easily gone; only yest freenode was in full blown idiocy with all those parts, not like it can't decide one day to further idiocy.
diana_coman: mircea_popescu: hm, perhaps I can see the "retreat" as that ie why not cooperate with the rest so that maybe one does x and another y and so on; rather than each tarabostes-style; but otherwise, I don't think there was much *else* to do.
diana_coman: I suppose I should rather be grateful that they are dead and so don't get to see indeed how it is there, really.
diana_coman: mircea_popescu: do you mean it's not the effect of the Dark ages but the cause? I don't quite see it tbh.
diana_coman: and what truly gets me is this memory (that doesn't even seem to be just mine alone/specific to me) of that great-grandfather who hung on to life just to get to ask the guy coming back from the first trip to the US "how is it there,really?"
mircea_popescu: not that hanbot_abroad doesn't make >50% of all the sushi we eat by now, but holy hell
mircea_popescu: pretty much certain it's what got ceausescu shot, in the end, a hundred thousand people with a thousand memories each of "my friend Q, place W, year R ; my friend T, place Y, year U" and so on.
mircea_popescu: but by now, "the west" is exactly in that fucking position, "oh, this is the pizzeria, you can't have some pizza, oh that was the steakhouse where i was gonna take my friend as he was leaving, well... there was a queue so we ended up not going, that'll be our memory of our parting in year Z, how we were gonna but didn't because the regime is a piece of shit"
mircea_popescu: it couldn't be, in 1985 cluj, a case of "come meet me at X for Y". it always had to be "[unless they're out]" as a coda. unless theyre's a [too long] queue, etcetera.
mircea_popescu: whaack, you did produce grammatically correct trash. i can readily see whence the temptation comes, but what you have to take on faith (lacking as of yet the capacity to for yourself distinguish) is that the various "similarily looking" trilema articles substantially aren't at all similar.
diana_coman: well, they are very good at pretense otherwise so they can ...pretend they haven't found anything, right? what is this, half-assed pretense only?
mircea_popescu: there isn't actually any shortage. the world outside the gates is actually so intractably boring & pointless, it's pretty much necessarily as well as universally the case 100% of all available activity will pour into the republic.
diana_coman: myeah, I know; I admit that one hand I really didn't believe anyone was so dedicated to my chan and on the other hand I also did not quite grok the extent of disconnect that people can somehow live with.
mircea_popescu: mmm, a yeah, that was on the list wasn't it.
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: I don't know that absolute or relative bigness is a necessity for exhausting Italians.
mircea_popescu: survived the italians which are totally european, didn't survive the redditards, which are just as totally european as the redditalians
BingoBoingo: I don't know that they even impress each other. Too solipsistic, they seem to just be trying to win tourmament markets that don't even have prizes.
mircea_popescu: i dunno who the fuck it's supposed to even fool ; then again, apparently the last people to have ever had any money, taste, sense or experience died with the millenium. so i guess the fucktards impress each other. it's gotta be, because otherwise the insanity is inexplicable enough -- it's fucking evident they don't ENJOY any of it, protestations to the contrary notwithstanding (or rather, pleading against their case)
mircea_popescu: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c8/Avishai_Cohen_2015.jpg/1024px-Avishai_Cohen_2015.jpg << and then the objectionable jewtard himself. how fucking hard could you even be trying, judas fucking christ, with the faux beard and everything, they don't know what a cabotine is in the new york jewish community ?
diana_coman: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-02-06#1957921 - thanks; re that hook, I haven't seen it really and I doubt it exists as such; thinking of it, it's more likely to be something of a side effect again of how the water plane, terrain and character sprite interact; for the time being I'll let it be as it doesn't seem a high priority really.
mircea_popescu: jfw, re the whole musl & locales issue, it might be an idea to signal to them, "look, we use musl, and we don't think this is a good idea". irrespective of whether it does anything, at least that way they can't say they didn't realise "unanimity" is hallucinated etc.
mircea_popescu: but in general, if you can't be arsed to read my blog, you're cordially invited to get the fuck lost and in no case pretend like you're using my patches.
mircea_popescu: ain't gonna ever happen, the republic's the republic for reasons.
mircea_popescu: and secondly, the rpublic isn't intended to work this way. you're supposed to hear about the patches you hear about. you aren't happy with the patches you hear about, make better friends.
mircea_popescu: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-02-03#1957857 << two problems. firstly, how about you just use the rss feeds / feedbot for this purpose. and if you're unhappy with the waterhose, ask the people who do it to maybe make a special category or tag ? and if they don't, consider that maybe this means ~[http://thewhet.net/2020/02/the-basilikon-doron-or-royal-gift-a-constitutional/?b=Assume%20problems&e=head#select][you
mircea_popescu: so do not ye worry "the gardener may miss one". really, the walflowers aren't even worth pissing on if they were on fire.
mircea_popescu: i really don't think the known failures of the "engineer" mindset need any encouragement. this whole "i'll overwhelm my horrible idiocy with supposedly worthy deeds" nonsense has little space left to frolic in.
mircea_popescu: i don't get the logic whereby anything is ~wanted~ of someone who "disappeared completely"
mod6: Ok, I saw this in January, I may need to re-read it, but on first pass I didn't gather that this would do what I needed it to do.
mod6: Now the idea to make a bot that would somehow interact with blogs, is an idea I hadn't thought of before.
mod6: Now, I've thought that over a bit; the first thing that came to mind was deedbot. However, I think that deedbot probably isn't the right place for developer doodles. Plus, each one costs actual money.
mod6: I find it fairly easy to go and dig stuff up in there if I need to do so. I tried to stand it back up, several times, in fact, since it's home on Pizarro went down. But I haven't been successful there. Upon speaking to jurov about it, he suggested instead that we create a bot for this purpose instead.
mod6: asciilifeform_whogaveblox << I'm more open to comments on this one too, I don't see a big issue with it being in the tree. I'm also using this one in a test environment (for quite some time now). Haven't seen any issues with it at this time. It would need a simple regrind. Can do it this month as well.
jfw: Re item 4, why is a bot needed for vpatch submission? Don't blogs already cover all the aspects - publishing, commentary, discussion, referencing, notification? (Perhaps your article will clarify, in which case don't mind me.)
jfw: Not that I seriously think they *should* use those for all numbers, I can't see that being anything short of hideous given that it's C, manual memory management and all, "what do you mean you don't know how big the struct will be"
ossabot: Logged on 2019-02-17 10:03:36 mircea_popescu: "/* The count field we have in the main struct object is somewhat limited, but should suffice for virtually all cases. If the counted value doesn't fit, re-write a zero. The worst that happens is that we re-count next time -- admittedly non-trivial in that this implies some 2M fdes, but at least we function. */"
jfw: I don't see the 5mb of code fwiw; if you can have nested expressions anywhere, then you get hidden temporary variables, so in principle costs no more to allow them anywhere. That gets to the essential vs accidental complexity though, totally wouldn't surprise me to find 10k LoC in gcc dedicated to compound expressions in if-statements specifically.
mircea_popescu: on the contrary : the "terseness" supposedly achieved by if (a(x) > b(y) ) z sorta constructions is not merely standing on its own ; but it creates personal investments. now you can't comment your code, either, because you're so clever you saved five bytes of text at the cost of five megabytes of object code. so if you then write a sentence explaining wtf you did, well... you're a sucker now, aren't you!
mircea_popescu: this doesn't automatically mean EVERYTHING has now to be unwound, and so branches only on registers for computers and women kept in the gyneceum like ye olde greeks.
mircea_popescu: it doesn't even fucking save memory, the five bytes this'll save over a lifetime is dwarved by the five megabytes in extra libc needed to support the insanity
mircea_popescu: jfw, i honestly don't like evaluating ifs. there's really nothing gained, besides compiler weight.
jfw: lobbes: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-01-03#1956535 - doesn't work for me either: hightlights but doesn't jump to the right place. Looks like there's a stray <span id="select"> in the article source
ossabot: Logged on 2020-01-29 17:38:25 mircea_popescu: though honestly, i don't think there's any need (or for that matter any space) for "using the relationship" or anything like that.
mircea_popescu: if it wasn't really worth doing, it just seemed like it was at first -- all the better! now they know, and they can thereby move on to doing something actually worth doing.
mircea_popescu: given that they can benefit, they might or might not feel inclined to talk. that's your job, reducing the latter to the former. in principle most everyone's willing to venture some small ante, see how it goes, and go from there ; corner cases aren't particularly interesting.
mircea_popescu: if they are doing something, they necessarily can benefit -- if they can't, you're doing things wrong, and are cordially invited to change how you do them.
mircea_popescu: in the simplest of terms : whoever you might be meeting, either is doing something or isn't doing anything. if they're not doing anything you absolutely have no use for them, as the idiomatic expression -- there's no possible basis for any relationship, no cause to meet again, get lost dumbo.
mircea_popescu: though honestly, i don't think there's any need (or for that matter any space) for "using the relationship" or anything like that.
dorion: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-01-24#1957248 - lol, I can see it. a father can in large part be replaced by other positive male role models. I don't reckon cli has a substitute.
ossabot: Logged on 2020-01-24 23:49:03 mircea_popescu: the fundamental problems are that cli-iliteracy is a serious, life-changing disability. in terms of severity, blindness compares, deafness does not. obviously the afflicted are scarcely aware, but this doesn't mean they're not afflicted.
dorion: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-01-24#1957236 - ok, point taken and that for sure helps clarify. perhaps I didn't correctly infer what you meant by not wanting face to face to be feasible though.
ossabot: Logged on 2020-01-28 06:18:27 mircea_popescu: there's also the argument that the compiler's the arbiter of code, and if ~it~ doesn't complain then fuck you. but in any case i really am not advanced enough to have the impression i have something to say on that matter.
billymg: oh nm, so when selecting code to copy paste the 'iv' for a footnote isn't also included
mircea_popescu: also, i don't think it's intelligent to ban footnotes from code blocks necessarily.
mircea_popescu: i really don't give that much of a shit ; unless it starts getting in my way odds are i'll ignore it. this isn't even laziness or identity as much as actual political philosophy, and as such rather
billymg: mircea_popescu: also responded to your comment on the post just now, the regex matches content between both open and close delimiters so that's why only adding the / to the close was necessary. i.e. there can be as many [[ in the code as you want and it won't bother the matcher
BingoBoingo: mod6: I don't know that it's a big deal. I strongly suspect you are buying it at the reserve price.
mod6: I'm hoping that if I throw in a bid with my mod6_auction IRC registration for auction #1077, this won't be an issue.
diana_coman: visual separation via background or similar, sure; but why is more than that needed? (and I'm truly asking aka if indeed there's a good reason for it, fine; I just don't currently see the reason)
diana_coman: billymg: I don't get why is the code separated from the rest of the text as such; for one thing the test article there for instance did not work well at all on zoom in/out in my firefox
ossabot: Logged on 2020-01-28 15:04:59 mircea_popescu: the portion "$footnotes_options['superscript'] = (array_key_exists('superscript', $_" is visible on my browser. in order to actually see the "POST)) ? true : false;" portion of it, i'd have to scroll right. however, the right scrollbar is under line 413. if i scroll that far down, the topmost line is in the high 300s, meaning that i can't observe the effect scrolling right has upon line 149.
billymg: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-01-28#1957590 << ahh, i see what you mean. yes that block was particularly bad in the first version, mostly due to the insane default css tab-width setting. it's also something that i tend not to notice because i don't use the scrollbars themselves for scrolling (trackpad on a laptop instead)
mircea_popescu: the portion "$footnotes_options['superscript'] = (array_key_exists('superscript', $_" is visible on my browser. in order to actually see the "POST)) ? true : false;" portion of it, i'd have to scroll right. however, the right scrollbar is under line 413. if i scroll that far down, the topmost line is in the high 300s, meaning that i can't observe the effect scrolling right has upon line 149.
billymg: that probably wasn't the best example for "how to manually format your code to fit in the viewport", since the regex line still goes beyond the max column width, but i was mostly trying to make sure i understood what jfw meant by "language-aware indentation" from his editor
billymg: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2020-01-28#1957556 << seriously. i was ashamed at myself for how long i'd let it go on. completely wrapped up in the saltmines i deluded myself into thinking i didn't need it
mircea_popescu: and i think it's extensible : the same exact process should be applied to all code displayers ; it'll handle comments correctly by default, and people who don't like what it does to their code should write their code otherwise.
mircea_popescu: there's also the argument that the compiler's the arbiter of code, and if ~it~ doesn't complain then fuck you. but in any case i really am not advanced enough to have the impression i have something to say on that matter.
mircea_popescu: then again have you seen my/his (hey, if dumbass bois can be denoted by complex pronominal constructions of little sense and even less purpose, why can't i be my/his!!!!) bash kb+ one-liners ? the man's insane!