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chinches = bedbugs?
a111: Logged on 2018-05-04 16:47 ben_vulpes: mod6 asciilifeform: i dun object; pizarro needs a better foundation than a writhing pile of
chinches. i'd like to get a flat down there; this can consolidate the housing and desk expenses and provide i expect much needed moral uplift.
ben_vulpes: mod6 asciilifeform: i dun object; pizarro needs a better foundation than a writhing pile of
chinches. i'd like to get a flat down there; this can consolidate the housing and desk expenses and provide i expect much needed moral uplift.
☟︎ ben_vulpes: i can't believe we're entertaining the notion of depriving the poor
chinches BingoBoingo: And so because these fuckers are afraid of mosquitos coming in an even slightly open window while likely reintroducing
chinches de cama, everything must mildew. Thus is the determination of the Irish hivemind
BingoBoingo: In other developments tonight will be my third night sleeping in The 5. There is now a full on multi day final solution underway in the hostel to eradicate the
chinches while occupancy is low. I mean outlet covers stripped, the sweet smell of TempoXL with a few other unfamiliar (but not organophosphate, possibly terpene) scents wafting out of the warzone.
BingoBoingo: Just the
chinches have not entirely been eliminated. Or dirty foreigners keep bringing new ones in.
BingoBoingo: In other exploits, tonight I will be sleeping in a different bed because axe time gas time has some for the
chinches de cama!
BingoBoingo: And as the year closes out the problem of the
chinches de cama appears to have been remedied through my secret campaign of chemical warfare
BingoBoingo: shinohai: Only when they are powered up and on. No heat signature, no
shinohai: But
chinches LOVE electronics BingoBoingo .... would have been a pita to get them out.
a111: Logged on 2017-12-19 14:46 BingoBoingo: Do remember if you choose to stay in my hostel to bring clothes you don't mind burning later porque los
chinches de cama
BingoBoingo: Do remember if you choose to stay in my hostel to bring clothes you don't mind burning later porque los
chinches de cama