4400+ entries in 0.317s
trinque lights his lantern, descends the stairs to the deedbot- chamber
mircea_popescu: a deedbot record
kakobrekla: deedbot- http://dpaste.com/0F8DSVR.txt
kakobrekla: deedbot- http://dpaste.com/0SM0WRF.txt
mircea_popescu: deedbot- http://mpex.ws/assets/f.derp-2FB7B452.txt
mircea_popescu: deedbot- http://mpex.ws/assets/f.mpif-2FB7B452.txt
mircea_popescu: deedbot- http://mpex.ws/assets/s.mg-2FB7B452.txt
mircea_popescu: deedbot- http://mpex.ws/assets/s.mpoe-2FB7B452.txt
mircea_popescu: deedbot- http://mpex.ws/assets/s.nsa-01ABFFC7.txt
mircea_popescu: deedbot- http://mpex.ws/assets/s.nsa-2FB7B452.txt
mircea_popescu: deedbot- http://mpex.ws/assets/s.qntr-2FB7B452.txt
mircea_popescu: deedbot- http://mpex.ws/assets/s.qntr-468F4AD0.txt
mircea_popescu: deedbot- http://mpex.ws/assets/s.qntr-F3251143.txt
mircea_popescu: deedbot- http://mpex.ws/assets/s.wol-2FB7B452.txt
mircea_popescu: deedbot- http://mpex.ws/assets/s.wol-4F910E21.txt
mircea_popescu: deedbot- http://mpex.ws/assets/x.eur-01713428.txt
mircea_popescu: deedbot- http://mpex.ws/assets/x.eur-2FB7B452.txt
mircea_popescu: deedbot- http://mpex.ws/assets/s.qntr-2FB7B452.txt
mircea_popescu: deedbot- http://mpex.ws/assets/s.bbet-2FB7B452.txt
trinque: pulling it down manually and verifying it with deedbot-'s gpg works
assbot: Logged on 01-06-2015 19:47:49; cazalla: deedbot- http://dpaste.com/0PYPXAV.txt
kakobrekla: kako's key wasn't fetched < but i used deedbot earlier and it worked ?
mircea_popescu: aha. i was gonna dump the whole set of contracts in deedbot, but ima wait now to see what he says about this one.
mircea_popescu: deedbot- http://mpex.co/assets/s.bbet-1F2489E8.txt
kakobrekla: deedbot- http://dpaste.com/1YXPBWJ.txt
trinque: gabriel_laddel: PSA that deedbot likes to eat manifests
jurov: still, not having to copy text from html can be handy when deedbot link is not provided
hanbot: deedbot- http://dpaste.com/0KM1CWY.txt
hanbot: deedbot- http://dpaste.com/0KM1CWY
mircea_popescu: deedbot- http://dpaste.com/3TCDRSQ.txt
jurov: deedbot doesn't do html
mircea_popescu: deedbot- http://minigame.bz/eulora/binaries/
trinque: people should auth here for the same reason the deedbot- doesn't take any tattered scrap of paper from the street
trinque pats deedbot- on the hood
cazalla: deedbot- http://dpaste.com/0PYPXAV.txt ☟︎
williamdunne: jurov: I don't own Deedbot
jurov: http://deedbot.org/deed-2015-04-01-21-13-14.txt wow what????
jurov: deedbot- http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/attachments/20150601/attachment_9bdc72d1f44647c3690340d290b4d0eeeae8b794.txt
jurov: deedbot- http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/attachments/20150531/attachment_fbcbdbbbf27cc9ec17055e2635cb71abc6c6c05a.txt
jurov: deedbot- http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/attachments/20150601/attachment_9bdc72d1f44647c3690340d290b4d0eeeae8b794.txt http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/attachments/20150531/attachment_fbcbdbbbf27cc9ec17055e2635cb71abc6c6c05a.txt
jurov: deedbot- http://explo.yt/public/fmpif_201505.txt.asc
assbot: Successfully added a rating of 1 for deedbot- with note: trinque's notary bot.
mircea_popescu: !v assbot:mircea_popescu.rate.deedbot-.1:30a2cb90b6b63b6ea796be21fc7551a0643ce1c546cf97a0b1403101c2950363
mircea_popescu: !rate deedbot- 1 trinque's notary bot.
williamdunne: deedbot- http://dpaste.com/16GTVPC.txt
williamdunne: deedbot http://dpaste.com/16GTVPC.txt
mircea_popescu: deedbot- http://trilema.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/usms-scammers-foia.txt
mircea_popescu: deedbot- http://trilema.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/usms-scammers-foia.txt
hanbot: anyway, archive.today the deedbot page consisting of a dump of the page source of an archive.today page? haha!
hanbot: cazalla, you can alter what you sign. you mean deedbot?
felipelalli: deedbot-: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=DSGdStPc
trinque: felipelalli: http://deedbot.org/deed-2015-05-25-01-55-10.txt
trinque: felipelalli: you may send funds to the address from which deedbot- makes its timestamping payments if you like
felipelalli: deedbot-: http://dpaste.com/19DWWYP.txt
trinque: deedbot- http://dpaste.com/0FG4ZMK.txt
trinque: if there are messages out there that are interesting to deedbot in other encodings, they'd otherwise be excluded
decimation: does deedbot need to be 8-bit clean?
mircea_popescu: so your deedbot is going to break over someone citing a nick ?
trinque: deedbot- http://dpaste.com/0FG4ZMK.txt
Hasimir: deedbot- http://dpaste.com/0FG4ZMK.txt
Hasimir: deedbot- http://dpaste.com/0FG4ZMK.txt
mircea_popescu: deedbot- http://dpaste.com/0FG4ZMK.txt
mircea_popescu: deedbot- http://dpaste.com/0FG4ZMK.txt
Hasimir: !up deedbot-
Hasimir: deedbot- http://dpaste.com/0FG4ZMK.txt
Hasimir: deedbot- http://dpaste.com/3QDH2V3.txt
mircea_popescu: just say deedbot- url
mircea_popescu: !up deedbot-
Hasimir: having trouble with deedbot atm
trinque: deedbot-: http://dpaste.com/1QCX2EW.txt
Hasimir: deedbot- http://www.adversary.org/ben-key.asc
trinque: Hasimir: deedbot- has his own key in the WoT, rate him and leave feedback and I'll get to it
trinque: Hasimir: like so http://deedbot.org/deed-2015-04-23-23-16-59.txt
jurov: http://wiki.bitcoin-assets.com/irc_bots/deedbot
trinque: Hasimir: deedbot records the sha256 of gpg signed messages into the bitcoin blockchain
Hasimir: I'll have a look at this deedbot thing then ...
trinque: sounds hilarious; deedbot- it!
trinque: Hasimir: that would be an awesome thing to sign and deedbot-
mircea_popescu: trinque check it out, deedbot joined the evil side ?
asciilifeform: http://eprint.iacr.org/2014/689 << what they actually did. think 'deedbot' but since bitcoin never existed on their planet, they demand crippled computers with super seekrit drm cpu.
assbot: Logged on 19-05-2015 22:50:05; jurov: if someone uses temporary voice to resubmit existing deed 1000 times, deedbot has nothing to say about it?
ben_vulpes: http://deedbot.org/deed-2015-05-04-01-34-51.txt << lol @ hanbot's codeblock
trinque: asciilifeform: if you end up opening your treasure chest please deedbot- the sha256sums
assbot: Successfully added a rating of 2 for trinque with note: coder formerly known as undata; deedbot maintainer
trinque: afaik using a deedbot against the blockchain is the only actually verifiable way of timestamping data that exists
jurov: if someone uses temporary voice to resubmit existing deed 1000 times, deedbot has nothing to say about it? ☟︎
trinque: either somebody produces the original text of the thing or deedbot has nothing to say about it
williamdunne: So kinda like deedbot in a way
jurov: or if it's meant for misc data, then it's done by deedbot already
trinque: williamdunne: turned the deedbot- rss'er off
trinque turns off deedbot-'s rss-er
davout: deedbot-: http://dpaste.com/3JTY0T7.txt
davout: deedbot-: add feed http://fr.anco.is/feed/
davout: deedbot-: http://dpaste.com/0H2AZ99.txt
mircea_popescu: trinque hey, you gonna make deedbot announce bitbet bets too ?
trinque: as scoopbot is not back I assume deedbot- is the new guy for that too?
williamdunne: Stick authentication of it in deedbot or summin
trinque: deedbot-: http://dpaste.com/3XT5Z9F.txt
trinque: decimation | it occurs to me that one use of deedbot would be timestamping potential evidence, like camera/video captures << seems a fine use.
trinque: deedbot-: add feed http://cascadianhacker.com/index.xml