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trinque: great, but I'm discussing providing something
as a service
as a matter of business.
phf: the architecture ~right now~ is
as secure
as your setup. there's no way to mitm wot ratings. if there's an error in wot, there's not even a point to start a stink. you go and fix the rating if you changed it drunk, or you let trinque know that there's some serious issue. we unroll last week's signed wot and proceed from there
phf: trinque: why not? my responsibility, the log, failed
as a combination of things inside of my control and outside of my control. i apologized and tried better next time. it's not a bad system.
trinque: so we've found the "sweet spot" where we have removed enough untrustworthy components and might
as well settle down and have kids / get fat here?
trinque: danielpbarron: what if I just allow whoever currently is set
as "nick" to rate
as "nick"
trinque: under the present scheme I could do the same, but have to trust the wire to be honest, or find a better wire, which proceeds towards dragging gossipd in
as a dependency
trinque: if ratings were this kind of material I could chatter them to anyone interested
as they are received, and conceivably "only chatter me things about the L2 of <key>"
☟︎ trinque: could just
as well have been "1"
trinque would not hate life
as a space pirate
trinque: especially
as relates to the payments system
mats: i mean specifically the folks ~in space~ rather than those on earth, aspiring to be there. no longer taking free air, water, food for granted, cooperating to survive in vacuum or organizing
as a society to terraform $planet
mircea_popescu: i can't say i ever used either that much to tell, but i did fuck around with art studio a lot
as a 6 yo
phf uses grafx2 port
as main and only graphics editor
mircea_popescu: "Keep in mind we do all this, because we can and because we like the thrilling excitement of winning over the other competing groups. We absolutely don't do all these releases, to please the general user that rather want to spend their cash on updating to the latest hardware, and see's the scene releases
as a source to play all these games for free." << all the way down to despising the consumer / i just want to jwz.
as per "boys worth bent bottlecap per head ; girls slightly more" economic imperative.
mircea_popescu: "A report from BuzzFeed found that, in the final three months of the US presidential campaign, the top-performing fake election news stories on Facebook generated more engagement than the top stories from major news outlets such
as the New York Times, Washington Post, Huffington Post, NBC News and others." <<->>
http://trilema.com/2016/the-war-with-the-press/ mircea_popescu: did you see the guy who had a "for free just
as good version" consisting of buying a software radio thing (for slightly more than what FUCKGOATS costs) and you know, listening to man made "entropy"
walter_: yes, seems not discussed here, found nothing on qntra
as well
mircea_popescu: very well spread in the old world, it's çorba in turkish, ciorba in romanian, i would identify it
as the core of cultural identity for non-western europe.
shinohai: I had iguana while I was in central america, about
as exotic
as I got with the locals
Framedragger: (oh god, i'll come back from asia believing that lithuania should seriously suck china's cock
as much
as possible so that it could *maybe* get bought by them. like, that's the best option for them. idem poland, only that the latter are way ahead (and a tad bit more autonomous from bruxelles.usa) (e.g.: coaxing chinese to invest into gdansk port; .lt's port is just about done.))
a111: Logged on 2015-05-19 02:03 mats: there is this thing known
as "zero defect" officers
pete_dushenski: of course they framed it
as fat tony 'leaving to pursue his other blockchain projects' but his days are officially over.
pete_dushenski: speaking of blogs, this comment came in recently with a link to an reuters piece about how the tsx had just turfed canadian scammer king anthony di iorio
as their 'chief digital officer', just
as i told them to do exactly five months ago. so goddam golden. mega-satisfying even though i didn't make a penny off the prediction.
pete_dushenski: many congrats to asciilifeform and mircea_popescu on squeeking in under the nth xmas deadline for #fuckgoats. looking forward to getting my hands on one, whatever batch that may be. will probably order a few and give
as gifts to sufficiently nerdy friends.
a111: Logged on 2016-12-01 20:59 mircea_popescu: ladrones simply comes from lado,
as in "de todo lado".
mircea_popescu: i mean, IVECO trucks, clearly made for municipal use, clearly delivered new sometime in the past 2-3 years.
as loud
as a zil uphill.
mircea_popescu: at which point englithment struck me : do you know that in two years here i NEVER heard an engine
as quiet
as the item left the factory ?
mircea_popescu: so folks may recall the airconditioner pics ? in the same vein, this morning there was a truck loaded with steel pipes, and two trabajadores. one of them held a pipe up in the air vertically, with great effort,
as the wind threatened to cause a serious workplace accident any moment. the other had a shovel.
a111: Logged on 2016-12-01 18:07 asciilifeform: the 'culture' was,
as i gather, never actually ~about~ the code, but... about the coffee; the shared deathmarches; the dope; the sensory deprivation bottles; the 'scene'; and other pretenses.
http://btcbase.org/log/2016-12-01#1575685 << you have to appreciate that "hacker culture"
as practiced by adolescents is very different from hacking and very related to adolescence. the "hunting culture" of adolescents similarly is more about the horde being together and all excited than about catching anything.
☝︎ mircea_popescu: fine example for trinque 's folder on "brain - not reasoning machine". woman goes out in the field with the horde of kids (whose job
as we know is to act
as landmine sacrifices for the mysterious bushes). notices kid eats berries from berry bush, notices kid doesn't die, has some, and then tomorrow, and then
mircea_popescu has had some occasion to try such wonders, like treated girl's sprain with mustard. it worked on her just
as well
as generally works, notwithstanding not from the right culture.
mircea_popescu: phf hey, the alcohol
as medicine thing is a joke older than those hippies' mothers.
phf knows some hippies to who refer to psychedelic mushrooms
as "medicine" and stick to the whole medical terminology throughout. mind you they take them at festivals, but "for medicinal purposes"
mircea_popescu runs into dude, dumb
as fucking doornail, "o man, everything's better on roids. you gotta juice man. you gotta!"
phf: this goes back to the whole computer
as an intelligence augmentation thread we had
mircea_popescu: trinque try
as i might i fail to see self-administered medication in any better light than self-mixed gasoline. "oh, my fuel mix gives me much better power and gas mileage". meanwhile derp drives a fucking honda and has an evil eye pendant dangling from the rear view mirror.
mircea_popescu: trinque it has to be so ; so
as to prevent the reality-representation tandem from going into positive feedback.
mircea_popescu: consider the illustrative case of physics. newtonian mechanics (representation structured
as representation) is valuable because a) it works in representative terms, ie, math and b) matches observable reality. but there is no objective relation between a and b, which is why science fiction can exist for instance ; and also why the only thing that can be said about nm is that it's ... not correct.
jhvh1: 3. Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God
as we understood Him.
adlai: in other news, physics lecturer is quite good: "being here does not excuse you from thinking, rather thinking is required of you" also "i can explain everything you want, but you'll have to start listening". so he's not quite throwing out the idiots, but it looks like he goes
as far
as he can without getting his jerb tooken away
adlai is speaking broadly here. literally taking the alpha-methyl off 'meth' is not the intent here, but rather nominating for consideration substituted PEAs such
as mescaline
gabriel_laddel: jurov: all the other masamune machines out in the wild are running the same sources
as I am
gabriel_laddel: er equery/emerge (more details later) 4. using this *stable* platform to do simulations for sane computing in CL 5. supporting this venture by leveraging lisp/clim/climacs/macsyma/sbcl against the rest of the world, which cannot produce GUIs / code / production systems
as quickly.
phf: gabriel_laddel: well this is my avocation, so hacking on hemlock and installing masamune in sfo is cost equivalent. i'd make a trip just
as a mini vacation, i'll see when's the closest i can swing it
☟︎ phf: well,
as w burroughs demonstrated the problem is not dope, it's the lack of money to both buy dope and not have to shop to work the next day
gabriel_laddel: trinque: the only way to distribute software is
as a full self-hosting linux that can generate livecds of itself.
phf: asciilifeform: he probably got ulimit -c 0 anyway, which
as apparently sop on all kind linux
trinque: yalehasaquestion: various creatures of ill repute have been bolting all kinds of insane shit to the codebase formerly known
as bitcoin for years now
yalehasaquestion: hey, I'd like to know, I've been running a listening node, and I added
as a peer -- but I don't look like I'm connected to it