22 entries in 0.717s

mp_en_viaje: the whole point is to turn c into what it actually is -- a sort of javascript the niggers to
rakim'd in the head to use computers keep pissing out.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform i just can't grasp wtf is going on in the
rakim skulls.
mircea_popescu: anyway, but the above line re "consolidated into" is there to explain how exactly $item became shit : at time t0, there existed $item, and it was respectable. at time t1, misguided "pluralism" allowed a bunch of rank imbeciles, such as here typified by charles f wilson, to open $
rakim-and-his-black-chix-code, $faggots-fashion-law-review etcetera. then at time t2, the foregoing useless items "got consolidated" into $item. the
mircea_popescu: because
rakim is stuck bagging my compras for a fucking reason. and nobody asks him which way the world goes.
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes the notion that computers are mass market items are ridiculous. no,
rakim didn't want one in 1977 either.
mircea_popescu: fortunately
rakim has no say in setting the narrative.
mircea_popescu: ok, that inadiquet thing rules. "i need feminism because i am stupid and white. if i were black i'd need
rakim on a horse."
Rakim Malik Dupriest Mugshot -
Rakim Malik Dupriest Arrest - Marion County, OR
mircea_popescu: give
rakim a good job, i'll even return the nuke subs.
KRS1: north coast rappers I like: eric b.
rakim, jungle brothers, EPMD, Big Poppa, Slick Rick, MASE, Puff Daddy, JUST-ICE, KRS-One
ozbot: Eric B. &
Rakim - Follow The Leader - YouTube
mircea_popescu: i think if
rakim had the money for an imac
rakim would rent a souped up hummer limo for 24 hours.