700+ entries in 0.024s
diana_coman: not sure how the "won't pay for shipping those all the way from uruguay" directly translates into no value on amd processors; not like I don't have around me mainly amd processors for that matter.
BingoBoingo: I don't know about more organized. Just seems more centralized if the post office handles dispatch instead of the "dispachante" cartel.
diana_coman: atm I don't really see the need for anything more than that anyway; I'll set up again all the data backups anyway, ofc.
mircea_popescu: i don't see the merit. either it's alligned or else it's cheap, what the hell is this "pay us a premium so we can derp". i ain't ever buying "quality" outside of republic, for the obvious reason
mircea_popescu: unfortunately (for them!) i don't own them, nor are they in channel, meaning they haven't access to this font of "obvious, in retrospect" sense. which is the true drawback of "oh, we built our business around the convenience of a website" : it all but enforces missing out on pretty much everything.
diana_coman: ahahha, I don't recall it but it does fit his utterings as I got to read them otherwise, for sure.
spyked: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-11-12#1951078 <-- I have an old thinkpad with an intel 3000 (works decently for games that don't ask for the latest shaders & crap) and perhaps I could get my hands on other GPUs. the problematic point is that I'm spending a considerable portion of that allocated 10hrs in saeculum, without physical access to the hardware. so would have to work out some routine for
trinque: I don't want to burn anything out. I think it's upon me to specify this thing, receive feedback, and then delegate tasks.
mircea_popescu: plus i don't remember you throwing a hissy fit for no apparent reason
lobbes: just to be clear, my I believe role in this thing (at least to start) should be at the bottom of the totem pole. I have much to learn still but am willing to work. Though I will need management on what exactly to work on. I don't think I even could have conducted the client interviews on the level trinque (or jfw, for that matter) did. I simply do not have enough experience yet
trinque: but it's just not further than speculative, and I don't want people chasing after it
mircea_popescu: i don't see why it wouldn't be possible. doesn't work atm, but yes.
mircea_popescu: i don't even mean this in any kind of theoretical sense, i've been testing it.
mircea_popescu: i don't think we're talking on the same basis here. i dunno how your "omg, faggot, do actual work" maps on the actual occurence.
mircea_popescu: i don't think seconds are meaningful, irc is not resolvable to a second resolution anyway
lobbes: but I don't mind adding if you want. This is your thing afterall
jfw: I don't dispute, and am here to work towards sanity & killing stupidity.
mircea_popescu: kinda why i don't give the first flying fuck how many retard bois "get upset" or whatever, the demons/voices/their mom tells them to choke on chodes.
dorion: mircea_popescu point taken, thank you. jfw reviewing the contract, Gales Linux is described as your original software, but I don't know the legal standing of that claim.
jfw: I see. They don't know enough about the code to meaningfully own it, and afaik they know this.
mircea_popescu: do i have to throw out gales if i decide to use graphics as a given necessity or don't i
mp_en_viaje: i really don't currently see the payoff for putting work into making it static
mp_en_viaje: i don't imagine we'll be able to ditch autoconf in principle, until many years later, many years AFTER tmsr-os is a thing
mp_en_viaje: because for their sins computers were born after the capacity for serious activity died in the esltard. so it's all comicon all over, "this is some doodle i made please don't hate me" psychoweird.
diana_coman: I still don't really have any clear idea what trinque has done or wants to do.
BingoBoingo: trinque: Already running as S#1074 on Auctionbot with the other servers. I don't know why this gorgeous thing hasn't gotten any bids yet http://bingology.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/trinquebeast.jpg Copper Heatsinks!
hanbot: death's scythe, given the previous line's about ego-annihilation. i don't see what linking'd hurt tho'. who knows who'll find what entry point to the logs captivatin'.
diana_coman: while it's been up for quite a while and supposedly it's "community-run", I don't really like referencing it anymore because I have no idea for how long it will stay up
hanbot: for the logs: he's talking about http://thewhet.net/my-channel-trilema-hanbot/ fwiw --i don't think feedbot picks up new blog *pages*
mircea_popescu: you were never as important as you think yourself. i don't mean, here. never, anywhere, your mother didn't think you as important as you think she thought you, nobody you ever met, including the stupid cunt you're attached to
mircea_popescu: but no, i don't expect you to do all that by yourself. ~TALK~ to people why the hell won't you ?!
mircea_popescu: what i don't understand, though, is... why not talk about it ?
lobbes: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-11-07#1950221 << I don't mind setting out to do so, but I also don't want to delay the bot's deployment (I have found that I am quite slow and inexperienced still). Would you want this patch before deployment?
ericbot: Logged on 2019-11-07 10:03:46 mircea_popescu: i don't foresee any future for the current python-powered item.
ericbot: Logged on 2019-11-07 10:03:46 mircea_popescu: i don't foresee any future for the current python-powered item.
BingoBoingo: Pacific coast has Lima, Santiago, and other second and their tier targets. Asian side of Pacific I'm not particularly interested, prioritizing on the level of western european shitholes that don't speak Spanish.
mircea_popescu: i don't foresee any future for the current python-powered item.
diana_coman: I am maintaining the logger and I intend to maintain it but any further development can happen only when I get some pages finally up to speed to help as I really don't have currently ~any time left to sink in that.
diana_coman: I might take you on the offer there for my blog if I don't manage to scare up something locally; I have currently some guys next door that I want to talk to, they seem to be at least talkable-tio
mircea_popescu: trinque, i absolutely don't want you to pretend to be 20.
mircea_popescu: i don't think you are, no.
mircea_popescu: which is actually what i'll do, i don't perceive the value of waiting on products while people get their shit in order.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-11-06 21:18:49 trinque: I don't think it'd be wise at all to try to own something with 900mb of dependency source.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-11-06 21:00:07 billymg: at the moment i don't have the necessary time to be fully involved so for now i'm just happy to see diana_coman and her pages chipping away at it. but i'm very much looking forward to getting back into it once i've successfully jumped the fence
ossabot: Logged on 2019-11-06 21:00:07 billymg: at the moment i don't have the necessary time to be fully involved so for now i'm just happy to see diana_coman and her pages chipping away at it. but i'm very much looking forward to getting back into it once i've successfully jumped the fence
trinque: unless you actually want the thing. I don't need the coin.
trinque: nah man, I don't want you to do that.
BingoBoingo: trinque: Are you still inclined to completely write of your server and FUCKGOATS, or do you want me to try to recover some value from it for you and get you a pair of FUCKGOATS. I don't need an answer immediately, but would prefer one by Monday.
trinque: I don't think it'd be wise at all to try to own something with 900mb of dependency source.
trinque: I don't think it should be considered anything more than a liferaft
billymg: at the moment i don't have the necessary time to be fully involved so for now i'm just happy to see diana_coman and her pages chipping away at it. but i'm very much looking forward to getting back into it once i've successfully jumped the fence
BingoBoingo: I've made it clear to the lawyers I rather don't expect they are solvent enough to collect anything when I win a suit. I'm more inclined to pass a bulletproof fraud denuncia to the Fiscalia and let them sort it out.
diana_coman: I don't use that init command but at any rate, it's fine as far as I looked at it first pass
ossabot: Logged on 2019-07-21 08:57:32 diana_coman: hm, current vtools still don't handle move of files or what am I missing here? I made a simple test with moving one file to a different location and as far as I can see, it's still delete + create, no move
diana_coman: tbh (and possibly outside S.MG's direct scope) I don't get exactly why don't we have already a command line replacement to gpg, ugh
mircea_popescu: don't bother, i remember.
diana_coman: to answer your q as stated: I can move it but it will take a lot of effort and time (atm I don't have a clear estimate for it but I doubt it's less than a month given all deps)
diana_coman: mircea_popescu: I can add detail if/where needed but atm I don't have something I see to add there.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-11-05 08:41:55 mp_en_viaje: peterl & all : would you mind terribly if you referred to your articles, on your blogs, as articles ? it's what they are, i get it, you post them, but calling them "posts" makes about as much sense as calling cars "a drived" and girls "a fucked". you don't go about bars with a "hey, fucked! wanna do shots ?", do you ?
spyked: hm. also, it's possible it might have missed some when I purged the notification queue following the spam this weekend. lemme know if they still don't get delivered when you go online using mircea_popescu
ossabot: Logged on 2019-11-05 04:46:58 mp_en_viaje: peterl & all : would you mind terribly if you referred to your articles, on your blogs, as articles ? it's what they are, i get it, you post them, but calling them "posts" makes about as much sense as calling cars "a drived" and girls "a fucked". you don't go about bars with a "hey, fucked! wanna do shots ?", do you ?
diana_coman: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-11-05#1949532 - technically it was "a blog post"; going for correctness there, I would even question wtf is "blog" anyway, since I get it, binary log except I don't write in binary, what.
mp_en_viaje: peterl & all : would you mind terribly if you referred to your articles, on your blogs, as articles ? it's what they are, i get it, you post them, but calling them "posts" makes about as much sense as calling cars "a drived" and girls "a fucked". you don't go about bars with a "hey, fucked! wanna do shots ?", do you ?
mp_en_viaje: in the terminology of turns, people who don't get their turn are more likely to also not do anything to fix it. so i'm tryin to make a point of it.
mp_en_viaje: i don't think it's a pressing matter ; i'll certainly read it.
mp_en_viaje: mod6, that's a rather weird way to think about it, don't you find ? wtf am i, the man-eating ogre ? and wtf are you, princess rapunzel, asleeep in a castle, waiting for prince to come wake you up with a kiss / eat your babies, at his options ?
mod6: mp_en_viaje: Thank you for the response. I don't plan on doing anything to get neg-rated. Just having been in the soup, as it were, for some time. Figured, my turn is coming. But I hope I'm wrong about that.
diana_coman: I don't actually know mats' age.
mp_en_viaje: mod6, i'm sorry, i don't have the time/patience to follow alf dramaz. re being negrated and mpex function, in general : i've always to date sent people their shit ~before~ negrating them, because indeed the substantive meaning of my negrating you is that you can't use any of mine / my friends' shit anymore. this hasn't prevented the occasional asshole from making the occasional false claims, which situation hasn't much int
BingoBoingo: I'm not entirely unsure I don't have or in the past hed a touch of engineer bogging down my head, but not indentifying as an engineer myself... I am unsure what has to break for an engineer to get the resignation, that can build to a faith, that recovery can proceed from.
diana_coman: I don't think it's in the engineering though; more maybe the other way around ie engineering as a result, not as a cause.
mircea_popescu: i also don't subscribe to anon theories re frontal lobe damage & general degenerescence. yes hoarders show very similarily impaired cognition, but they're ~old~, and old only. "engineers" occur like schizophrenia, in the 30s.
mircea_popescu: i understand the more fashionable neoprotestant theory on the topic requires "i can do anything" as a hard prerequisite, and therefore "personal development" or "growth" is a boundless field of possibility. i'm... well, moderately optimistic on this topic, in the sense that i don't for a second credit such nonsense.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-11-02 05:17:19 diana_coman: spyked: re bot, I said flaw because I don't think it should spit all entries it hasn't seen before, no; to my mind it should spit all entries *newer* than the *last one* it saw before, simply
mircea_popescu: how to do this, however, is admittedly a very hard problem, and i don't expect a solution has to be found/deployed rightnao.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-11-02 04:24:16 spyked: fwiw I don't believe this is flaw; the alternative would be for the bot to keep a list of all the items it's ever seen, but then it would be a list of all the items it's seen since the feed was first added to its db, which is an arbitrary cutoff point. wouldn't have prevented this spam anyway, since I've originally added the feed list to feedbot in 2018? and ossasepia's current rss goes all the way to 2017
diana_coman: spyked: re bot, I said flaw because I don't think it should spit all entries it hasn't seen before, no; to my mind it should spit all entries *newer* than the *last one* it saw before, simply
spyked: fwiw I don't believe this is flaw; the alternative would be for the bot to keep a list of all the items it's ever seen, but then it would be a list of all the items it's seen since the feed was first added to its db, which is an arbitrary cutoff point. wouldn't have prevented this spam anyway, since I've originally added the feed list to feedbot in 2018? and ossasepia's current rss goes all the way to 2017
diana_coman: mp_en_viaje: I don't know; why do you trust php?
mp_en_viaje: most of php is actually exactly like this -- "doctor, it hurts when i do X" "don't".
ossabot: (ossasepia) 2019-10-31 whaack: lobbes: i am working on a solution to this http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-10-31#1948993 . you don't want to put any string for the b query param that is going to match a string inside of an anchor tag. this problem occurs frequently because often the same text in a link you want to select is inside of the anchor tag: i.e. for the text 'mp writes at <a href="http://trilema.com">trilema</a>' if you try to select tri
mp_en_viaje: i had no intention to negrate him at the onset ; i still have no intention to, notwithstanding he's spewing all sort an' manner of insanity -- this not because it's laughably ineffectual an' self-defeating, but because i don't believe in damnation by quality.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: I understand your desire to construct a defense, but look. I just took apart and reassembled a hand stack of machines to get two photos at your request. You introduced a potential competing claim to title on some of the FUCKGOATS, which I will investigate as I must. However the count and all the photos in the world don't mean shit if you sign off on a S.NSA closing inventory that includes items other folks hold the title
trinque: if I don't get it done, it'll have been me, and not daddy having been mean... whereas.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-10-30 10:31:45 mp_en_viaje: i don't think it's intentional, in the sense that i don't think alf has the capacity for intentional activity. he's an object, like any chair, or compass, or whatever.
snsabot: Logged on 2019-10-30 10:22:55 mp_en_viaje: but we absolutely must look at the whole stack, with a clear eye, and clean it of alf idiocy. i don't even care if some useful bits get thrown out in the process so much
snsabot: Logged on 2019-10-30 10:24:17 mp_en_viaje: i want to make sure i've done all i can so i don't end up in the same circle of hell as he, and the rest of them "engineering" retards, from chuck dicksuck to all the rest.
mp_en_viaje: i don't want to pay the thick end to get the thin end, ever.
mp_en_viaje: i don't think it's intentional, in the sense that i don't think alf has the capacity for intentional activity. he's an object, like any chair, or compass, or whatever.
mp_en_viaje: i want to make sure i've done all i can so i don't end up in the same circle of hell as he, and the rest of them "engineering" retards, from chuck dicksuck to all the rest.
mp_en_viaje: but we absolutely must look at the whole stack, with a clear eye, and clean it of alf idiocy. i don't even care if some useful bits get thrown out in the process so much
mp_en_viaje: normally i'd recommend either a lord take you in or, in the case of more retarded, that they themselves find a lord to take them in. in your case though, i don't tjhink there's any point in wasting anyone's time, you're just getting washed out and that'sthat.
BingoBoingo: I don't expect it can
Bingoboingo: And if they guys aren't bringing pussy, I don't expect they'd be micro-MPs exempt from the rules
mp_en_viaje: diana_coman, eh, i don't think they have it any season tbh.
mp_en_viaje: but in context of tmsr. again -- because there;s a heavy undertone here of "hire yourself out as apprentice" which i don't particularly want fucked.
BingoBoingo had a productive day. So far. Sat down with the fellow who recommended yesterday's audition. Told him that I was letting him know as a courtesy that after the meeting I developed the strong suspicion that the recommended fellow was the other party's counsel. That I don't know how good his relationship with the fellow is, but that I do not mind, and it may even help me if he warns the fellow that in the case I have been
mp_en_viaje: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-10-22#1947757 << quit squirming and making up bullshit. i don't need even the one full time guy ; YOU do.
mod6: I'll have to admit, I don't care about all the rest of the noise, or whatever, my singular goal is to avoid paying out the rest of the contract.
diana_coman: asciilifeform: and if it's not clear, this is not about my rk, the tiny-worth, no; it's mainly because I really don't want to move about s.mg servers again, it's been quite an intense week that post-pizarro implosion one.