4120 entries in 0.75s
mircea_popescu: everyone on the internet is a dog
dog: double dog dare?
mircea_popescu: build a better double dog...
JWU_42: a double dog
JWU_42: http://img3i.www.spoki.lv/upload2/articles/51/516169/images/HELLO-YES-THIS-IS-DOG-11.jpg
dog: http://img3i.www.spoki.lv/upload2/articles/51/516169/images/HELLO-YES-THIS-IS-DOG-11.jpg
mircea_popescu: dog hello ?
this_is_dog: this is dog
mircea_popescu: this_is_dog hello ?
smickles: "all dogs go to bacon"
mircea_popescu: rg is moving in with the big dogs
mircea_popescu: they'd ship it soaked in dog pee
rg: Diablo-D3: i bet theyd let the dogs sniff it
mircea_popescu: o, "people" do ? im sorry eskimodog, but we of teh internets know you're a dog.
EmanuelDeOrtego: You're likely right. It might just be tradition but it still seem unusual to me especially with everyone dogging him out.
nefario: usagi: you sly dog
mircea_popescu: you sly dog you. i wouldn't worry about any blemishes.
smickles: usagi: cause i bought him a hotdog or something?
mircea_popescu: now if its the same cartmell im not so sure, but if it is guy's a pitbulldogorca.
EskimoBob: sure - lets another man and a dog develop something and when he gets "sick" and walks... you have a assload of broken code :)