16 entries in 0.579s
a111: 14 results for "captains of industry", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=captains%20of%20industry
mircea_popescu: !#s captains of industry
asciilifeform: 1980s included plenty of examples of disastrous enthronement of 'this is experiment, go away' to 'industry captains'(tm)
mircea_popescu: laugh if you will, but the ENTIRE experience of wealth ustard enjoys is exactly this and nothing else. from the kid begging his parents for a lambo truck / https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9s8XilZa2WY all the way up to the fiat captains of industry, stuck between being "too big to fail" and being FED-fed anyway.
assbot: Logged on 05-03-2016 20:10:03; mircea_popescu: not with the wanna-be ceos and assorted "captains of industry" ; not with the wanna-be coders and assorted "power rangers" ; not with the wanna-be journos and assorted redditards ; not with the wanna-be sikrit agents and assorted nsa tools.
mircea_popescu: not with the wanna-be ceos and assorted "captains of industry" ; not with the wanna-be coders and assorted "power rangers" ; not with the wanna-be journos and assorted redditards ; not with the wanna-be sikrit agents and assorted nsa tools. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: PeterL ask vessenes and the merry friends/captains of industry/power rangers/etc
mircea_popescu: the "captains of industry" days.
assbot: Roger Ver rallies around Coinbase. What could possibly go wrong this time around? I mean the last time Ver vouched for someone, new captains of industry were created right? : Buttcoin ... ( http://bit.ly/1knNubr )
mircea_popescu: much to the disbelief of the entire collected "foundation" & assorted jesuses, captains of industry and whatnots.
Pierre_Rochard: “Captains of the industry. If they were captains of any other industry, like say for example automotive, we'd have people dying in car crashes between two stationary vehicles."
mircea_popescu: but he had an insider deal where he paid the various captains of industry more so they got the idea to resell.
Adlai: that race is only worth watching if there are some real captains of industry bidding on the fastest horse
decimation: in the us it is very difficult to find these 'captains of industry' who are leading the exploitation. management talent is lacking more severely than engineering talent
dub: pankkake: do 'things stink' because science or because our captains of politics and industry have found another 'free market' to toy with
dub: the film is a good primer for the state of mind of most captains of the bitfinance industry though