14 entries in 1.015s

if you're
reading it,
it's for you a111: Logged on 2017-11-20 09:59 mircea_popescu:
if these kinds of non-items, memetic prions are anywhere in your mental space,
you're suffering, from a disease. "
if you're
reading it,
it's for you", and
it's for you because
you've already got a heavy load of misfolded protein.
if these kinds of non-items, memetic prions are anywhere in your mental space,
you're suffering, from a disease. "
if you're
reading it,
it's for you", and
it's for you because
you've already got a heavy load of misfolded protein.
☟︎ assbot: Logged on 20-08-2015 16:50:56; ascii_field: (could easily be wholly fictional, but, in the immortal words of tlp: '
if you're
reading it,
it's for you')
ascii_field: (could easily be wholly fictional, but, in the immortal words of tlp: '
if you're
reading it,
it's for you')
☟︎ gabriel_laddel:
If you're
reading it,
it's for you + wrong in all the right places?
hanbot: <asciilifeform>
http://thewhet.net/2015/browder-the-bitcoinless << do
you recall tlp's '
if you're
reading it,
it's for you' maxim? consider, why is this fella on front page of nyt? vs the $maxint other folks held without trial << i do remember, yeah. results of recommended consideration are grotesque
for sure. all the more reason to hang out in here.