2900+ entries in 0.575s
BayAreaCoins: Billy coded DOGE and Jackson was the marketing fuckhead
mircea_popescu: submitted 23 hours ago by Doge_Pro - investor shibe
mircea_popescu: unrelatedly, http://www.reddit.com/r/dogecoin/comments/2ahc1u/i_was_given_my_first_1ð_on_dec7th_my_birthday_now/
BayAreaCoins: LOL ooo dogecoin bahaha Thank good ole Klye and dooglus for that one :D I gave away so many millions of DOGE in JD chat.
BayAreaCoins: Mostly in the Altcoin world I'm just trying to keep my holdings of HUC @ 5-10% of the O/S... I feel like ever since DOGE it has just exploded with shit on shit that is topped off with shit.
mike_c: it was 2.9 : 1 before that last scammer bet. the underdog won again
assbot: Police Use Dog To Find Memory And Hard Drives In Search : The Two-Way : NPR
TheNewDeal: gotta head to bed, but I'll leave you with this. Child-porn sniffing dawgs http://www.npr.org/blogs/thetwo-way/2014/07/08/329501226/police-use-dog-to-find-memory-hard-drives-in-search?utm_source=facebook.com&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=npr&utm_term=nprnews&utm_content=20140708
asciilifeform: proper works of evil. If the victim, at the sight of the economic predator, goes into doggie submission, we must stop discussing the phenomenon in terms of conflict and consider whether what we are observing might be some strange instance of symbiosis.'
mircea_popescu: kakobrekla doge is like fiat, you don't have to have it stolen from you for it to be stolen from you.
kakobrekla: "We also collected some doge, but nobody was willing to steal those."
bitcoinpete: dogecoin jebus
mircea_popescu: what was doge supposed to be, like 35k ?
mircea_popescu: "In February, he saw a fundraiser called Cancer for College would get Will Ferrell to shout out anybody who donated $1,500. Green said he didn't realize he was typing in British pounds, rather than dollars, and so he accidentally gave $2,466 of his own money. To date, just over 2,500 people have viewed the nine-second video of Ferrell somberly thanking r/dogecoin."
mircea_popescu: "What the commentators didn't mention—because hardly anyone noticed—is that buying that NASCAR sponsorship wasn't really a team effort. Rather, it was disproportionately the work of one man, Alex Green, founder and director of Moolah, the preeminent company that exchanges dogecoins for other kinds of currency."
punkman: "Of course, there's always the chance Dogecoin could rally."
assbot: The death of Dogecoin
pankkake: http://www.dailydot.com/business/moolah-dogecoin-alex-green/
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo, mircea_popescu, others: re: electronics-sniffing dog << distraction psyop. in real life, hidden electronics are found with a nonlinear junction detector. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: ""For instance, we’ll be done with this nonsense of equality for women. I breed horses and animals generally, you understand. I know all about women. There’ll be no more nonsense about subjecting a gentleman to court action. If a woman’s unfaithful to him, he’ll shoot her like a dog. It’s disgusting, any interference of a court between a man and a wife.’
asciilifeform: instinctual leaves plenty of room for variation. ask a fellow who keeps dogs.
punkman: amazing dog, can sniff out child porn
assbot: Police Using Dogs To Sniff Out Computer Memory - Slashdot
BingoBoingo: http://yro.slashdot.org/story/14/07/06/2121248/police-using-dogs-to-sniff-out-computer-memory
Dekker3D: Litecoin was before Dogecoin. Dunno about other Scrypt altcoins before that
thestringpuller: dogecoin anyone?
assbot: Ah sweet sweet delicious communitard tears : dogecoin
moiety: http://www.reddit.com/r/dogecoin/comments/29wwqg/ah_sweet_sweet_delicious_communitard_tears/?already_submitted=true << upvotes any reddit peoples please!
moiety: shall i keep this to r/dogecoin?
mircea_popescu: punkman: "I've tried to comfort myself with examples of Bitcoin's drops from $30 to $1 before but this doesn't mean it's going to happen again especially because of Doge's very different properties" << ahahah.
cazalla: it must burn for litecoiners who see bitcoin/dogecoin accepted here signs but no litecoin one
assbot: Dogecoin to allow annual inflation of 5 billion coins each year, forever | Ars Technica
justusranvier: So Economic decisions have consequences after all? http://arstechnica.com/business/2014/02/dogecoin-to-allow-annual-inflation-of-5-billion-coins-each-year-forever/
punkman: doge is a great field study
punkman: cazalla, wow there's a whole reddit for depressed dogetards http://www.reddit.com/r/depreshibe
punkman: " I should have read more about the technical aspects of Doge before I invested but like a lot of people here I had so much faith that the community could conquer these things. But it seems that community means nothing when it comes to the success of Doge, the price is being driven and manipulated by the big money, the chinese whales and big money speculators"
punkman: "I've tried to comfort myself with examples of Bitcoin's drops from $30 to $1 before but this doesn't mean it's going to happen again especially because of Doge's very different properties"
assbot: Suicidal over Dogecoin - Please help shibes : dogecoin
cazalla: http://www.reddit.com/r/dogecoin/comments/29vt1q/suicidal_over_dogecoin_please_help_shibes/
FabianB: 1 dogecent for 20%
kyuupichan: So I can now buy about 3m DOGE for 1 BTC? I'd rather have the BTC I think.
mircea_popescu: so is this basically three guys and a dog being ironic and shit ?
BingoBoingo: davout: My dog is safely in the ghetto where he belongs
davout: where is your dog now
BingoBoingo: Fuck you davout We do Dog morning here.
BingoBoingo: Doge Drama! Doge Drama! http://www.cryptocoinsnews.com/news/leaked-video-moolah-ceo-threatens-legal-action-dogecoin-creator/2014/07/04
benkay: celebrating american independence day in true cascadian fashion by going up to the forest with the babe and the dog
benkay: http://dogebark.nijotz.com/
benkay: hello_this_is_dog.png
mike_c: http://usawatchdog.com/fed-laundering-treasury-purchases-in-belgium-to-disguise-whats-happening-paul-craig-roberts/
Bugpowder: Poor dogecoin. DFJ is out on doge.
ThickAsThieves: The Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board, a White House watchdog group that condemned the Obama administration's phone surveillance program earlier this year, has released another report ... According to the board, though, it's completely legal.
punkman: I got some doge on a retired disk, hoping doge will stop existing so I don't have to ever dig them out
ThickAsThieves: Free trips paid for by private groups must still be reported separately to the House's Office of the Clerk and disclosed there. But they will now be absent from the chief document that reporters, watchdogs, and members of the public have used for decades to scrutinize lawmakers' finances.
BingoBoingo: cgcardona: The thing about "equity" work is that even if they become big, on the route to becoming big they will prolly find ways to dillute their eariler payments of equity a la Dogecoin
benkay: subject of dogs, my monster was just eating breakfast when something happened outside that caught his attention. he howled at it but with a throat full of food so it came out in this hilariously muffled "wooooOOoOooOOoo", after which he coughed his food up onto the floor, 'cause naturally the body doesn't like doing all of those things at the same time.
justusranvier: Both of my dogs are bitches. They squabble fairly frequently, but don't need to draw blood.
BingoBoingo: The puppy bit F. the dog I think is cool. Details start getting vague.
BingoBoingo: So, F. My brother and his wife's dog is mostly corgi, the rest other herding dogs. Plays alpha in all of his canine interactions or else spirals into depression.
BingoBoingo: Story for the dog injury differs a bit.
BingoBoingo: In other news justusranvier My brother's dog gets its stutches out tomorrow. My brother isn't a synthetic of you is he???
BingoBoingo: OMG Cryptsy DOGE and Vircurex DOGE are a parity at 44 satoshis per
assbot: Black Dog Syndrome: Are people racist against black pets?
BingoBoingo: http://www.slate.com/articles/health_and_science/science/2014/06/black_dog_syndrome_are_people_racist_against_black_pets.html
mircea_popescu: <benkay> the doge bet is now in play << sad story.
BingoBoingo: punkman: Sure, but The underdog "life" is substantially better captitalized than the current frontrunner "death" and has been most of today.
thestringpuller: the doge founder left no?
assbot: BitBet - Doge no longer woofing before Jan 1st 2015 :: 1.1 B (86%) on Yes, 0.18 B (14%) on No | closing in 5 months 1 week| weight: 81`984 (100`000 to 1)
BingoBoingo: http://bitbet.us/bet/863/doge-no-longer-woofing-before-jan-1st-2015/
benkay: the doge bet is now in play
benkay: <zrobo> cryptsy.com: 1 dogecoin = 44 satoshis. coindesk price $0.0003. 24 hr volume: 205 megadoge
assbot: Bitcoin vs. Dogecoin: a Shallow Semantic Look | Robert McGrath's Blog
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Oh, I'm reading such things http://robertmcgrath.wordpress.com/the-next-big-thing/bitcoin-vs-dogecoin-a-shallow-semantic-look/ << Guy studies CS, ends up attemtping semiotics
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo guy's in the team of "let's see if we can actually have a measurable impact on teh hated Bitcoin by lending our most valuable social-sciences-and-pointless-studies wisdom to dogecoin"
assbot: Popescu Gives High Class Narrative of “Why Dogecoin is a scam” | Robert McGrath's Blog
mircea_popescu: http://robertmcgrath.wordpress.com/2014/03/30/popescu-gives-high-class-narrative-of-why-dogecoin-is-a-scam/ << at least this scmuck with nothing to say understands who he should be saying it at (had he something to say). so far, andreesseen 0, anon schmuck with a blog 1.
thestringpuller: sounds like a motto for dogecoiners...
kakobrekla: >One obvious criticism – ’slow.’ < lucky for you theres dogecoin
mircea_popescu: dogecoin is like libertard, darkcoin like republican ?
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Sure, but this is the internet so the poor can hitch their nothing to Dogecoin, Darkcoin, or whatever reflects their particular type of poor as they imagine it best
assbot: This phenomenon where in alternatives to Bitcoin attract increasingly homogenous groups is perhaps most evident in Dogecoiners who seemingly want to make the Dystopia depicted below to become a reality : dogecoin
BingoBoingo: http://www.reddit.com/r/dogecoin/comments/2997fe/this_phenomenon_where_in_alternatives_to_bitcoin/ciiwn85
BingoBoingo: Hmmm... pankakke's masterpiece of #b-a blogs pissing on Doge seems to be a Maybe, but it is a slow news day...
assbot: Censorship in r/dogecoin : dogecoin
pankkake: http://www.reddit.com/r/dogecoin/comments/2586pm/censorship_in_rdogecoin/
assbot: r/dogecoin is turning into r/bitcoin : dogecoin
pankkake: http://www.reddit.com/r/dogecoin/comments/1x0ncb/rdogecoin_is_turning_into_rbitcoin/ lol
assbot: Jackson Palmer leaving Dogecoin - Slashdot
assbot: DogeCoin and Dystopia | Hacker News
BingoBoingo: moiety: Because you run a dogecoin cam site on the side?
moiety: jesus christ is the dogers in lego form
pankkake: thestringpuller: with the url, I was thinking "this may be a json like doge but that's such a silly thing why do I even think about that"
assbot: DogeCoin and Dystopia | Bingo Blog
BingoBoingo: moiety: http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/2014/06/26/dogecoin-and-dystopia/
moiety is becoming allergic to anything doge - can't click
assbot: DSON - Doge Serialized Object Notation
thestringpuller: http://dogeon.org/
penguirker: New blog post: http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/2014/06/26/dogecoin-and-dystopia/
punkman: BingoBoingo: I suppose they won't care so much about dogecoins
pankkake: so they moved up from dogs. great.