12 entries in 0.783s
asciilifeform: diana_coman: one painful way in which ic fab differs from softwarisms is that failure is ~very~ expensive. buggy proggy you can throw away, you lost a day or however long it took to write. buggy ic is a coupla 100k (usabux) in the hole.
mircea_popescu: one can throw away a good chunk of the domestic budget just dirtying all the pans, not quite enough material to make a meal but plenty enough to require a washing.
asciilifeform: sbcl is a pretty interesting example of one of those spiked pits, like e.g. gcc -- items to which there is no practical alternative except 'throw away the comp and build log cabin'. but asciilifeform does not have phf's deep historical view of sbcl/cmucl ; asciilifeform arrived into the spiked pit directly
a111: 4 results for "one to throw away", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=one%20to%20throw%20away
trinque: !#s one to throw away
ben_vulpes: the root of "build one to throw away"
adlai tries to refrain from wondering whether printability could be achieved faster thru "throw the first one away"ing
assbot: Logged on 12-09-2015 10:18:46; phf: ascii_field: mircea_popescu: go give ben_vulpes a unix and laptop co-designed with it, then he can throw away the crapple << there's three apples in my mind, 90s one, the early 2000s one when programmers migrated from linux to a unix that Just Works, and the post iphone explosion apple. the first two are dead (10.10 is the final reason i froze my setup and migrating my entire stack away). but my point is that
phf: ascii_field: mircea_popescu: go give ben_vulpes a unix and laptop co-designed with it, then he can throw away the crapple << there's three apples in my mind, 90s one, the early 2000s one when programmers migrated from linux to a unix that Just Works, and the post iphone explosion apple. the first two are dead (10.10 is the final reason i froze my setup and migrating my entire stack away). but my point is that maybe you guys are just arguin ☟︎
decimation: also some amusing reading: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/coroutines.html " One of the particular problems that often comes up is this: if you have a piece of code producing data, and another piece of code consuming it, which should be the caller and which should be the callee? ... In The Art of Computer Programming, Donald Knuth presents a solution to this sort of problem. His answer is to throw away the stack ...
assbot: Plan To Throw One Away ... ( http://bit.ly/1FL2S5K )
mircea_popescu: Chaaang-Noi you got people to throw their money away at a scam. he helped the community to come to its senses. you're the one in offsaid here, not him.