19 entries in 1.599s
mp_en_viaje: i mean, their sandwiches use the same brie i use. they have pastrami with horseradish mustard i wouldn't be ashamed to offer to visiting lords at my own table. nothing's older than an hour maybe, the romaigne as crispy as if i just picked it myself
BingoBoingo: I am pretty sure I mentioned nearby horseradish festival
BingoBoingo: Why boring dijon? Why not horseradish mustard?
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: axe, like you know... I axed this dude for some horseradish
a111: 8 results for "horseradish", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=horseradish
BingoBoingo: $s horseradish
shinohai: actual horseradish?
mircea_popescu: and in other great successes of provisioning, i fucking found horseradish. i rule.
BingoBoingo: Most wasabi around here is just dyed and very finely grated horseradish
assbot: Interntational Horseradish Festival HOME ... ( http://bit.ly/1XYgm9j )
BingoBoingo: How do you not have horseradish? In these parts we have festivals to celebrate it. http://www.internationalhorseradishfestival.com/
mircea_popescu: they have no fucking HORSERADISH
Adlai: all this horseradish for just a file conversion!? http://www.zamzar.com/tos.php
assbot: International Horseradish Festival, Collinsville, IL. First weekend in June
BingoBoingo: Horseradish seems perfect for this purpose, a bit of a step up on the intensity http://www.photo-dictionary.com/phrase/2281/horseradish.html
mircea_popescu: nubbins` can go 1 horseradish root per 2-3 heads.
mircea_popescu: you may wish to add some flavourings. horseradish is big here.
Diablo-D3: cold roast beef sandwitch with horseradish mustard om nom
Diablo-D3: put horseradish mustard on it