7400+ entries in 0.716s
xmj: EU
R/USD is the only currency worth watching, fwiw
pankkake: my brother works in the eu
r/usd options business, I'll ask him :D
mircea_popescu: ;;later tell mike_c yesterday I checked your page
http://www.btcalpha.com/mpif-tracker/ and I saw that mpif was 15 satoshi ahead, and slowly gaining. so i went to sleep AND GAVE IT ALMOST TEN HOURS only to wake up and find that it is now ONLY !$ ahead. I was never told this can go backwards, I was led to expect this goes up WHAT SORT OF A SCAM ARE YOU RUNNNING!
Naphex: someone should give that to the presses to annoy all silve
r/gold/money bugs
mike_c: 100 people go lynch a black guy. yes, 20 of them only did it because of peer pressure, but 80 of them did do it because they hate/fea
r/whatever blacks.
Naphex: also it is relativly cheap at 0.14eu
Naphex: 200eu
r/month for 32GBram sever, with 32 cores, and some fast storage
xmj: jurov: saltstack is brilliant if you want a maste
r/client setup with at least one master configuring multiple clients
BingoBoingo: "This bait and switch defense procurement situation, one that has become eerily circular in nature, is a much larger threat to national security then uneducated men in mud huts with AK-47s. A foe which we have spent trillions targeting and killing for over the last decade with little to show for it."
http://aviationintel.com/disgrace-navys-f-35b-carrier/ fluffypony: but atm I'm not convinced either party particularly cares about all the ranting on /
mircea_popescu: no but google has this asinine "will score twitte
r/wikipedia above anything else just for being twitte
mircea_popescu: xmj: i'm living in a country whose minimum wage is 300EU
R/month, and make a few orders of magnitude. so that's going to be feasible << out of gaming fidelity rewards ?
xmj: i'm living in a country whose minimum wage is 300EU
R/month, and make a few orders of magnitude. so that's going to be feasible
fluffypony: mircea_popescu:anyone with a reddit presence want to start a subreddit ? <- I've found /
r/BitcoinSerious to be really good, just not enough subscribers to keep the discussion flowing at pace
BingoBoingo: I swear the Buttcoin people offer more insightful commentary into Bitcoin than
mircea_popescu: Mats_cd03: i spent a moment imagining what /
r/bitcoin would be like with b-a mods << actually cool.
Mats_cd03: i spent a moment imagining what /
r/bitcoin would be like with b-a mods
pankkake: maged also a mod on both /
r/bitcoin and scamtalk
Mats_cd03: pankkake: mod on /
r/bitcoin and collector of substantial donations on its behalf
assbot: Battle78 comments on Life threat against Andreas on Twitter [x-post /
Vexual: 0 dogecoin cars, helicopte
r/fastboat trasfers included