187 entries in 0.132s
Graet: ahh ok
Graet: coming to melb in sept for a couple of days tho kidkrypto
Graet: looks fine smidge
Graet: indeed
Graet: 4:30pm on the good side :)
Graet: coz i was wondering same thing
Graet: their profile says they have 6 avalons
Graet: probably, they are investing in a rental property thing and a irl gold mioning company
Graet: makes sense Diablo-D3
Graet: LOL profit taking and then buying back in after the crash? sounds legit
Graet: :P
Graet: they will need bucketloads of money just for the infrastructure - dont worry about dev costs etc :P
Graet: hehe, i was gunna say looks like an existing DC
Graet: time to kill off the last of the non free power gpu miners lol
Graet: yeah, before asic the network was like 30Th now its 299Th
Graet: all that stuff
Graet: orders from last year still being delivered
Graet: 400gh machines coming this month and next few months
Graet: lol
Graet: :P
Graet: i thought Peter Vessenes was deposed
Graet: amusing to watch tho, all the butthurt lol
Graet: dont really care mircea_popescu , i rarely buy and sell thios sort of stuff
Graet: kakobrekla, i havent
Graet: last I heard they are sueing mtgox...
Graet: lol coinlab, labcoin causing confusion, coilab tried to run a pool and when that was failing tried to move into the exchange business
Graet: i'll read it laterm kids dinner time mircea_popescu
Graet: supa forgot to take the meds again?
Graet: strip club?
Graet: thats what i said Namworld ;)
Graet: shrug
Graet: most of them dont really understand how fiat or credit cards actually "work" but use them daily, but feel they need to know every intracacy of bitcoin before using it
Graet: we will get them whether they want opr not
Graet: :P
Graet: :D
Graet: not all programmers/deveopers have a good eye for colour
Graet: ooh nice - he has aussie $20 ijn front - propably coz its worth more than a usd :P
Graet: ozcoin.net if you arent aware :)
Graet: fpgas*
Graet: um, ppl mine with gpus and f[gas atm, not reall an aption to "put money inb"
Graet: thyat was quoting giga
Graet: i need to convert bitcoin to fiat to pay for servers, but i pay miners on my pool in bitcoin yes
Graet: for someone that "only deals in bitcoins" it is not an acceptable solution
Graet: yeah. by the time i fuck around and pay for stuff to send and the other fuckery..... i consider my gigamining bonds another rip off.
Graet: :P
Graet: divorce that is
Graet: i need a 2nd
Graet: fuck yeah
Graet: i wasnt one...
Graet: indeed
Graet: ;)
Graet: apart from that we have cjhatted on irc. i dont see your point
Graet: he interviewed me for his magazine ~ 18 months ago
Graet: no
Graet: Anduck, agreement with who?
Graet: my point is trust is built, not just given
Graet: indeed
Graet: so meeting someone proves?
Graet: 250*
Graet: no, but i havent met you either, nor most of the 150 odd ppl that trust me and mine on my pool
Graet: ask some of the ppl that trust him why they do would makle more sense :)
Graet: asking someone why ppl trust them is a rather loaded question
Graet: people act in a trustworthy way and people trust them
Graet: trust is built
Graet: lol
Graet: um yeah, i misunderstood too, was looking in forum for your announce mircea_popescu
Graet: gl with that Diablo-D3 :)
Graet: k
Graet: lol
Graet: getting Graet ? i'm a Bitcoin-asset? you are floating me?
Graet: i hear ya
Graet: lol
Graet: cool :D
Graet: in here?
Graet: ty :)
Graet: cool
Graet: graet@ozco.in
Graet: i'll email or something :)
Graet: cool
Graet: do you have a list with addy u can check?
Graet: i *think* i had like 40
Graet: wonder how many i had lol
Graet: oh looks like i should submit a claim to DMC
Graet: LOL
Graet: maybe we should get together mircea_popescu - I'm having difficulty starting sentences
Graet: ozcoin is down :/
Graet: ships cat?