26600+ entries in 0.118s
mod6: interesting point
mod6: that sounds pretty accurate asciilifeform
mod6: im not sure. i know some people who were green-hippy types who shelled out for the panels.
mod6: *sigh* oh well. then again, if they can afford to get the damn solar units themselfs (somewhere around $10k for an array), whats $60/year?
mod6: yeah, i have to believe thats part of the deal. they're seen as "sticking it to the man"... but really its probably a good thing over all. and creates independant households.
mod6: yeah, but why charge the solar people? if anything, i'd think they'd charge non-solar customers more.
mod6: haha, but then again, wth do i know?
mod6: the heat knocks out the power lots in the summer. I guess thats a function of cooling... but getting it back on line is hard as it gets overloaded on the draw. you'd think that having more people on solar would reduce the over all load.
mod6: there used to be terrible rolling brownouts out west all the time.
mod6: it does amaze me that they (power companies) don't encourage more private homes to go solar so they can push back to an already strained grid.
mod6: mircea_popescu: yah. certainly.
mod6: i had a neighbor when i first moved out there that had 2 kids in his apt and no power like 70% of the time. his apt was like well over 120 deg. F. during the day.
mod6: but, *shrug*. its certainly a royal pita if you're on the shit end of the stick.
mod6: thats how this system got to where it is now.
mod6: (20:46) < mircea_popescu> well no, the deadbeat is a pain in the ass << this is true. they have a lot of drifters in az who come in and setup power and other utils and then flee before they have to pay.
mod6: sounds par.
mod6: haha.
mod6: yeah, blowjobs might be the first order of business.
mod6: yah, its gonna be a whole different ball game for people. i have no idea what they're gonna do.
mod6: seriously, it sucks a major dong down there if you have poor or no credit. its like financial apartheid
mod6: the whole system down there is obnoxious
mod6: so you have to go out of your way to load the f'ing card to turn your lights on.
mod6: they only have these ATMs at certain locations.
mod6: its such a pain the the royal ass though.
mod6: then that ticks down until you run out and have to refill it
mod6: so they give you this meter thing that plugs into the wall, and from there you have to load dollars onto a simcard in an ATM and then put that into the meter.
mod6: they literally won't give you an account.
mod6: let alone, that arizona has like horrid power company polices and rules. there are a lot of drifters who come through there, so it makes it actually hard to get power if you don't have good credit.
mod6: we're being nicked and dimed here for everything in the us. and im sure people see this as just another brick in the wall.
mod6: its the saudi arabia of sunlight, and anyone who has solar probably figures they're "sticking it to the man" since they get paid if they push back to the grid.
mod6: the power companies in az are asswads.
mod6: i mean seriously
mod6: what a bunch of assholes
mod6: the tomato soup one in particular :D
mod6: some really great comments on that air-gap trilema article.
mod6: how are you doin?
mod6: :]
mod6: *bitotter
mod6: just fyi: made a new biotter shell script (for air gapped hosts) https://github.com/modsix/bitotter_ag
mod6: thx :]
mod6: oh. hmm
mod6: @#$^%!!
mod6: $vwap ^OIX
mod6: ikr :[
mod6: np
mod6: http://dpaste.com/hold/1461271/
mod6: heh. yeah, was just looking for a PDF URL to HTML/TEXT web thingy.
mod6: ;;bc,stats
mod6: don't get married?
mod6: ahh. that then too.
mod6: actually, im no aficionado, but density tests don't work to determine if filled with tungsten afaik. (gold and tungsten have nearly identical density) -- typically i've heard that the smaller the denomination of coin, the safer because they're harder to forge.
mod6: :]
mod6: aight
mod6: so when you have to cut one into quarters or whatever for tp... that guy wont care if its rare or not, only if it melts pure.
mod6: i would think you'd want it for its melt value, not its rarity
mod6: Namworld: http://www.geek.com/news/4-1-million-worth-of-bitcoins-goes-missing-as-chinese-exchange-gbl-disappears-1576967/
mod6: lol perl => old creep
mod6: werd. thx for the update jurov
mod6: mircea_popescu: cool! thx.
mod6: oh and btw, eulora v0.0.3 worked & started up fine for me on linux... but the server wasn't up. but as far as the package... it unpacked and started up no problem.
mod6: ahh i see.
mod6: weird, bitcoincharts.com seems to work ok for me?
mod6: ;;bc,stats
mod6: oh yeah! forgot that was you.
mod6: haha
mod6: i know the length of $1 is 6" for sure, the height seems about par with usd.
mod6: yeah, those are just probably inserted as a strip during or before the lamination process.
mod6: well, actually: [poly | ink | glue | poly ] (probably)
mod6: ok, so its a [ poly | ink | poly ] construction 'eh
mod6: one bad lot of glue could mean delam for lots and lots of notes haha.
mod6: oh, ok. probably better that way to avoid delamination
mod6: are these poly-notes just straight poly, or are they a laminated pet (polyester) | polyethylene with paper in the middle?
mod6: interesting way to get around the problem i suppose. new paper notes always stick together over here -- and there's a lot of 'em (lol)
mod6: ahh
mod6: mircea_popescu: do you mean 'faces' as in the artwork on the note, or as in some sort of poly scuffing or 'roughness' on the surface?
mod6: huh.
mod6: i bet, nubbins`. seems like that would be a problem.
mod6: lol nubbins` wasn't kidding: http://www.thestar.com/news/canada/2013/11/07/new_5_and_10_polymer_bills_released_by_bank_of_canada.html
mod6: ;;tslb
mod6: & ya, 24hr high was 272.52
mod6: ooh. hmm, wasnt aware.
mod6: Bitmit is shutting down its services in four weeks. Please complete your orders and withdraw your funds!
mod6: hmm from bitmit.net - this just popped up: Bitmit is closing
mod6: [ if someone sent me a PM from here, I don't know who it was. I had to kill my irssi session, sorry, plz resend. Thx. ]
mod6: ;;nethash
mod6: ;;bc,stats
mod6: ;;bc,stats
mod6: $193.03 3619.12508000 $698,599.71
mod6: well, guess its $193.03:
mod6: nice chart. someone has a pretty good bid in @ 195 on bitstamp.
mod6: ;;ticker
mod6: ;;ticker
mod6: anyway, i guess i'll get back to it. thanks for the convo.
mod6: i agree, there has to be a better way.
mod6: ahh i see your comment and reply in that article: I believe that efficiency in computer design is a false god. Give me an “inefficient” but responsive and “Seven-Laws Compliant” computer any day of the week in place of the monstrous PC, that race car which regards steering wheel input as mere advice and so eagerly speeds off cliffs and into embankments. << hahaha
mod6: ( i like this thread, even if it leads no-where in particular. just curious, searching for ideas. )
mod6: asciilifeform: so we must go back to the form of the turing machine or DFA to re-invent the modern os? or do you think even that must be re-thought because of the possibility of quantum computers?
mod6: but we wouldn't have a map in what to do, only what not to do.
mod6: we'd simply only have a lesson in what not to do.
mod6: so what if we got to a point where we needed to throw everything existing away (now), how we would we proceed?