23700+ entries in 0.221s
mod6: as far as this knot of ps, or the qt thing?
diana_coman: sure, they have classes and classes inheriting classes and so on and so forth, but as to the reasons for inheritance...
thestringpuller: mod6 asciilifeform dunno if just weird artifact along with bad luck or actual potential problem, but my node running on slowest hardware is only receiving BASTARD BLOCK s. I'm connected to deedbot (a trusted node) with -addnode. using same patch tree as hanbot
mod6: if you're in a qcb, and you have a shotgun and don't have a rifle as an option, or slugs for your shotgun, buckshot will do just fine. but you aught to be within say, 25 yards if you want to put your man down.
mod6: now, typically, as I understand, they typically take these deer at no more than 350 yards or you risk wounding the thing and having to track the sob for 10 miles.
trinque: pff ecc. not nearly as cool as minority report triad of processors
mircea_popescu: anyway. asciilifeform is actually aware quadcopter rotors can't handle as much as a blade of grass, imagines 2 ton heli rotor can handle buckshot ?
asciilifeform: i was skeptical of 'red army d00d brought down messerschmitt with mosin' when reading as a boy, also.
asciilifeform: just as in new orleans. apparently not so easy to bring down chopper with small arms as mircea_popescu suggested.
asciilifeform: 'A Florida man has been charged in connection with a plot to bomb Target stores along the East Coast, with hopes that such an attack would force the retailer's stock to plunge and allow him to cheaply buy its stock, federal investigators announced Thursday. ... Barnett offered an unnamed individual -- referred to as a "confidential source" (CS) in the documents -- $10,000 to plant bombs in stores in several states, according to the a
mircea_popescu: da fuck is "the american idea". i'd very much like to hear this, even as a draft form.
phf: oh, man, "stairwell wit" as the frenchmen say
phf: right, my yoga teacher friend, who's been "friendly" with all the local boys had enough experience in the matter to "hell fucking no am i ever" as far as marrying an indian. they ~expect~ their women to be meak, but they don't have any way of enforcing it, so the dynamic goes straight into bitchy couple mode as soon as there's any hint of "couple"
mircea_popescu: a pile of ten corpses is not the same thing as a pile of eight hundred.
mircea_popescu: phf i have no confidence in "chemical cronometer" crackpot alfism. notice that there has never existed such a thing as a chemical clock, not even today. it is, i daresay, the earliest application of "quantum computer", this.
ben_vulpes: btw, this ipv6 character who appeared to get k-lined earlier and just showed up and dropped again ('deepbook5broo') has been appearing in other freenode channels i habituate as well
ben_vulpes: myeah, that's pretty much exactly what i'm talking about. hence 'stuck', as not available at the time.
ben_vulpes: asciilifeform: yeah, capillary's going to get hit hard as the oil level drops
ben_vulpes: what'd one use for a wick that wouldn't need adjusting as it burned?
phf: re "apprentice as watchmaker" i picked up first edition of The Marine Chronometer by Gould. i would call it "delightful" ☟︎
BingoBoingo: Nah, just apprentice as watchmaker and build calculating machine to IRC from
mircea_popescu: but honeslty, if you look at the basics such as budgets, it seems cia's history will end this trump term.
trinque: could just as well be clips from rando fbi file
asciilifeform: mighty lulzy to describe baltic bantustans as having 'sovereignty' for someone to 'endanger'..
ben_vulpes: and moreover if anyone had heard of usg.intel doing it as well, that's a) fake news b) old news and c) standard diplomatic behavior...for us
asciilifeform: 'As part of intelligence operations being conducted against the United States for the last seven months, at least one Western European ally intercepted a series of communications before the inauguration between advisers associated with President Donald Trump and Russian government officials, according to people with direct knowledge of the situation. ... Moreover, a Baltic nation is gathering intelligence on officials in the Trump Wh
asciilifeform: long-term 'captain kidds', as i currently understand, are rare.
asciilifeform: i wonder if he is sitting in same jail as the encrypted hdd d00d
deedbot: http://qntra.net/2017/02/coindesk-bitcoin-price-malaise-as-us-dollar-continues-to-trade-under-0-001-btc/ << Qntra - Coindesk: Bitcoin Price Malaise! (As US Dollar Continues To Trade Under 0.001 BTC)
asciilifeform: probably will survive indefinitely the way pawn shops survived in many countries -- as honeypot
asciilifeform: as for the 7gb films, they are not entirely an abuse, 650MB warez gives compression artifacts the size of a palm when watched on projector screen. the fact that nobody's made a film worth watching in ages, is separate issue.
asciilifeform: for years had no idea that such a thing as voice tracks ever existed in, e.g., the sierra games.
asciilifeform: (my first encounter with this, was many years, as a boy, i went on a tour of the u.s. mint, back when they gave tours, and they had a souvenir shop where you could buy shredded benjies by the kilogram)
asciilifeform: 'Security expert and doomsayer Bruce Schneier – speaking by video owing to RSA Conference commitments in San Francisco and perhaps prescience with regard to seasonal travel challenges – predicted that the government is coming to handcuff coders. "We all had this special right to code the world as we saw fit," said Schneier. "My guess is we're going to lose that right, because it's too dangerous ☟︎
mircea_popescu: do you see the difference between trying to use transformer as capacitor and trying to use transformer as father ?
mircea_popescu: but chicken works as fuckhole.
asciilifeform: i dun see a massive diff b/w trying to use chicken as fuckhole and as 'companion'
mircea_popescu: "for as lord as i hear the voice of google and all the websaints, i am not properly alone in teh valley of where mp rapes my buttonhole daily."|
mircea_popescu: yes but did you notice the old phone kept as a statuette ? and the rest of the hipster dumbassery ?
mircea_popescu: as i said, it's fun to watch.
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> also note that if you built with malleus patch, you will be kickbanning prb peers as soon as they disgorge a prbism of any kind (e.g., 'bloom filter' command) << Bloom isn't what disconnects most PRB nowadays. It is "BIP 151 compact blocks".
asciilifeform: also note that if you built with malleus patch, you will be kickbanning prb peers as soon as they disgorge a prbism of any kind (e.g., 'bloom filter' command)
mircea_popescu: lafond makes a great point at some point, that "violence" in the millitant style the us represents it as is principally a product of the second sons of a favoured class.
mircea_popescu: i would offer it as a fact that there's more people within the contiguous 51 states (bahamas addedone, what!) on whom the irs dun work than there's webdevelopers.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: as i understand , trinque was speaking of usa locales
mircea_popescu: "is there such a thing as a white man left in the new world ? or did the redskins totally eat the colonists"
mircea_popescu: win symbolically, win eventually, win ironically, just as long as it's win!
asciilifeform: in other 'news' -- 'modern watergate' etc. 'woman state' will remove mr.t, seems quite clear. even as a figurehead, too much of an irritant
mircea_popescu: decade ago or so. anyway, it's a subculture, inconsequential as it may be. in certain ways infinitely more authentic than the alternative interpretations.
mircea_popescu: but it's self limiting enough that it never was as fashionable as i dunno, raising cats.
BingoBoingo: <ben_vulpes> "Obamacare's markets are nearing failure as premiums climb and healthier individuals drop out" << did someone cancel the penalty for rolling uninsured or am i missing something here << "Rolling uninsured" penalty is trivial compared to Obamacare subscription
mircea_popescu: this is altogether dubious as a theory.
ben_vulpes: 3e3-6e3 as f(family size)
ben_vulpes: nothing as before
asciilifeform: in other lulz, http://archive.is/M3T2W >> 'These games do not aim to make players feel successful and powerful as conventional video games do, and instead challenge people to look at the world in a different way. Creators of the games said they were more interested in showing the complicated lives of the people and places the world has left behind...'
ben_vulpes: "Obamacare's markets are nearing failure as premiums climb and healthier individuals drop out" << did someone cancel the penalty for rolling uninsured or am i missing something here
mircea_popescu: they'll never be anything more than a sort of mexicans, i can use them as cumrags but not as germans.
asciilifeform: because enemy can do this just as easily with, e.g., first two blocks (and iv) of AES-CBC.
mircea_popescu: as per the very apt asciilifeform observation, rng flux === tty flux. there should be one rng per human, more or less.
mircea_popescu: such as taking out uuids permanently.
asciilifeform: in vintage lulz, http://archive.is/4BNQN >> 'Recurring universally unique identifiers (UUIDs), as reported by the smolt hardware profiler client program, had some worried about problems in the kernel RNG. As it turns out, the problem exists in the interaction between Fedora 8 LiveCD installations and smolt – essentially the UUID came from the CD – but it sparked a discussion leading to some
mircea_popescu: well manifestly not knows, as per above.
asciilifeform: as pointed out in the last thread, there may theoretically exist 1 or moar idiot who think 'pm' is s33kr1t etc.
mircea_popescu: inst rape for as long as the rapists are mostly on the right ; are against violence for as long as we're more likely to be on the receiving end ; and believe the goldwater rule should be respected at all times it prevents the ousting of a libertard!"
mircea_popescu: you know this is traditionally the female maturation process ? "with menopause i did some reading, finally understood my place as i had already spent my life in"
mircea_popescu: "would you like this slow as shit or slow as snails ?"
BingoBoingo: Slow HF face burns force closed vs open casket dilemma as passage of time biases towards closed casket
asciilifeform: 'Malaysian police official Fadzil Ahmat told The Star that Mr Kim had alerted a receptionist, saying "someone had grabbed him from behind and splashed a liquid on his face". But quoted by Malaysian news agency Bernama, the same official said a woman had come at him from behind and "covered his face with a cloth laced with a liquid". Earlier reports spoke of a "spray" being used or a needle. His eyes "suffered burns as a result of the
asciilifeform: the good news is that you can stack up as many rng as you like...
mircea_popescu: i don't think there's anything fundamentally wrong with the otp approach as opposed to the signature approach tbh.
danielpbarron: the otp is functionally the same as a signature for the purpose of keeping text unmollested, and also the same in that neither can ensure a message is ever actually received
mircea_popescu: the whole point of republican activity being to leverage computing power to protect wetware circuitry as much as feasible and no more.
trinque: also, the OTP dance doesn't by itself confirm that A received B's invoice as it was intended.
danielpbarron: so signatures could be said to put the burden on the one making the request, as an anti-spam measure
danielpbarron: what is the purpose of a signature? generally i mean. because as I understand it, if the goal isn't to make the text public, it is possible to achieve whatever you want through 2 decryptions in the place of 1 signature
danielpbarron: thinking as in, i thought that's what you were talking about; not that i think it's needed
mircea_popescu: "i can't see how crypto relates to me" is exactly how phantoms say "i think i mgiht be a phantom masquerading as a person". they're usually right, too.
BingoBoingo: Flynn talked the the Russian ambassador in December as part of preparing for office. Unnamed bureaucrat has been slowly leaking details to press from wiretap. Flynn sinned by lying to Pence. Lying to Pence is a Cardinal sin.
BingoBoingo: Could take to Chicago, use as fuel for Hussein Bahamas Memorial Bio-Char plant!
mircea_popescu: there is no such thing as "climate made for white man". the thing with white man, unlike all other man, is that white man makes climate not the other way around.
asciilifeform: as per the thai pub thread
mircea_popescu: think for a second : ukraine is as large as texas. if someone were firing 1mn rounds each and every single day, that's still about one round each million square meters.
gabriel_laddel_p: asciilifeform: very little of this is CL. The save-page-complete and save-page-as-text comes as part of the conkeror browser, and I just drive it with CL.
mircea_popescu: and for the record, every film with michael douglas in it is a piece of shit ; but perhaps none as much as "the game". holy fucking shit, the premise is a dour dude who "has it all", including a disdainful relationship with his ex wife and two hotties vying for his attention at work nevertheless a) lives in a totally empty house. because how fucking hard & unthinkable it would be to get all the ex secretaries to live there hu
gabriel_laddel_p: Sadly you will only be able to do this if you are running Masamune, as it is 100% dependent on its internals.
mircea_popescu: now that's a way to make money as a etsy head, plant an acre of tomatoes, sell five or so tons of primo sundried tomato. 10k a ton or such.
gabriel_laddel_p: what I think: if someone has js turned on in their browser, it's because they want js. If turned off, they don't want it. I, at least, want an-accurate-as-possible archive of whatever shows up in the logs, including arbitrary files, videos etc.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: this is demonstrably impossible in the general case (unless you count html turd with img tags and pages as bitmaps as 'well-formatted')
pete_dushenski: mircea_popescu: from your earlier rag : http://www.theblaze.com/news/2017/02/13/rapper-busta-rhymes-slams-trump-as-president-agent-orange-during-fiery-grammys-performance/
a111: Logged on 2014-09-08 22:35 mircea_popescu: "Thank you for this clarification Mr. Nakamoto. It has been an honor to be labeled by my friends as "Satoshi's Drunk Uncle" and it's a moniker I'll wear proudly until the day I retire from Crypto. The Goldcoin (GLD) developers truly admire your work and strive to continue improving upon its design as a tribute to your unparallelled genius. Your admirer and relative in spirit, MicroGuy."
mircea_popescu: bitch. what the fuck DID you think of using it as, a dildo ?
mircea_popescu: what, i'm going to engage it as if it were for reals, now ? they "posited" whatever random bullshit, might as well be on wikireddit for all the difference it can make irl.
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes the pseudoscientific gunk you reviewed does not form part of this discussion though, they're as irrelevant to anything to do with people as the chirping of the birds.
mircea_popescu: 7th year of nigger != 8th year of nigger. same as with prikoke, the lifespan of domestic animals is a very peculiar nonliniarity.
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-02-13#1613534 >> 'We are a group of condensed matter theory. Our specific study targets are materials which possess novel quantum properties such as topological insulators, low dimension materials with strong quantum confinement, and new materials with excellent quantum transport properties. We focus on material electronic and phonon properties and their optical, electromagnetic, thermal responses. Our res ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2017-02-13 14:29 mircea_popescu: coal must be taken in the form of live tree, or live leaf, or recently dead tree, or leaf, or bug, or somesuch. not as charcoal.
ben_vulpes: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-02-13#1613506 << in none of the experimentation and blather through which i dug did anyone posit 'coal' as a carbon source. my limited understanding is that its role is threefold: surface area for bacterial colonization; surface area to ameliorate fertilizer runoff and leaching into the ground; and to improve porosity. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: anyway, the advantage of the above approach, at least from a "teach smart kids biology, physics and systems design" pov, is that it scales extremely well. discussion can be made as short or as infinitely complex as the bright young mind has patience for.
mircea_popescu: so therefore, a history of life in terms of "first, you gotta get natrium pump going, as seen in thiomargarita. then, when enough X is piled up, (no less than q) you can start xantophyl pump. when enough etc etc"
mircea_popescu: coal must be taken in the form of live tree, or live leaf, or recently dead tree, or leaf, or bug, or somesuch. not as charcoal. ☟︎