8600+ entries in 0.772s
nubbins`: asciilifeform fwiw if you apply instructions from my latest ML post, you'll get a 100% static bitcoind
assbot: BitBet - BTC to top $700 before 1st July :: 13.66 B (10%) on Yes, 128.64 B (90%) on No | closing in 2 months 6 days | weight: 71`963 (100`000 to 1`000) ... ( http://bit.ly/1FadOJJ )
mircea_popescu: take three houses in the top 10% land value areas of the country, take college funds for twelve children.
asciilifeform: the most entertaining aspect is the gymnastics carried out so u.s. folks can say 'ahahah, inflation 30% but where then is the $30/gl. petrol'
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> junseth " The US has kept inflation down to around 3-4% for the most part since the beginning of central banking in the US." << you know that is atrociously untrue. << But for the lizards who got to see their cocaine prices drop nearly six fold over 3 decades...
junseth: Ok. So let's work with those numbers. At 10% per year for over a decade, what you're claiming is that the basket of goods you would be purchasing would have increased abotu 3x in the last decade.
mircea_popescu: depends on your definition of inflation. by my definition of inflation, the us experiences about 15% a year, on average, since 2000. that's exacerbating over time, so 2015 may well see 30%+
mircea_popescu: us had inflation over 10% a year (not counting moimentary flareups of 1000% APY for a day or w/e) almost each decade.
mircea_popescu: junseth " The US has kept inflation down to around 3-4% for the most part since the beginning of central banking in the US." << you know that is atrociously untrue.
asciilifeform: and 100% fatal.
asciilifeform: mats: http://www.mvkworld.com/eBooks/pages/Science%20Fiction/Poul_William_Anderson_-_The_Man_Who_Came_Early.pdf << MUCH better story about same
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: 15% flat
nubbins`: vacancy was below 1% here for a while
Chillum: and the 15% of it to the south west has nice weather for several months a year
mircea_popescu: the % yes.
Chillum: geez, my client is up to Nov 2014 and it says it is at 70% complete. Is 30% of the blockchain volume really since November?:
nubbins`: incidentally, "broud" reminds me of this movie: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Clan_of_the_Cave_Bear_%28film%29
nubbins`: asciilifeform just unpacked a laser printer/scanner/copier thingie and went 'wtf' because it weighs maybe half of what the dearly departed predecessor did. must be 95% corn plastic or sumthing <<< scanner bed probably lexan instead of glass, etc ;p
asciilifeform: over here the coffee is served 100% by uni students
asciilifeform just unpacked a laser printer/scanner/copier thingie and went 'wtf' because it weighs maybe half of what the dearly departed predecessor did. must be 95% corn plastic or sumthing
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: incidentally, this is lieke 90% of what i'd want a 2nd pet for
mircea_popescu: prolly the bruteforce approach doesn't deliver 100%.
asciilifeform: let's say i said 'i think dijkstra was doing it right.' that would imply that i am in favour of structured programming, against the use of 'goto', and in favour of 99.999% of programming students being flunked and similar fraction of the practitioners of that profession - being fired.
BingoBoingo: <Cogburn> according to consensus, the 70% wins, right? << The beautiful thing about concensus is how many releases have been make since $100+ BTC which must agree
Cogburn: according to consensus, the 70% wins, right?
Cogburn: let's say they end up to comprise 70% of the network
Cogburn: it's 100% bullshit
Cogburn: many people. i fully support his threat to fork bitcoin if gavin's block expansion goes through. he's 100% correct that it is an economic alteration to the network and not simple technical
asciilifeform: 100%
trinque: this prior art thing if it actually worked would burn like a grease fire through 99.9% of software patents
assbot: AMD Bulldozer Linux ASLR weakness: Reducing entropy by 87.5% ... ( http://bit.ly/1F6vG8d )
asciilifeform: to be 100% replicable across time and space
mircea_popescu: i am happy to announce that for the fy 2014 serenissima ran a whopping 5798796857967496834% deficit
pete_dushenski: they saw 22% growth in the pe holdings in 2014
pete_dushenski: "GoDaddy shares opened at $26.15, 31% above its initial public offering price." << wait, why the fuck are they going public in the first place ?
Pierre_Rochard: BingoBoingo: I would’ve opted for golf. Surely has highest % of decision-making people
SquirtPrincess: not like cams on naked its 4.99 a min and i get 50%
pete_dushenski: Pierre_Rochard my putin pump obviously worked, russia pulled back from 17% to 14% since my article
Chillum: if you only discharge a vehicle battry 20% before charging it they last a good amount of time
ascii_field: that way reader is -100% analogue-
mats: USDJPY up ~20% over nine months
decimation: one of the problems is that 99% of the installations use winblows for the key server
nubbins`: http://jakwave.co.uk/recipe-%EB%8B%A8%EB%AC%B4%EC%A7%80-danmuji-korean-sweet-pickled-radish/
nubbins`: for my 1430s: https://www.cobraink.com/CIS/CIS%20kits/1430%20kit/CIS%20Kit%201430.htm
nubbins`: with https://www.cobraink.com/CIS/CIS%20kits/Art50%20kit/CIS%20Kit%20Art50.htm
pete_dushenski: heh "fuck jim prentice" was 2.4% of the search results leading to contravex
asciilifeform: nubbins` et al: if you have a genuine serial port on your box, something based on max232 (e.g., http://www.amazon.com/Nextrox%C2%AE-MAX232-Converter-Adapter-Module/dp/B00BXCYAO6 ) will also work
assbot: 5 results for 'from:adlai music' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=from%3Aadlai+music
nubbins`: Chillum: a stock pogo will spread cheeks thusly: curl -k "https://root:ceadmin@[PogoplugIPAddress]/sqdiag/HBPlug?action=command&command=dropbear%20start";
chetty: <mircea_popescu> 90% of lines were "hello x", 90% of the remainder "so how's it going". maybe 1 in 4 hello-handshakes succeeded, and less than 1 in 100 went past 2nd pass.//roughly matching avg. attention spans
mircea_popescu: 90% of lines were "hello x", 90% of the remainder "so how's it going". maybe 1 in 4 hello-handshakes succeeded, and less than 1 in 100 went past 2nd pass.
asciilifeform: <Chillum> Routers are a sad state of affair. Something like 70% of consumer wifi routers in the wild are vulnerable to heartbleed << and a fella who knows this, is still fond of ssl ? amazing
Chillum: Routers are a sad state of affair. Something like 70% of consumer wifi routers in the wild are vulnerable to heartbleed
nubbins`: like on the order of 80%+
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu et al.: instructive re: earlier thread today >> https://octopart.com/search?q=sata&filter%5Bfields%5D%5Bcategory_uids%5D%5B%5D=c8d405def9791313&start=0&filter%5Bfields%5D%5Bavg_avail%5D%5B%5D=%5B1%20TO%20*%5D
mircea_popescu: it's not 100% us!
asciilifeform: https://octopart.com/search?q=marvell%20%2088F6192 << interestingly, it's either extinct or octo (a paul graham co.!) lies, lies.
mircea_popescu: 99%, but let him have fun. the 1% is there.
pete_dushenski: "Women guaranteed at least 50% of jobs on Victorian government boards" << wd oz, get those numbers up!
Chillum: got 100% second try
Chillum: got 50%
mircea_popescu: i wonder what % of said paraphenalia is sold to protect your goods, and what % "ticket to shooting your own guy!"
danielpbarron: curl -k "https://root:ceadmin@XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX/sqdiag/HBPlug?action=command&command=dropbear%20start";
nubbins`: i keep running my battery down to 0% which tends to make me have to rescan everything
BingoBoingo: Adlai: What word is w|% supposed to be?
mircea_popescu: for one thing, you can blame the us for anything you wish, but the argentine disaster is 100% argentine made.
mircea_popescu: atm prices are about 2-300% inflated, easy.
felipelalli: felipelalli tell you what, if you can prove ownership of a btc address, you can have 1% of whatever's in there as a loan, for short intervals, interest free. how about that. << mircea_popescu it would be perfect.
Chillum: 5% will not pass by chance in general
assbot: 74 results for 'cardano from:asciilifeform' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=cardano+from%3Aasciilifeform
nubbins`: <+mircea_popescu> ;;later tell felipelalli tell you what, if you can prove ownership of a btc address, you can have 1% of whatever's in there as a loan, for short intervals, interest free. how about that. <<< big spender!
mircea_popescu: ;;later tell felipelalli tell you what, if you can prove ownership of a btc address, you can have 1% of whatever's in there as a loan, for short intervals, interest free. how about that.
mircea_popescu: gain a little, lose a lot. i made -13% apr on usd, +6.5% in btc.
mircea_popescu: "Ganhava um pouco, e perdia muito. Meu saldo final, depois de muito trabalho e tempo, foi APR de -13.27% aos investimentos atrelados ao dólare e +6,44% em bitcoin."
decimation: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Papah%C4%81naumoku%C4%81kea_Marine_National_Monument
mircea_popescu: even better than 99% yield.
mircea_popescu: decimation 1% yield, as long as it's not your run, is fine isn't it.
mircea_popescu: it always seems remarkable when the sec comes out with "oh, clearly they had insider info, held 90% of this improbable strike". but if you go combing over the market, you'll see lots of similar situations all the time.
decimation: usg could fire 90% of its staff, rationalize its tax system, and start colonizing the world
mircea_popescu: the government has lost 3-4% of its revenue.
mircea_popescu: trinque understand something : if one million people becomes 1% more likely to lie on their taxes,
mircea_popescu: while also providing sufficient proof for 1% that in fact someone's trying to interfere
mircea_popescu: BUT! if the solution they come up with is to make an artefact which convinces 99% of the women sorted by stupidity that they shouldn't fuck you,
asciilifeform: 100% solid believers in the fishwrap XOR reddit everywhere i've physically set foot in usa.
assbot: 12 results for 'pin from:nubbins`' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=pin+from%3Anubbins%60
nubbins`: For two days only, save 40% on Pogoplug Unlimited Cloud—just $29 for the first year (reg. $49.95).
nubbins`: but again. i'm not evaluating his claims (how can i? 100% not reading any more), just the way in which he presents himself and his theories
assbot: Trust relationship from user assbot to user nubbins`: Level 1: 1, Level 2: 12 via 12 connections. | http://w.b-a.link/trust/assbot/nubbins%60 | http://w.b-a.link/user/nubbins%60
asciilifeform: http://yandex.ru/yandsearch?text=%22Leszek%20Sachs%22 << not particularly more interesting
assbot: 1 results for 'every balance from:jurov' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=every+balance++from%3Ajurov
assbot: 0 results for 'every movement from:jurov' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=every+movement++from%3Ajurov
mike_c: which is why some people who would rather have the cash themselves are willing to dump it at 90% of book value.
mike_c: ^ 1% of bitbet has turned over in the last month. that seems "right" to me. s.mg is untradeable because it has so much coin.
mike_c: still at 36 pe. it's getting into "value" range now with 3% divs.
assbot: fluffyponyza comments on Almost 10% more full nodes since this morning connected to the network. Over 400 more in US. Is there some sort of competition I don't know of ? ... ( http://bit.ly/1xAZ4GA )
assbot: Logged on 26-03-2015 02:26:12; asciilifeform: decimation: when you get above the 'recycled piss' price point, i suspect the 'valuation' is 100% 'veblen good.'
asciilifeform: decimation: when you get above the 'recycled piss' price point, i suspect the 'valuation' is 100% 'veblen good.'
assbot: Almost 10% more full nodes since this morning connected to the network. Over 400 more in US. Is there some sort of competition I don't know of ? : Bitcoin ... ( http://bit.ly/1GoHWoX )
trinque: mircea_popescu: 100% granted, that is a fine reason not to do it
nubbins`: they're 100% welcome to grab the latest foundation release, because obv it'll still work