20700+ entries in 0.187s
a111: Logged on 2017-11-06 16:21 asciilifeform:
https://archive.is/ZuzvO << from same rag, 'They accused him of “structuring” — depositing money in increments of less than $10,000'
<mircea_popescu> definitely acceptable for first month anyway, i'd say.
<< The second month will be more organized in the course of going along
jurov: namely:
<a href="/bundle-492667.txt">492667
</a> bundle links and the stylesheet
shinohai: "It bypassed SELinux!"
<<<< lmfao
a111: Logged on 2017-11-04 23:13 lobbesbot: Logged on 2017-11-04 22:09:48:
<diana_coman> danielpbarron, 1 bitcoin please
lobbesbot: Logged on 2017-11-04 22:09:48:
<diana_coman> danielpbarron, 1 bitcoin please
☟︎ lobbesbot: Logged on 2017-11-04 22:09:48:
<diana_coman> danielpbarron, 1 bitcoin please
apeloyee: real noise is not so gaussian
<< true. but still means must solve the q of optimal bandwidth each time
apeloyee: if you use wide spectrums, you get back to the problem of, "nature has more energy to burn than you do"
<< I'm unsure. Shannon-Hartley thorem sez that at least in its conditions, using as wide spectrum as poosible is optimal.
apeloyee: it wastes all the ammo.
<< if ammo would be cheap they wouldn't.
apeloyee: can just as easily be, say, 17 sources geographically dispersed , working in concert
<< you would not particuraly need fancy modulations then
a111: Logged on 2017-11-03 06:36 mircea_popescu:
http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-02#1732274 << not exactly. exception becomes semantically meaningful, then others end up building applications on the meaning, then you're stuck supporting unintended downstreams.
http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-03#1732293 << I think I see what you mean. In my case the meaning would end up being "x are never routed through y, ever". I could then end up regretting this if I one day encounter the situation where changing that meaning would result in an overall better process, but, alas, I cannot change due to downstream dependence on that meaning
☝︎ mircea_popescu:
http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-03#1732693 << the danielpbarron eulora thing is intended as work-in-progress os basis for eulora (the mmorpg). it is not specifically secure yet ; it is however cleanner, in that less spurious / unnecessary / unknown or incomprejhensioble stuff included.
☝︎ BingoBoingo:
<vlad56324> what i would like to ask after reading the logs: what is a safe linux distro to use for day to day computing?
<< Minix 2 is prolly closest
diana_coman: mircea_popescu> diana_coman iirc the cobra had 80kb ?
<- hmmm, iirc 58 keys but I can't say I'm 100% certain
diana_coman: "M-am considerat nicusorist o buna bucata de vreme, pana in clipa in care mi-am dat seama de ridicolul situatiei"
<- bwahahahaha
diana_coman: mircea_popescu> orcs are slow.
<- from my personal experience this is actually a rather reliable empirical measure of how much someone groks reality as is; the analogy would be as to how far away they are from it, hence how much it takes for the "light" to travel aka them to see it; for some the splendours of Rome are visible only now so they still hold today's Rome to be the greatest thing; others are still seeing the Habsburg
apeloyee: i find it worth noting that doppler reappeared immediately after asciilifeform unrated for inactivity
<< perharps notification in IRC client on mention