6700+ entries in 0.015s
mod6: thanks for putting that together, very cool
mod6: ooh lemme check it out
mod6 is having some fun stepping through some ffa procedures
mod6: mornin' BingoBoingo
mod6: yah, food for thought here maybe.
mod6: yah, that's actually what it added up to: "+++ ", but no diff info / hash after it.
mod6: mircea_popescu: also, fwiw, we might need to adjust our "NO '--- ' or '+++ ' to begin a line in a vpatch to "NO '-- ' or '++ '". There was a vpatch in development where my vtron choked on a line being added into a source file that began with '++', and with the diff '+', became '+++'. My vtron correctly choked here. But maybe a bit of an adjustment to the rule?
mod6: <+mircea_popescu> if anyone is wondering, alf lives in a sausage plant. there's lots of meat. << been wondering if I should move in with him, or take bets on when he gets scurvy
mod6: np. use that to patch 99994.
mod6: ooooh, i was doing "from: mod6" and getting very strange results.
mod6: how do i search the logs for all the lines that I have said?
mod6: diana_coman: you mean the patch for 99993? yeah, i pasted it in here.... lemme look for it quick.
mod6: maybe outline the entire problem here -- im not sure I have the right answer on that. alf should comment.
mod6: cool thx asciilifeform
mod6: im way behind. i've been reading through the loper-os posts, and diana_coman's blog posts... but haven't gone through 'em with fine tooth comb yet. probably will have to wait until v things are done.
mod6: just been workin on v stuffs. i posted a page above that outlines the recent press calc defect and changes re.
mod6: holy fuckin guacamole
mod6: wait. that blue haired alien was the mETH guy?
mod6: asciilifeform: ok great! thanks for reviewing
mod6: <+asciilifeform> oh hey neato << yeah! let me know what ya think, it's all up for discussion.
mod6: diana_coman: ok thanks for taking a look!
mod6: Lords and Ladies of The Most Serene Republic, I have created a blog post outlining the behavior changes in 99993. Please take a look and consider these changes. Let me know if you have any comments or questions! Thanks in advance.
http://www.mod6.net/2018/99993/99993-changes.html ☟︎ mod6: making some diagrams for the blog post here...
mod6: omg colorizing these edges by hand is taking some time.
mod6: to the gallows with 'em all!
mod6: It'll be fine as you meet & get to know more and more locals. That kinda thing just takes time.
mod6: Sure. Nothing like jumping into the deep end of the pool 'eh.
mod6: how goes BingoBoingo!
mod6: Going back to the issue exposed by the eucrypt mpi_fix_copy_incr vpatch, you can see now that the press path is calculated by including all of the given HEAD's antecedents recursively.
mod6: death("HEAD: $press[1] not found in flow\n") if !grep /^$press[1]$/, @flow;
mod6: correction: flow is not used to ~feed~ press operation. still used to ensure that the HEAD is within the flow set.
mod6: This may be removed before release. Flow still works as it previously did, just is no longer used in press.
mod6: oh, I should maybe also say, one thing that was added as more of a debugging feature was the 'press-path' or 'pp' command. Which will dump out the exact press path to be used from a given head.
mod6: thanks, let me know if questions/comments/etc.
mod6: So I have an experimental patch here that applies right on top of release version 99994 of my vtron. ONLY use this in a testing capacity - the contents of the patch are subject to change at any time.
mod6: shinohai: ah, alright, i'll probably have a full patch for people to look at here later today.
mod6 tips hat to asciilifeform
mod6: (also, yes, the get_homedir sub can be trimmed)
mod6: thoughts, comments welcome
mod6: all of the automated tests passed, so that's a good sign
mod6: looks like mktemp will do the trick
mod6: So remaining changes include the one just discussed above, and the possible change to how I make/use tmp dirs.
mod6: Ah, yeah, thanks for checking that out.
mod6: Will be good to get these changes in, get it tested & validated, and then move on to the other pressing matters of the Foundation. :]
mod6: They're not super pretty, but they work and are saving me a metric FUCKTON of time.
mod6: The automated tests that I wrote are paying in spades btw.
mod6: Hopefully that will get some good discussion going here so we can all validate it's correctness.
mod6: I'm still gonna write up that blog post about the change to how the press-path is calculated. Hopefully have somthing here by Monday.
mod6: so, hindsight here... i should have just stuck to that.
mod6: ah, no. i always use a different press dir name, but im pretty anal about how i use v.
mod6: Anyway, was thinking that it would be best to halt operation if the directory already exists. Let the user decide how to handle from there.
mod6: It's a work in progress. :]
mod6: I try to keep docs up to date. And add protections where they are needed. Hopefully my vtron is, over time, getting better. Not worse.
mod6: mircea_popescu: aha. fair enough.
mod6: and also, fwiw, that change did not make it into the normal v document. but did end up in the changes list in the email. i'll have to make a note to add that to the doc.