3000+ entries in 0.145s
danielpbarron: I have cheap Sennheiser HD 449 headphones and a normal phone, works well enough
danielpbarron: I once lost like 400gb of flacs
danielpbarron: it makes sense to have 1400kbps FLAC, as that’s CD quality
danielpbarron: where was that quote from?
danielpbarron: that sounds like Kim Schmitz
danielpbarron: looking into it, but just found out my last GPG key’s validity ends this month
danielpbarron: what block are you on currently?
assbot: Logged on 16-05-2015 18:54:57; mod6: <+
danielpbarron> the node to which i'm referring runs 0.7.2 though, so might not be the same issue << as ascii said, this is apples to oranges, but I'm curious anyway; where abouts are you at in the sync process on this particular device? (what block height range? 250`000 - 290`000) ?
mod6: <+
danielpbarron> the node to which i'm referring runs 0.7.2 though, so might not be the same issue << as ascii said, this is apples to oranges, but I'm curious anyway; where abouts are you at in the sync process on this particular device? (what block height range? 250`000 - 290`000) ?
☟︎ trinque:
danielpbarron: I noticed deedbot's btcd node crashed the other day
assbot: Logged on 14-05-2015 01:37:03; mircea_popescu:
danielpbarron and since we're doing future references : you don't want a 20% of empty sky and cut calves.
assbot: Logged on 13-05-2015 22:19:52;
danielpbarron: i don't have a problem with USG getting 1/3 of all the bitcoin; the can only spend it once
assbot: Logged on 13-05-2015 22:15:06; trinque:
danielpbarron: not if it's all remotely diddlable
danielpbarron and since we're doing future references : you don't want a 20% of empty sky and cut calves.
☟︎ mircea_popescu:
danielpbarron you know you gotta let people publish their own pics.
mxtm: seraminta: well then ofc you can just do cash in person w/
danielpbarron here
danielpbarron: !v assbot:
danielpbarron: not if it's all remotely diddlable
☟︎ trinque:
danielpbarron: I think that group might self-select for people who have some measure of respect for their weapons
danielpbarron: depends where
danielpbarron: what'd you say?
danielpbarron: said something about teh gays your job didn't like?
danielpbarron what was that company that was "under fire" for something or other to do with gay marriage, ended up with booming sales ?
danielpbarron: heh! that's a much better reason
danielpbarron: cool. the free state project's somewhat interesting; I'm doubtful though that the whole 20k will move when that number's "reached"
assbot: Logged on 10-05-2015 18:58:41; trinque:
danielpbarron: are you in NH?
danielpbarron: wtf is a "porcupine freedom festival"?!
davout: and i was confused because i didn't remember that
danielpbarron's pogo runs a debian thing, hence able to run bitcoind
danielpbarron it's possible. not good practice in the sense that now more people can see it.
danielpbarron: i believe this is only in newer versions of gpg ?
danielpbarron sheeeit... that selection thing is the tits. how the hell does it work ?
assbot: Logged on 09-05-2015 01:42:24;
danielpbarron: "This is frustrating; from a clean slate analysis of network health I think my conclusion would be to _decrease_ the limit below the current 300k/txn/day level." << I concur; 1MB is probably too large a block
danielpbarron, i still don't know if he is serious or trolling with the race shit
danielpbarron heh, first mentioned... in #bitcoin-assets
mircea_popescu: yo
danielpbarron dun worry about it, "defo" means definitely.
danielpbarron: hahah
mircea_popescu: !rate
danielpbarron 3 Logician in charge of logistics.
ben_vulpes: look
danielpbarron there's a function in common lisp named for you!
☟︎ cazalla:
danielpbarron, ah look it's aubrey plaza.. love that chick
danielpbarron: but he was just "around" in the mansion whilst that other guy was diddling 12 year old asian boys
danielpbarron, psst... do you know how to launder paper money with crypto currency ??
danielpbarron iirc the solution is to use softer rubber dongs
danielpbarron the problem with this is that they could have picked much less expensive, more impactful targets.
danielpbarron: you think it may have been an 'inside job' by usg? I have heard that pov from others, too
danielpbarron do you call emergency line and tell them truths ?
danielpbarron: ok i see, that makes lots of sense
davout: ah, it is
danielpbarron'd :D
danielpbarron: because other than the attached SATA the pogo has no other storage than the eeprom, right?
danielpbarron: i think that what i'll do is slightly change the buildroot config to be able to "busybox mkfs"
assbot: Logged on 07-05-2015 09:53:33; davout:
danielpbarron: you created the filesystem of your pogo on your local station amirite? messed a bit with fdisk but it looks like the pogo doesn't have any mkfs binary :/
danielpbarron: you created the filesystem of your pogo on your local station amirite? messed a bit with fdisk but it looks like the pogo doesn't have any mkfs binary :/
☟︎ mircea_popescu:
danielpbarron bitfinex was at no point in its existence anything but a [very thinly veiled] scam.
danielpbarron appreciated. i have much reading to do
danielpbarron: !v assbot:
danielpbarron yep, getting into wot now
danielpbarron, i think max and stacy are utter trash
danielpbarron, did bravetheworld end up naming the people she references in her article?
assbot: Logged on 06-05-2015 16:05:45;
danielpbarron: maybe also the former
danielpbarron: looks like it hangs at "Starting kernel ...", is any output expected afterwards ?
danielpbarron: so looks like i managed to get the kernel loaded and starting
danielpbarron: but i'm slightly confused at this whole thing, say i manage to flash the new uboot on the pogo, and set the correct variables with the new fw_printenv command that comes with the improved u-boot, and that with the correct settings the pogo will look for a kernel on the network at boot time, what's netcat for?
danielpbarron: looking at your pogo docs, not sure how to perform step 4.1 u-boot compilation
danielpbarron: << that part's got to go << that's the part which provides "usability".
assbot: Logged on 05-05-2015 02:22:45; livegnik:
danielpbarron: The main difference between Bitcoin-OTC and Identifi, if I understand correctly, is that the Bitcoin-OTC WoT acts as a WoT-for-all, whereas with Identifi each identity has it's own WoT, and there's no 'general' score.