8 entries in 0.472s
mircea_popescu: cazalla_ is all depressed, drinks lots, considers offing self, stumbles through various internet hate sites, ends up in b-a, a year later is head of major btc business, has quit drinking, is all optimistic, decides that internet is not irl, moves on to irl, six months later is depressed, drinks heavily, discusses suicide.
decimation: cazalla: is he drinking fosters?
fluffypony: [09:31:28] <+cazalla>i'd stop drinking but then i'd need another vice <- like Miami?
assbot: Logged on 03-04-2015 00:51:07; cazalla: who would've thought americans sit around drinking coffee discussing how much they dislike mircea_popescu
mircea_popescu: cazalla lol you two need to stop drinking and buy coins from the proceeds.
mircea_popescu: <cazalla> i think i would pasteurise the milk if i ever attempted milking them though <<< as there's not that much human history of drinking rabbit milk, likely it's safe.
assbot: 15 results for 'cazalla drinking' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=cazalla+drinking
cazalla: !s cazalla drinking