20 entries in 0.868s

BingoBoingo: Well, this router is the beefier
Octeon box.
TomServo: In other news, I noticed this blurb on the OpenBSD
octeon page today: "In June 2015 USB support was added which finally allowed installing to local disk on machines lacking a CF slot."
decimation: I don't see any updates on the openbsd
octeon port
BingoBoingo: decimation: I would use crt serial plugged into RJ port. I assume at the moment stripped means instructions as part of 64 are fucked because "
octeon" and no one cares for poor MPIS.
BingoBoingo: Fuck, asciilifeform not for the lack of fast, but for the defective. I've had
octeon suspicions like I have longsoon suspicions, but cock sucking mother fucker.