7700+ entries in 0.023s
mod6: mornin'
mod6: pretty cool idea
mod6: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-04-08#1449176 ☝︎
mod6: This will be quite awesome. "Here lies mod6. emerge trb" it will say.
mod6: So ordered.
mod6: ^
mod6: yeah, i think emerge a trb would be the ticket, no?
mod6: anyway, yeah, someday we'll get away from this wad.
mod6: i see ya ya
mod6: oh,.. i see what you might be getting at. buildroot doesn't come with it because yadda yadda, no kernel needs that to unroll.
mod6: seems to be two seperate things.
mod6: i don't think that because they used to bundle up the kernel as a bzip2 that means that average orc-os wouldn't have that tool set in the default userland,.
mod6: it looks to me that ya, buildroot needs it.
mod6: hrm?
mod6: oh for them? yeah, i dunno.
mod6: am I missing something?
mod6: seems like everyday orc-os gets worse.
mod6: i dunno. for whatever reason her OS didn't have those tools ahead of time.
mod6: (to pull in 'bzcat')
mod6: I believe the package that is required is 'bzip2'.
mod6: hmm.
mod6: diana_coman, asciilifeform, mircea_popescu, ben_vulpes, et. al. ok TRB HowTo updated with 'bzip2 tools [including bzcat]'/
mod6: <+diana_coman> mod6, the online build (at least that one) of trb seems to require also bzip2 -> to add to deps at http://thebitcoin.foundation/trb-howto.html ? <+diana_coman> asciilifeform, barf: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/wJ9yF/?raw=true << noted, will add, thanks!
mod6 orders twinkie
mod6: Done.
mod6: Okay, update me when either or both are back in action.
mod6: want me to take them both off the list then?
mod6: ah, ok thx.
mod6: trinque: do i need to change the one listed here then? http://thebitcoin.foundation/trusted-nodes.html ☟︎
mod6: you can also do things like: `apt-cache search yourstringhere`
mod6: try 'coreutils'
mod6: <+asciilifeform> mod6, diana_coman , whoever else was tuned in for ffa ^^^ latest . << got it, thanks!
mod6: they'll prolly try
mod6: <+cruciform> about 2 months in so far -6m is a hefty requirement! << nice, keep at it!
mod6: ya, very cool trinque
mod6: Ladies and Gentlemen of TMSR~: http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/2017-October/000274.html
mod6: Thanks for posting the Treasury statement as well.
mod6: jurov: thanks!
mod6: !~later tell jurov Sent SoBA email to btc-dev list, didn't bounce, maybe stuck in queue? Plz to take a look and see if it is just stuck. Thanks!
mod6: werd. exciting stuff. wish i could help more :/
mod6: how's it goin with ffa stuff?
mod6: eitherway, thanks for the tip.
mod6: <+asciilifeform> the sane approach consists of isolating all of the unixoid crud in separate .ads/.adb , make it compact. << ah, this is even deeper than i have it for sure.
mod6: anyway, it's been pretty cool to see this thing come to life. im now in the process of building the big map of vpatch->srcfile->{hash_a, hash_b}
mod6: <+asciilifeform> the cost is, then you gotta make'em behave adaistically << yeah, my approach now seems sane. might be a bit expensive tho. so, if there's a better way thats still 'sane', will try that and report back.
mod6: but am flexible. my basic aim is to write the code, keep it as tight and functionally appropriate as possible, then tune it later.
mod6: i'm strictly doing c callouts.
mod6: ya. i was looking at your stuff to sort of guide me a bit.
mod6: i'd been avoiding using GNAT libs... maybe I shouldn't have been?
mod6: thanks alf!
mod6: anyway, this is all just experimental stuff. no worries.
mod6: but as far as I can tell, there is no way to do that in ada. the general thing i've seen out on the web is that you must write the output of the shell command to a file, then read it back in.
mod6: for example, I do a bunch of this in perl: @result = `gpg --bla --bla`; foreach(@result) { }
mod6: if anyone knows how to do this, let me know.
mod6: Another thing worth the mention is that my ada-vtron shells out to gpg - which adds some time as well. one thing I think that would help is if I could figure out how to capture the shell command output directly back into the application instead of having to write to a file, then read the file back into the program.
mod6: !!up p0nziph0ne
mod6: The good news is I'm learning stuff.
mod6: Anyway, there is some hope here perhaps -- got a long way to go.
mod6: Doing such, avoid use of the heap. And there is quite a bit of manipulation I have to do with the strings. So that adds some cost, because I'm basically doing the parsing on my own. I'm not using any weird 3rd party libs.
mod6: Basically when working with Strings.Fixed I end up making arrays (of fixed size) of strings (of fixed size), need to use caution always to not continue to iterate if the string at a given index is filled with ' '.
mod6: To close the loop here a bit, the vtron stuff I've been doing in ada is a lot faster now than it was -- just needed to get some better loop control.
mod6: *nod*
mod6: how's it goin?
mod6: interesting instrument there
mod6: heheh
mod6: sweet
mod6: ya
mod6: mornin'
mod6: !!up oroborous
mod6: !!up elaineo
mod6: !!key deedbot
mod6: evenin'
mod6: <+ben_vulpes> random entertaining systemderps https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/systemd/+bug/1449001 << fall back to getting googholed huh?
mod6: lol
mod6: my eyes
mod6: Ada Field Report: 1) Perl is fast. 2) Working with Strings.Fixed, oofda. 3) Verify Seals works!
mod6: lol
mod6: older ones though...
mod6: lot of the bobcats i've seen recently have a 10-key pad to enter a code before it can be started.
mod6: get your wienerschnitzels ready
mod6: I had one result that was 10%, the rest 25%-50% : http://www.mod6.net/fg/fg-test/fg-test.html
mod6 checks his results
mod6: that's in the 'suspect' range no?
mod6: asciilifeform: so far, i've only gone to the extent of unplugging both RNG-TWs and ensuring that the SAD lamp does what it should.
mod6: nice trinque
mod6: yeah, would have been proper.
mod6: or something
mod6: MPEx = ( . Y . )
mod6: i like the mpex shirt too hehe. but aha, tits would be sweet.
mod6: no idea, it's been around for a while tho...
mod6: https://koinswag.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/MPSilver.png
mod6: <+asciilifeform> transfer rate on 8th and above, slows to a kB/s or so << ugh.
mod6: <+asciilifeform> one of the items i am currently working on is a fully-automatic FG tester << ahh cool.
mod6: that's what you use to test in parallel right?
mod6: <+trinque> http://deedbot.org/help.html#wallet << docs updated with upcoming wallet commands. << very cool!
mod6: aha.
mod6: heheh
mod6: hawt
mod6: que tal?
mod6: kinda the same really. gotta get some suits dry-cleaned and head to the tailor for some measurements for new ones.