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edivad: 2nd) the second time that i've started TRB, it was complaining that wallet.dat was corrupted (this wallet.dat was generated from latest core, so i suppose is deterministic, is this the reason for being rejected?)
mircea_popescu: a deterministic wallet can have its uses, but they typically aren't "user trying to cheat on running a node".
a111: 10 results for "deterministic wallet", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=deterministic%20wallet
asciilifeform: !#s deterministic wallet
mircea_popescu: PeterL reusing an otp straight makes bothering with the whole scheme kinda pointless ; hashing an old otp to generate a new otp is perhaps dubious, but in widespread use. (it's more or less what a "deterministic" wallet is, for instance)
assbot: WarpWallet - deterministic bitcoin wallet generator ... ( http://bit.ly/1p3cWGB )
asciilifeform: Carli-: 'deterministic' wallet is braindamaged
Carli-: asciilifeform: which wallet do you use? or are there any other wallets, that can do: Deterministic, Offline transactions, Multiple Wallets ?
Chillum: If you want that then use a deterministic wallet
assbot: WarpWallet - deterministic bitcoin wallet generator
dignork: fluffypony, you can, but then you'll have to treat your wallet as non-deterministic
BingoBoingo: I like the Multibit interface more for handling multiple wallet, but I'm liking Electrum more and more as I play with it. I just wish there was a good solution for handling both Deterministic and random generation wallets.
fluffypony: keonne: I would stay away from MultiBit if you're non-technical; Electrum is deterministic so you backup your wallet by writing down or memorising 12 words, much easier
benkay: you may consider a dicelist and a deterministic wallet, Hirethestache.
decimation: what if one were to use a deterministic wallet address derived from retina features for instance
mircea_popescu: a so more like a deterministic wallet m-of-n combo