12 entries in 0.448s

mircea_popescu: but seriously, you're all tech savvy people. who the fuck claims to have, you know, "built the site with
security in mind" then makes the db trivially iterable because couldn't be bothered to hash the anything ? would something like user/F2xWjk been so very hard ?
mircea_popescu: Guest64542 i ended up making a profile at some point. read some "build from the ground up with
security in mind" verbiage from the baku character, sounded exactly like the bitcoin scammer broken record.
mircea_popescu: well that's because people build from the ground up with
security in mind so never get owned.
mircea_popescu: anyway, after the entire "we're built with
security in mind from the ground up and also please everyone send btc to this address and we'll sort it out later" adventure, and then lying about it...
mike_c: if you start with
security in mind, then audits can be useful process during development.
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> "we designed systemd with
security in mind" << by now this is pretty much usable as-is, might as well be a protein binding site for pathogens. << Why not a still moar precarious binging site for understood drugs?
mircea_popescu: "we designed systemd with
security in mind" << by now this is pretty much usable as-is, might as well be a protein binding site for pathogens.
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla: anyway the fw that i made was first tested on smpake.com service and was made with btc in mind << "built from the ground up with
security in mind"
mircea_popescu: Wallets are stored separate from the site, we backup often. We built from the ground up with
security in mind