1200+ entries in 0.032s
Framedragger: new chrome version supports "headless" mode for very easy and accurate archiving. i'm curious, would the forum tolerate the use of chrome in an archiving tool (if properly packaged and (to the extent it's possible - yes, limited, barf) sanboxed)? ☟︎
Framedragger: !!rate scriba -1 buggy
Framedragger: trinque: yeah, that was too optimistic, i agree
Framedragger: too young / out-of-loop to have seen this. guess not. is it like a place you go to for dancing breaks? sounds nice
Framedragger: sounds like a good idea :) i think "3 months" is a nice bare-minimum, but there's actually not enough data. controlled studies are with mice etc., and field observations have too many confounding variables (alcohol, weed, etc.; also, *body temperature* (most important catalyst of deprivation of antioxidants it seems, many fall prey to this, underhydrated, etc.))
Framedragger: (unless you're a british raveboy who does it every weekend and then complains of "memory problems" years later. plennnnty of these here)
Framedragger: disclaimer*
Framedragger: (required disclaim re mdma: one has to do the homework, understand basics of serotonin syndrome (oxidation => damage of serotonin synapses), do it *very* infrequently (if at all), etc.)
Framedragger: shinohai: nice
Framedragger agrees re "heroin as retirement plan". doesn't plan to try opioids before ~60, even
Framedragger: i think the simile of "lsd is like being given a coredump" is apt (actually heard this from an opioid affictionado). you're sorta-given-all-the-data, but then what. mdma on the other hand is in-between a psychedelic (you still get that psychedelic experience, to a point) and a stimulant (which in its case acts as "guidance", of sorts).
Framedragger: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-05-04#1651584 << this was nice, thx! ☝︎
Framedragger: nice. rachmaninov with heavy overdrive!
Framedragger: (does stuff with other bands, too)
Framedragger: bartsch does quite a bit of funky stuff, e.g. with his band "ronin". (e.g. album "holon"). if you follow youtube suggestions, will get some nice live plays of his, etc
Framedragger: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BdJqOFLP4kA << some music. nik bartsch
Framedragger: i fucking shall! k.
Framedragger: daamn sounds cool
Framedragger: unless i messed it up, too
Framedragger: nah even i am clear by now i think, and that tells ya something :D an isp may or may not own a dc. an isp has hardware at a dc. isp deals with customers (be it private or business), a dc deals with isps. in this picture if you are colocating at a dc, you are (in mp's picture) an isp, basically.
Framedragger: yeah the "curable!" western obsession is quite funny
Framedragger: anarcho_capitalism, such subreddit. on the other hand top comment *is* "Have you tried NOT wanting to fuck your daughter?"
Framedragger: gratz shinohai
Framedragger: i was wondering how this'd work accounting-wise :D
Framedragger: ^ (nice text, illustrations etc) ☟︎
Framedragger: !~google william blake "marriage of heaven and hell"
Framedragger: !~s william blake "marriage of heaven and hell"
Framedragger: damn, ud is da shit amirite
Framedragger: hah :D
Framedragger: !~ud ue
Framedragger: (we also snorted some adderall (the crudeness of this was offset by popping a bottle of decent wine open, it's all good))
Framedragger: one of our party took part of a skull that was embedded in some wall. maybe that counts?..
Framedragger: OK, will do. when Lords have taglines...
Framedragger: hm!
Framedragger: i guess it counts.
Framedragger: oh i wish, wouldn't that be grand!
Framedragger: (avoidable on more tourist-y routes, of course)
Framedragger: with lotsa skulls!
Framedragger: (we did do an amateur key signing party down there, sorta, so that was nice)
Framedragger: in our group there was a kid who took a laptop and a camera. there were places where water level reached crotch. ... computer kids
Framedragger: no :( wrong wording. i sat down with him for a chat. did not record. because daft kid << sorry
Framedragger: "ok dude"
Framedragger interviewed one guy "down there" (he had part of "cave" and christmas lights on wall, said he spend lots of time there, yeah not sure about dampness, i mean god damn), said "oh yeah i'm used to taking acid and getting lost here", nonchalant
Framedragger: i know it sounds like bullshit, but serious suggestion: helmet. very uneven ceiling, lots of bumps (unless 100% careful)
Framedragger: yeah prolly not :(
Framedragger: (one person to ask re. entrance guidance if interested by chance is one boklm, should be on OFTC irc network)
Framedragger: (quite certain i was called "that hippie" in german by some (wannabe) upperclass old germans; i have 0 regrets)
Framedragger: (then again, when i boarded a 1st class train to berlin in the morning after ~6h overnight crawl with no time to change clothes, i was seen as a wildman (unkempt beard at the time, too), scared some old german ladies. "megafun" for certain definitions lol)
Framedragger: they're megafun
Framedragger: phf: have you been to the catacombs? not the "tourist tour" way, but the "crawling through them all night, emerge victorious in middle of street" way
Framedragger: bad memory!
Framedragger: or wait, jackie was the dark one, no
Framedragger: ah ah, natalie was the cool(er) one, gotcha
Framedragger: (on cursory re-glance, it's less clear, cached picture in my head was too "strong". interested to hear opinions anyway, unless too much of a beaten dead horse smell)
Framedragger bbl
Framedragger: if still curious, looks like http://btcbase.org/log/2016-03-03#1420979 , i'll reread later actually ☝︎
Framedragger: sure
Framedragger could revisit, but later
Framedragger: i do not agree with this latter judgement, while understanding that "not agreeing with facts" is an instance of "being natalie"
Framedragger: mircea_popescu: i will give one example. about a year ago, there was a discussion with sturles about mempool and the whole zero fee tx clusterfuck. at some point later on, you said that (can't find quote, paraphrasing) on scrutiny, sturles' account broke apart. whereas i read it as "discussion was ongoing, then mp changed topic".
Framedragger: aha!
Framedragger: nice
Framedragger: i actually vaguely remember. is that also where guy shoots girl towards the end because she was being bitchy? :D
Framedragger: hah. ☟︎
Framedragger: (nice quoted bit, too, i see the relation, i don't agree that bitbet can be modelled as "just opinions", but w/e)
Framedragger: nice piece, yeah
Framedragger: mircea_popescu: i don't believe i have
Framedragger: well no, they'd actually say that there is an objective worldview. it's just that the haecceity (ha) pointers towards "this is objective" are inverse as it were ☟︎
Framedragger: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-05-03#1651261 << i'm not disagreeing, but am lol'ing at the fact that the "other side" would probably say the exact same thing. "delusionary worldview" ☝︎
Framedragger: yes, infantilism, and a general pattern, but it wasn't just "accounting" back then, it was mp billing multiple spends as "cartel research", and other shareholder disagreeing with this. but anyway, after actually reviewing logs, my interim conclusion is "forest is deep, and don't sign a zero asset contract framedragger"
Framedragger: mircea_popescu: just curious, how are there "parallels with BitBet's misadventures last year about this time"? the "dead recokining" accounting standard?
Framedragger: it's the usual case with self-referential mp-complete systems
Framedragger: by following this conjunction and assuming continuity of identity, we trivially deduce mp to be over 200 years old
Framedragger: hahahahaaha
Framedragger: wait what is this? :D also 'A Hoax of Hate: Henry Ford and "The International Jew"' ahaha
Framedragger: can be nice.
Framedragger: not at all, i guess i'm just used to cold and person-less banking (which i actually enjoy tyvm), but yeah i see
Framedragger: yeah, quite. hah, i see
Framedragger: a friend needed bank account for a french job. got assigned "personal assistant" at bank. now assistant asks to meet every $x weeks, they go for coffee or something. which is maybe great in HNWI world, but she's not "HNW" and just has a normal not-high-paying job. ahh the french
Framedragger: or hm, it has stock price, so unsure.
Framedragger: i wonder how exact those revenue figures are, if it's a "simplified corp" (and not publicly traded it seems), but yeah guess so
Framedragger: whoops sorry, thought i'd stab in dark as that info was on wiki in that order. morning star prolly just copypasted from it. or vice versa, hard to tell these days
Framedragger: mircea_popescu: since you were reading wikipedia anyway, a somewhat-curious read from there, https://forum.ovh.ie/showthread.php/913-Following-the-wikileaks-case (original link now gone/"archived")
Framedragger: (i think lots of .fr co's are "simplified corporations"?)
Framedragger: nb if revenue steadily rising (they're opening a dc in .uk and a dc in .pl, lotsa investment)? :)
Framedragger: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-04-21#1646948 << just ftr, it does appear that they do, and multiple (not just using "our dc / branded as ovh", but actually theirs), https://www.ovh.co.uk/aboutus/datacentres.xml (just for posterity) ☝︎
Framedragger: ridoinculous that it needs doing in the first place of course :(
Framedragger: nice work re greasing!
Framedragger: ahh, i see! k
Framedragger: shinohai: jhvh1 is also on hashbang, right? how does hashbang force ssl for *that* one, i wonder? by whitelisting irc ssl port only?
Framedragger: right, thanks, lol.
Framedragger: (maybe too much hand-holding, but anyway.)
Framedragger: was it hashbang or sth that even set you up with default tmux arrangement where weechat was running with support irc channel open. looked quite neat
Framedragger: i 100% concede, why pretend and bloat. picture wasn't sure in my head before, "vps but uhh more light", maybe it's just unix users lol. damn.
Framedragger: but yes good point, one needs to carefully think what exactly is to be offered, and then "parallelize" on those exact things, not "generic containers".
Framedragger: hm, yeah.
Framedragger opens unix manual, "oh"
Framedragger: oh aha, misunderstanding of term (i was the one to abuse it). for me "vps" meant any kind of stack-i-zation of this kind, not necessarily xen/etc.
Framedragger: hmm, lol, yeah, true.
Framedragger: trinque: i'm not constructing a technological argument. i'm saying, actual cost would be dirt cheap, hence for customer it would be dirt cheap.