17 entries in 0.509s
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: revisiting upstack -- i suspect that the decerebrated folx, are not aware of any such famine. google made the perfect fuffle for'em, the dildonic 'open comp' that offers 'fetish of power', go ahead and install linux etc.
asciilifeform: plankton, no bearing, no; folx with 'actual power' (i.e. coin) trading it 'for fetish of power' (usd in nyc) -- bearing.
mircea_popescu: "Of course the idea is to get rich-- which sounds like capitalism, if you're retarded, but observe the message that is being taught: that the necessary correlate to getting rich is to give all the capital to someone else. The power is traded for the fetish of power. That's not capitalism, it is madness, and apparently Davos and Randi think women especially will heart it."
asciilifeform: 'trade power for the fetish of power' (tm) (r) (tlp).
mircea_popescu: this "trade power for fetish of power so we can fit more shiny happy faux people on the marble" was bullshit since day one.
mircea_popescu: but i guess power is relatively unimportant, fetish of power is interesting!
asciilifeform: also typical 'suv' is 'fetish of power, not power'
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform the part where he's saying exactly " The power is traded for the fetish of power. That's not capitalism, it is madness, and apparently Davos and Randi think women especially will heart it." except he sounds like he means it.
mircea_popescu: <pete_dushenski> seriously, what leader of the free world ? he isn't the leader of his own backyard. <<< generally that's how this "civilisation" business works. you may have the fetish of power if and only if you abandon all power. serve the system as it were.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform yes, but the way this works isn't like the man in the iron mask. the way this works is to create a fetish of power. "why is X no longer Y ? how can Z become now Y ?" "it's the mask, stupid"
mircea_popescu: "The power is traded for the fetish of power. That's not capitalism, it is madness, and apparently Davos and Randi think women especially will heart it. "
trinque: in our "markets" the fetish of wealth, and in our courts and police stations the fetish of power
decimation: gee, I wonder if cash and the fetish of power changed his mind
mircea_popescu: power for fetish of power. that's hte point. they do not appreciate it specifically because it is exactly CONTRARY to what they wanted.
mircea_popescu: oh, some holdouts still don't wish to trade power for the fetish of power ? pretend like power doesn't even exist anymore!
mircea_popescu: ed on starting a business in order to sell the business to someone else. Of course the idea is to get rich-- which sounds like capitalism, if you're retarded, but observe the message that is being taught: that the necessary correlate to getting rich is to give all the capital to someone else. The power is traded for the fetish of power. That's not capitalism, it is madness, and apparently Davos and Randi think wom
mircea_popescu: bitstein re your hoarders article, you familiar with the power/fetish of power exchange and all that jazz ?