1300+ entries in 0.019s
Framedragger: with no implication that "no you get unique box" in service offering.
Framedragger: not 500, but yeah, stack 'em.
Framedragger: anyway, material for $blog, etc.
Framedragger: same. (it's not like i'd quit $job if this is done anyway, so even by trinque's line of reasoning, won't go homeless in 6 months!1)
Framedragger: it's ~petty in terms of business/margin/etc., but as a tmsr service, it may be useful to have, for some people. can you see how vps (in this fashion) may remain part of world for at least i dunno several more years? apologies if this line of reasoning totes ruins your day.
Framedragger: you may not use it yourself because, barf, (1) "just get a real thing already", and (2) "i have more things to host, so why should i pay for this AND that, separately". but for someone who only needs bouncer and maybe-sometimes-ssh (writing small bot in vim, connecting it to irc, etc.), it makes sense to pay very-little for a very-little-thing.
Framedragger: trinque et al.: thanks for (as always) righting me. i have a shitty follow-up that is still bugging me. here it is, condensed: i think there is a service niche (again: i am in no way vested/involved as of now) for offering a shell with limited resources and (say) a bouncer (like hashbang.sh), for "dirt cheap".
Framedragger: right right, the inflation is cumulative so to speak, and permeates to many places.
Framedragger: (this relates in my had to shinohai's WP article, hillary blaiming russian hackers for election loss. loootsa collateral damage from inflated self-valuation...)
Framedragger: administrative overhead!
Framedragger: there must be a more efficient means of doing that... but i guess it needs to sell them the story of "one with the universe" and ecology, too, due to self-deception
Framedragger: haha :D no. i guess there is that, too. it got even more expensive as of late, didn't it
Framedragger: so the films tell me! but this particular description is nostalgia-inducing (where nostalgia may not even have a reference, in my case/context). sounds amazing.
Framedragger: (schooltimes, or adulttimes)
Framedragger: ben_vulpes: $summercamp as in in school?
Framedragger: !#s hetzner
Framedragger: hah, u.s., where knowing how to handle stick is not implied by knowing how to drive :D
Framedragger: !~later tell gabriel_laddel_p ^ hooker for geeks in lisp, biznis idea
Framedragger: well, i don't have good track record here, so eh
Framedragger: argh
Framedragger: yeah. ftr i do not survive or profit from vps. it can be useful sometimes (such as FOR INSTANCE for scanning the damn ipv4, overnight, and not paying for whole month, or for whole box.)
Framedragger: because it may be more than $32 if it's somewhere else but i MYSELF DEFEAT THIS POINT sorry damnit.
Framedragger pays ~24-30eur/mo. per 16 gb ecc ram xeon box, so should know better
Framedragger: yeah, okay.
Framedragger: sliding the point? sorry, no intention to do that. i see trinque's point, sure
Framedragger: i'd rather not host in the u.s., but at the same time i'm not convinced just *how* much actual +ev does a "non-nato" provider give
Framedragger: yeah i remember you mentioning the provider before, cool
Framedragger: coolio
Framedragger: nb...
Framedragger: nb, do you mind if i ask how much traffic (unless unmetered) you get and whether this is colo (in which case, appreciation costs, too)
Framedragger: trinque: multiple mirrors (from say different user) can run on same machine. vs. "whole machine dedicated to one mirror"
Framedragger: ah, you mean in the sense that no need to run separate linux, even. sure, maybe
Framedragger: if latter constraint, too - then, yeah, meh.
Framedragger: trinque: does not require a full machine, cheaper. just that. unless there is an expectation that not only should multiple mirrors of same tarball be on different machines, but that also no two different (from different users, say) tarballs should be hosted on same machine.
Framedragger: damn i forgot the secret sauce, i'll maintain deedbot's l1 mappings in mongo cluster
Framedragger: how it is done -- another matter. sorry if too much noise.
Framedragger: i thought there may be a demand for vps. multiple parties indicated such, including mircea_popescu.
Framedragger: actually, their airport hotels should have this. "bob, file a patent!"
Framedragger: you may have just described japan's "comfort boy/girl" / "girlfriend experience" service offerings (mixed with their "hourly billing" airport sleeping-capsules)
Framedragger: lol, burn, yah.
Framedragger: myeah.
Framedragger: s/boasts are/boasts a/
Framedragger: just realised that NFS is nigh-unusable for very-fixed-cost "just tell me how much it'll cost" company/project budgets, lol
Framedragger: yeah i need to avoid them sheds.
Framedragger: well, i recall asciilifeform's "nearlyfreespeech" hosting provider which boasts are "very honest" resource cost scheme, something to the degree of seconds, with loyalty (depending on total resource usage) discounts being applied every second (or minute, too) :D but that can be a bit childish.
Framedragger: yeah.
Framedragger: i was thinking, minute / hour / day (with discounts at each level), which is less coarse in terms of "jumps"
Framedragger: mircea_popescu: i mean, when you're thinking of spinning up those mirrors, you (i now suppose) think in terms of months/weeks, not days or hours or minutes, hm. yeah, i see.
Framedragger: the latter may only make business sense at some degree of scale, however (unless the per-minute rate is very high...)
Framedragger: re. per minute, i guess i should reach out to consult first eh - this was borne from a solipsistic "me as a customer" consideration: e.g. i want to test out some trb feature across multiple different instances, i need good i/o and memory; monthly costs would not be trivial (for the purpose at hand), so i wish to be charged on smaller timescales.
Framedragger: again, yes i understand, but really depends on application/purpose. being able to assign IPs from different c blocks is (eventually) desirable, but may be too steep in the beginning.
Framedragger: (ideas and merciless criticism very welcome, as always)
Framedragger need to think more
Framedragger: (or, becomes cost-effective if users commit to more extended periods of time; i suppose the thing would have to be flexible re. latter, anyway. i may want to spin something up for testing purposes just for the evening; or, i may want the thing for months+ (with expectation for a discount.))
Framedragger: unless of course one finds a provider which can provision physical boxes in a matter of minutes programatically, but the whole thing would then be a bit like a reseller-for-bitcoin, no?
Framedragger: it would, however, require having more than one physical box at-the-ready. which is fine and how providers work anyway, but the matter becomes cost-effective only at some degree of scale, then.
Framedragger: but i can certainly understand the separate-machine constraint for mirroring etc.
Framedragger: well, for purposes other than mirroring (CDN'y purposes), it could be useful. e.g. when i had to spin up 13 vps instances at once, i only cared that they had separate (dedicated) resources and IPs
Framedragger: IPs would be different.
Framedragger: (costs could almost-equalise at scale, but until then, it'd be more costly i would think.)
Framedragger: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-05-02#1650908 << i assume that here you meant "separate physically", even though the context was a discussion about vps? there could of course be a knob (separate instances, or separate instances on different boxen; the latter attracts a higher cost). ☝︎
Framedragger: interested to hear what mircea_popescu thinks re latter, tho ^
Framedragger moving self to better location
Framedragger: mircea_popescu: well, while i of course agree in general, i don't agree in particular: i'd certainly find it useful to be able to supply a "curl phuctor stats every 24h, serve here" instruction. or, you know, "submit key", or "comments", or anything else of the sorts.
Framedragger: so in this case it'd just be static content hosting, which is minimal on cpu etc.; there could of course also be an option of supplying a (signed, of course) payload, but less clear on definite application.
Framedragger: is if*
Framedragger: easiest way of doing this if it were to return a non-dns-poisoned ip, as in, trilema.com/stuff1.tgz =>
Framedragger: and give back live url?
Framedragger: mircea_popescu: so the url would contain what, static contents for web serving?
Framedragger: (also, perhaps a more gradual way of "easing into" tmsr-isp?)
Framedragger: there is a question just how much would people use it. of course, best market research is testing the market itself...
Framedragger: mircea_popescu: yes, something like that. same !!v principle. user gets ssh login. billed (if at all) by the minute, or the likes.
Framedragger: shinohai: looking forward to that, btw :)
Framedragger not too far off from idea of offering at-irc-fingertips vps to l1. maybe someone is having similar idea, tho? ;)
Framedragger: (thought it was re vps. hah)
Framedragger: scary!
Framedragger: oh
Framedragger: mircea_popescu: only in the form of air being in the middle between antenna and shitty access point in cafe, in this case heh.
Framedragger: i vaguely recall, yes. shinohai you use hashbang, right? fwiw vc's box.cock.li + scaleway (hourly billing) work for vps purposes (but no bitcoin for scaleway)
Framedragger: whoops, dupe
Framedragger: yesyes, "not in wot" is central nail in coffin against any of these, sure. (nevertheless could be useful for certain isolated efforts, e.g. ip space scanning and so on.)
Framedragger: yesyes, "not in wot" is central nail in coffin against any of these, sure. (nevertheless could be useful for certain isolated efforts, e.g. ip space scanning and so on.)
Framedragger: some kind of list (unchecked): http://cryto.net/~joepie91/bitcoinvps.html
Framedragger: in other news, was checking extant bitcoin (yes, "bitcoin", i hear the scoffing) vps offerings. seems to consist of things like https://libertyvps.net/offshore-hosting which has "offshore" and "our NL datacenter" in same sentence
Framedragger bbl
Framedragger: which reminds me, new additions on http://n-gate.com/
Framedragger: mircea_popescu: "mr usg", i lost it
Framedragger: b-b-but they have a list of approved ports and they would only use them approved ports!
Framedragger: life is amazing, etc.
Framedragger: :)
Framedragger: asciilifeform: can also attempt to block specific ports with *external* firewall
Framedragger: aha! that'd be something. i mean, still full-on DMA, but yeah, k.
Framedragger: HN is like "Ah geez. Time to create a competent chip manufacturer. Anyone got a spare US sized military budget?" ☟︎
Framedragger: (claims "fully open" stack / firmware)
Framedragger: ^ alf seems to have covered (and dismissed), tho
Framedragger: !#s ibm power
Framedragger: re. "non-backdoored" CPUs, i wonder if someone considered ibm power systems (powerpc, linux can run baremetal now): https://www-03.ibm.com/systems/power/hardware/s821lc/index.html
Framedragger: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-05-02#1650758 << (ack, of course!) ☝︎
Framedragger sleeps
Framedragger: (in fairness, it wasn't 'newlifeomg!', it was 'a buncha things in 1991~2 .lt during bank crisis etc')