23 entries in 0.767s
mircea_popescu: a wait. linux mint === ubuntu.
a111: 20 results for "linux mint", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=linux%20mint
mircea_popescu: !#s linux mint
mod6: and when you say 'mint' you don't mean 'linux mint' right? just a *new/clean* ubuntu sys?
tb0t: Project: UCI, ID: 4, Type: F, Subject: Create UCI worker for Linux (Ubuntu, Debian, Mint, Fedora, Centos etc), Antecedents: , Notes: Worker should interface with kernel, execute all UCI commands, meter resource usage.
tb0t: Project: UCI, ID: 4, Type: F, Subject: Create UCI worker for Linux (Ubuntu, Debian, Mint, Fedora, Centos etc), Antecedents: , Notes: Worker should interface with kernel, execute all UCI commands, meter resource usage.
mircea_popescu: %add UCI F "Create UCI worker for Linux (Ubuntu, Debian, Mint, Fedora, Centos etc)" "Worker should interface with kernel, execute all UCI commands, meter resource usage."
mircea_popescu: %add UCI F "Create UCI worker for Linux (Ubuntu, Debian, Mint, Fedora, Centos etc)" "Worker should interface with kernel, execute all UCI commands, meter resource usage."
nubbins`: that's up there with linux mint serving up bogus ISOs
deedbot-: [Qntra] Linux Mint Server Compromised, Spread Malware - http://qntra.net/2016/02/linux-mint-server-compromised-spread-malware/
mod6: i'll put that in there. "Linux Mint, 13-14ish." :P
BingoBoingo: To build stator on "Linux Mint" and ubuntu like I had to first hunt down and install the compilers, because why would a *nix need to ship with compilers
BingoBoingo: Built on the Phreetop running linux Mint 17.1 (because lazy)
BingoBoingo building stator on HUGEfreetop. Just set freetop up with Linux Mint 17.1 because lazy
punkman: bitcoin RI compiled without errors on linux mint btw
BingoBoingo: Right, Linux Mint still comes with so many bolt ons and opaque Ubuntu heart.
BingoBoingo still reeling over last week's discovery that of all distros Linux Mint appears as though it will be a systemd holdout.
assbot: Linux Mint 18 Could Adopt Systemd - Softpedia ... ( http://bit.ly/1vneQUu )
BingoBoingo: So... of all people newbie distro Linux mint if holding off on any systemd for two years http://news.softpedia.com/news/Linux-Mint-18-Will-Probably-Adopt-Systemd-470364.shtml
assbot: The Linux Mint Blog » Blog Archive » Introducing the MintBox Mini ... ( http://bit.ly/18Cxltn )
STRML: mircea_popescu: working in linux mint as well, although I get a message about an invalid armor header
BingoBoingo: Maybe Linux mint debian edition. Alternately Scientific Linux.
Chaang-Noi: toffoo can it run linux well, thinkinga bout buying one and loading on mint 14