49 entries in 0.547s

diana_coman: asciilifeform, I get as I recalled this "[63939.499700]
pl2303 ttyUSB0: usb_serial_generic_read_bulk_callback - urb stopped: -32" but I don't see the others, hmm
diana_coman: a bit of reading on this famous
pl2303 does suggest all sorts of "hanging" issues but I haven't found anything clearly applicable so far
diana_coman: I would say it looks more and more like some issue with
pl2303 mod
a111: Logged on 2017-11-10 10:14 diana_coman: for the curious there are in fact 2 prolific-stamped documents describing
pl2303 and pl2303x; pl2303x seems to be a sort of upgrade to 64bits but why couldn't it be properly identified as distinct I don't know
shinohai: This kernel has the
pl2303 driver
a111: Logged on 2017-11-10 10:14 diana_coman: for the curious there are in fact 2 prolific-stamped documents describing
pl2303 and pl2303x; pl2303x seems to be a sort of upgrade to 64bits but why couldn't it be properly identified as distinct I don't know
diana_coman: for the curious there are in fact 2 prolific-stamped documents describing
pl2303 and pl2303x; pl2303x seems to be a sort of upgrade to 64bits but why couldn't it be properly identified as distinct I don't know
☟︎☟︎ a111: Logged on 2017-11-10 00:58 asciilifeform: it's a
pl2303 , ought to work ( though see diana_coman 's recent thread , on certain egregiously braindamaged linuxen there is a bug )
http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-10#1735788 <- I don't really see how it is linux' fault here; so prolific used to make the
pl2303 and old linux worked fine with it and still does; THEN they (or chinese cheap copies dunno) made a DIFFERENT thing pl2303x that has however the same serial id and everything so you can't distinguish between them before plugging them in pretty much; and so yes, old linux won't work because it sees it as
pl2303 whe
☝︎ diana_coman: asciilifeform, one can patch the kernel to work with both
pl2303 AND pl2303x; but otherwise yes, obv is obv, either actual serial port or otherwise finding a combo that works
diana_coman: asciilifeform, well, for various definitions of resolve; I'm satisfied that problem was as identified i.e. pl2303x vs
pl2303 a111: Logged on 2017-10-20 18:49 diana_coman: on the possibly enraging more digging turned out a known shit -difference between
pl2303 and pl2303x
a111: Logged on 2017-10-20 17:44 asciilifeform: i picked
pl2303 because it is the most afaik widely supported, but apparently not even it worx everywhere
diana_coman: "the pl2303x can be distinguished from a
pl2303 by checking bMaxPacketSize0 for device using lsusb -v -d 067b:2303; if bmaxpacketsize0 is 64 you probably have pl2303x"
diana_coman: on the possibly enraging more digging turned out a known shit -difference between
pl2303 and pl2303x
☟︎ diana_coman: hm, it sees it/reports it fine as far as I can tell;
pl2303 attached to ttyUSB0; ehci_hcd
trinque: ls /usr/src/linux/drivers/usb/serial/
pl2303.c ?
assbot: Amazon.com: NooElec
PL2303 USB to Serial (TTL) Module/Adapter with Female and Male Wiring Harnesses & Test Jumper. Compatible with Windows 98 through Windows 7; Mac OS 8 through OS X, Linux and Android!: Computers & Accessories ... (
http://bit.ly/1Fcekbo )