8 entries in 0.245s
mircea_popescu: it makes a very in interesting point re "cultural wars" and "
rock and roll killed the
soviet union", namely, that cca 1950 the su was winning the cultural war, very much so, the larger of the "allies", the most accomplished, sending dogs in space and building the new frontier
mircea_popescu: lmao BingoBoingo! "The five young men have been ordered to inform police every time they release new music," << anyone recall ye olde
soviet struggles with "
rock music" ?
mircea_popescu: this is the deep issue uniting "
rock and roll in the
soviet union" with "malinche, lover of hernan cortes" : without a ~well connected local~ to spit on the local items, there can not be a serious devaluation of them.
mircea_popescu: this paradigm readily explains the
soviet state - "
rock and roll" relationship, and moreover that historical accident had a lot to do with why alphabet even ~exists~ today. otherwise, on the naked strength of imaginary "advertising revenue" google is worth ~dozen stackexchanges/slashdots/sourceforges. but, generals always fight last year's war, and so here we are, "bayesian lesswisdom".
☟︎☟︎ mircea_popescu: asciilifeform also a very interesting case study for my needs, because genuinely
sovereign morons. do you know there's a major lynching thing going on ? whereby they form mobs, throw
rocks at people for a few hours then set them aflame ?
mircea_popescu: difference being, between how a
rocket works and how a school of salmon works.