20 entries in 0.507s

mp_en_viaje: like i see
the stain on the idiots who failed to symbolics, and like no amount of handwringing / wining on the "engineer" side can save them, so this. it's fucking visible -- monkeys failed for being monkeys, it is ON THEM. for having been monkey. when the calling came, they failed.
mp_en_viaje: no amount of "collective action" engineertard "let's stick together like the cuntherd" will save this.
the stain is indelible, in fifty years or fifty centuries it will stay visible.
shinohai: Doesn't get more vintage than naugahyde ...
the stains wipe away so easily!
assbot: Logged on 05-03-2014 02:48:01; asciilifeform: next day, A calls again 'we found the spoons. but
the stain on your reputation... it remains.'
Diablo-D3: and
the stain is slowly being lifted off