30559 entries in 0.089s
mod6: oh i see
mod6: *shrug*
mod6: !pl GSDPT 1
mod6: it needs a number or somethin
mod6: :D
mod6: lol
mod6: Trying to be part of a cryptocurrency without knowing how to use gpg is like trying to be part of the 60s without knowing how to use a bong.
mod6: :)
mod6: http://venturebeat.com/2012/09/05/romney-tax-returns-hacked/
mod6: here's another:
mod6: haha
mod6: i was around for all three, didn't get burned by any either.
mod6: don't get graped in the mouth by pirate
mod6: heh
mod6: ugh
mod6: anyone who knows how to trade never would go long on $600 stock when you can buy options for a fraction of the cost, which gives you the option to buy, but not the obligation
mod6: no
mod6: lol
mod6: i still <3 irc anyway :)
mod6: *nod*
mod6: that will certainly cut down on board trolls
mod6: smh
mod6: tor?
mod6: nefario: i have no idea.
mod6: anyway, im working on it as often as I can, but my day-job gets in the way a lot.
mod6: i've had to change some stuff around a bit to make it easier. and its important for me to make sure this tool will only grab this data from mpex on a periodic basis, etc.
mod6: going ok so far. i don't have much in the way of screen shots quite yet.
mod6: <3 mpex
mod6: im working on BitOTTer for android too, it's coming along, which will help you non-command line dudes to trade MPEx
mod6: ;;rated rg
mod6: rg, i figured it was time that I put in a rating too
mod6: ;;rated smickles
mod6: smickles: i updated your wot rating
mod6: :)
mod6: mircea_popescu: haha, nice shack!
mod6: DeaDTerra: did you get your issues solved lastnight?
mod6: oh GLBSE?
mod6: were they filled?
mod6: bummer man :(
mod6: now i'm recalling him asking for donations and stuff, this is coming back to me.
mod6: oh wow. i feel like i read that article in a different life.
mod6: I wasn't aware of any of that stuff I guess. :/
mod6: anyway, thx for filling me in Diablo-D3
mod6: ole' lilo`
mod6: im still kinda blown away by all that. i had no idea.
mod6: wow, i haven't heard from lilo in years. and he died?! :(
mod6: I see :}
mod6: 's pass through
mod6: oh thats DeaDTerra
mod6: hmm, i guess ~13k btc http://bitcoincharts.com/charts/mtgoxUSD#rg2zig15-minztgSzbgBza1gTMAzm1g10za2gTMAzm2g25zi1gMACDzi2gWilliamRzv
mod6: some one just bought quite a few coins on gox too, maybe 20k?
mod6: was just peeking at this one: http://bitcoincharts.com/markets/mtgoxUSD.html
mod6: yea
mod6: yeah, a lot more strength on the bid side now
mod6: :)
mod6: irc++
mod6: hahah
mod6: candide is funny for sure
mod6: hai