13 entries in 0.78s
mp_en_viaje: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-10-24#1948009 << it's always a crapshoot. you can get counsel worth millions through springing for a $500 nothing. eminent lottery ticket, only comparable to picking up girlfriends. famously (if fantastically) frank sinatra picked up the woman that died for him through buying her a ten dollar bus ticket.
BingoBoingo: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-03#1808335 << Five hours if I take the more expensive ferry out of Montevideo. 6+ if I go to colonia for the cheaper ticket, but that involves a bus. Few things are less enjoyable the being stuck on a tin can full of Uruguayos. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform romanian has it. it's mostly used to denote taking the bus w/o a ticket / going to exam with a cheating mind.
assbot: Logged on 27-12-2015 18:50:33; thestringpuller: "You can't fix a capacity problem with fees. If there are only 20 seats on the bus and 25 people that want to ride there is no ticket price where everyone gets a seat." << I love the lulz on reddit. "We want everyone to be equal because we aren't worth shit in the real world. Treat us fairly!!!!!11"
thestringpuller: "You can't fix a capacity problem with fees. If there are only 20 seats on the bus and 25 people that want to ride there is no ticket price where everyone gets a seat." << I love the lulz on reddit. "We want everyone to be equal because we aren't worth shit in the real world. Treat us fairly!!!!!11" ☟︎
cazalla: decimation, they had a bus for the high school i attended and when i got sent to naughty boy school i was given a train ticket which provide free travel (which was self defeating in that i no longer had to jump the train but could now ride legit for free lol)
assbot: 4 results for 'bus ticket' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=bus+ticket
mircea_popescu: !s bus ticket
gribble: Las Vegas, NV - Hotel Deals, Things to Do - Downtown Bus Stop ...: <http://www.amtrak.com/servlet/ContentServer?pagename=am/am2Station/Station_Page&code=LVS>; Almost Bought a Guy a Bus Ticket | The Billfold: <http://thebillfold.com/2013/07/almost-bought-a-guy-a-bus-ticket/>; MTS - How To Ride - San Diego Metropolitan Transit System: <http://www.sdmts.com/how_to_ride.asp>
asciilifeform: ;;google something that shoots and a bus ticket there
mircea_popescu: math is only the bus ticket taking you to the concert.
VanCleef: say you spent 100grand on a bus ticket right and instead of the bus driver picking you up he crashes into your living room and starts raping your grandmother
mircea_popescu: i'll pay for your chicken bus ticket