4423 entries in 0.474s
danielpbarron: mircea_popescu, http://danielpbarron.com/dr.html updated
gribble: danielpbarron.com is up
ben_vulpes: ;;isitdown danielpbarron.com
chetty: <danielpbarron> heh, usagi contacted me on twitter because apparently he is a "christian" and wants to go at it from that "angle"//being christian is an angle?
cazalla: that's why i like danielpbarron, he keeps on true to his ideals regardless of the negs
ben_vulpes: danielpbarron: your otc profile's getting hilarious
BingoBoingo: http://images.kingdomofloathing.com/otherimages/apology.gif << danielpbarron
cazalla: danielpbarron, top lulz
decimation: yeah I just opened it and cazella and danielpbarron's questions are the top two
cazalla: danielpbarron, i don't use g+ so don't be offended that i don't follow back
trixisowned: danielpbarron,
BingoBoingo: Approaching 50% of danielpbarron's marketcap for his BTC/MEAT asset in just shit from years ago
BingoBoingo: mike_c: dexx7, danielpbarron, checkdavid
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron the prepended dpb is actually fucking clever. how do you do it ? this must be a standard, ima put it on trilema too.
BingoBoingo: From one of danielpbarron's forum links where he shows people the light and truth
BingoBoingo: los_pantalones: He was refered here by a link danielpbarron left on reddit, who is to say who he actually is?
BingoBoingo: lol danielpbarron is now auto naming his referals in his links here from the forumtrolling
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron i wouldn't bother.
kakobrekla: !up danielpbarron
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron pretty sure the offspring thing is a mockery.
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron: it was probably "love" or "hope" or something silly like that << https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aBeE9Ijie2k
cazalla: i'll toss up a page like danielpbarron has for next week and increase post vol now that some acccounts are approved to post
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron whay just one ?
danielpbarron: 03:42 <+mircea_popescu> something along the lines of danielpbarron and co. << updated report http://danielpbarron.com/dr.html
mircea_popescu: something along the lines of danielpbarron and co.
moarrr: danielpbarron: nope
BingoBoingo: moarrr: You know danielpbarron ?
mircea_popescu: http://danielpbarron.com/ << check out this guy's page. old school.
cazalla: danielpbarron, you might also try wickedfire.com rerolled.org genmay.com
ben_vulpes: http://artjaguar.com/dev/about-us << found this on gfy. thanks(?) danielpbarron
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron pm.
danielpbarron: mircea_popescu, http://danielpbarron.com/dr.html
gribble: Currently authenticated from hostmask xmj!~xmj@freebsd/developer/xmj. Trust relationship from user danielpbarron to user xmj: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 2 via 4 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=danielpbarron&dest=xmj | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=xmj | Rated since: Fri May 23 01:38:16 2014
danielpbarron: ;;gettrust danielpbarron xmj
BingoBoingo: kakobrekla: danielpbarron is an honest holy man. spreads the words of God's hate
BingoBoingo: kakobrekla: Don't forget danielpbarron
BigBitz: danielpbarron timtams from -otc runs LetsTalkBitcoin I think!
danielpbarron: https://twitter.com/danielpbarron/status/495223061386645504
BingoBoingo: ;;later tell danielpbarron turns out was able to ascend
xanthyos: are you the guy who gave danielpbarron btc for meat?
BingoBoingo: danielpbarron: Ah, I made I guess... the mistake of doing some hardcore ascensions, but... I'm enjoying these new challenge paths
BingoBoingo: danielpbarron: Wait you are that old and never wanted to inherit another class's skills?
BingoBoingo: danielpbarron: have you never ascended before?
BingoBoingo: danielpbarron: It's cool prolly nothing to bet on today seems like I'm totes ascending later
BingoBoingo: danielpbarron: Also you may be comforted to know KOL uses NGINX instead of dead Injuns
BingoBoingo: danielpbarron: How comfortable do you feel that we can put a price on my ascending before next rollover?
BingoBoingo: danielpbarron: Want to bet on something risky?
BingoBoingo: danielpbarron: How do you feel today?
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron dedication is a virtue, but too much of a virtue can be a sin. even your church preaches temperance, does it not ?
rithm: i spend a majority of my day hanging on danielpbarron's every line of text.
ThickAsThieves: danielpbarron everything is about you
artifexd: <gribble> New rating | birdman > 3 > danielpbarron | Holds alot of my btc, very knowlageable with cryptography, is childish and doesnt understand the web of trust. negative rated me for getting devoice on #bitcoin-assets. Rationalizes that he had to change the +2 he had for me to a -4 because of his appearence there. Not to mention i was devoiced there
artifexd: <gribble> Rating change | Old rating 2 | New rating: danielpbarron > -4 > birdman | have known face-to-face for several years; currently an idiot, but there is still hope.. <<< LOL
unseen: danielpbarron will use it ;-)
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron: well nanotube should make it so you can always give ratings, or maybe base it on an L2 thing like assbot does <<< it already is. in order to be able to rate you need to be linked to google.
fluffypony: danielpbarron: I don't disagree with genericpersona, those ratings are far from the biggest threat to the WoT
gribble: Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user danielpbarron has been recorded.
mircea_popescu: ;;rate danielpbarron 1 Works at spreading teh words.
gribble: You have not yet rated user danielpbarron
mircea_popescu: ;;rated danielpbarron
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron: i think all users should be able to give ratings; doesn't matter if they are trolls or scammers << it's not really a good idea, because spamming.
gribble: Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user danielpbarron has been recorded.
punkman: ;;rate danielpbarron 1 #b-a regular
gribble: Currently authenticated from hostmask danielpbarron!~dpb@c-71-232-150-212.hsd1.ma.comcast.net. Trust relationship from user nanotube to user danielpbarron: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 1 via 4 connections. Graph: http://b-otc.com/stg?source=nanotube&dest=danielpbarron | WoT data: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=danielpbarron | Rated since: Thu Mar 21 17:26:04 2013
Blazedout419: ;;gettrust nanotube danielpbarron
mike_c: danielpbarron: it is. l2 to nanotube
Blazedout419: well danielpbarron not going to beat the dead horse here, but your ratings are a joke
gribble: Currently authenticated from hostmask danielpbarron!~dpb@c-71-232-150-212.hsd1.ma.comcast.net . User danielpbarron, rated since Thu Mar 21 17:26:04 2013. Cumulative rating 1, from 28 total ratings. Received ratings: 21 positive, 7 negative. Sent ratings: 78 positive, 18 negative. Details: http://b-otc.com/vrd?nick=danielpbarron
mike_c: ;;ratingsystem getrating danielpbarron
rithm: <danielpbarron> +i think all users should be able to give ratings; doesn't matter if they are trolls or scammers
danielpbarron: Blazedout419, looks fine from my point of view: http://serajewelks.bitcoin-otc.com/trustgraph.php?source=danielpbarron&dest=tim-tams
Blazedout419: danielpbarron true, but many only look at L1 and ratings
benkay: danielpbarron: you can't !up yourself, but you can /msg assbot !up from #bitcoin-assets.
benkay: but seriously danielpbarron xanthyos if you can type "keybase" at the command line you can type "gpg -d" at the command line too.
benkay: danielpbarron: they have to have gpg anyways, right?
benkay: danielpbarron: you're responsible for this heresy?
xanthyos: i know danielpbarron and birdman irl and trust them explicitly regardless of what you think of their irc personas
xanthyos: danielpbarron set it up for me, i assumed it was everyone's gribblling procedure
mike_c: danielpbarron, your judgement is questionable :)
HeySteve: heh danielpbarron
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron if there's religious interest forums you know that i don't / other stuff you're already doing feel free to throw that into the mix.
mircea_popescu: hey danielpbarron, what do you do for a living ?
mircea_popescu: Daniel: "We believe that we can build a better future. We believe that we can enable all to participate in a revolution of collective ownership, something that will radically shift the nature of human society." wtf; are they socialists? <<< lulzy danielpbarron
danielpbarron: http://danielpbarron.com/swarm.log.txt << long but kinda funny read about yet another scam
mike_c: go teach danielpbarron *anything*
DreadKnight: danielpbarron, first or second one?
BingoBoingo: TheNewDeal: That was danielpbarron
benkay: danielpbarron: the little reading i've done suggests that it's not a namecoin killer, as that'd require...studying existing solutions and then doing it better. i've yet to find much support fot eh notion that the folks involved have done any research at all yet.
bitcoinpete: danielpbarron: ya i could see that
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron: i sent Jick a message for him to answer on his podcast, telling him he should accept BTC for Mr. A's; he shot it down and mostly focused on the "tone" i used << incredible the gall of these fuckwits.
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron: << if it's anything like the counterparty burn for xcp << supposedly this is not a burn, they intend to spend it.
BingoBoingo: danielpbarron: Well, think more like mircea_popescu and what he did with Eve. You can trade shares of 1BTC corp for S.MPOE shares. Maybe start a 1BTMeat clan?
BingoBoingo: danielpbarron: On the plus side ignoring the thing for 6+ years means there's new content nao at least
BingoBoingo: danielpbarron: Well, it was always worth more than any part, but... Back in the say the set used to be a 100+ million meat sort of deal
BingoBoingo: danielpbarron: Ah, I see the time set declined in value as well due to competitive alternatives existing nao
BingoBoingo: danielpbarron: It was indeed a nice pull from storage, but... Everything in this world is negotiable... And the set together has an added bonus
BingoBoingo: danielpbarron: Well, meat or BTC. I'd rather keep the trio together. TIme limited content and all that.
BingoBoingo: danielpbarron: Well, time trappings, the whole outfit.
BingoBoingo: ;;later tell danielpbarron Checking out my KoL inventory... What sorts of uncommon things might you be interested in pricing...
BingoBoingo: danielpbarron: Well, that's why the most important part of reading a WoT is asking a rater about their ratings