asciilifeform: lulzily, for some yrs i occasionally read his www, and all that time thought it was named for some obscure algo ( y'know, how there is 'ant-colony optimization', variant on simulatedannealing with multiple threads and 'pheromone trails' , imagined there is perhaps also a 'shtetl optimization'... )
asciilifeform: and by cheating in your wolf form, when larger (e.g., simulatedannealing, eldritch magic such as evolutionary compute, genetic algo, etc)
asciilifeform: he pictured originality in thought as something like the 'temperature' in a simulated-annealing
assbot: Logged on 19-02-2014 04:48:55; asciilifeform: of, you could say, insufficiently high temperature in the simulated-annealing sense.
asciilifeform: btw, anyone following the discussion who is unfamiliar with 'simulatedannealing' method of mathematical wizardry, should open a book and quickly become familiar
asciilifeform: your simulatedannealing turd won't converge, you'll sit & curse the gods