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gabriel_laddel: 1000x magnification seems unrealistic - that being said: if I crush some product, take hundreds of images of each sample & use them as input into a neural network along with a 1-10 (bunk-absolute fire) rating y'think it'll get trained to recognize the real deal?
☟︎ gabriel_laddel: phf: the point being? Fwiw, I'm trying to forced march myself into some stable employment while crippled.
gabriel_laddel: asciilifeform: There is still plenty to do. CLIM's COM-FOO machinery has to be cut & replaced with "functions most often called on / FTYPE matches this as a valid ARG"
gabriel_laddel: Eg the other day it "didn't kick in", so I had another few mouthfuls of methwater, only to remember "oh fk, I have to have coffee or it won't work"
gabriel_laddel: asciilifeform There is jaw clenching if you accidentally take too much
gabriel_laddel: BingoBoingo The INSTANT I have an option out, I'm gone.
gabriel_laddel: Nor have I forgotten $ELSE. Simply overestimated own ability / underestimated the complete idiocy of surrounding populace
gabriel_laddel: While I'm here: At no point did I forget that I'd agreed to build the archiver - however I was banned from the place I'd arranged to host it on 3(!) separate occasions.
gabriel_laddel: Brånemark spent almost 30 years fighting the scientific community for acceptance of osseointegration as a viable treatment. In Sweden he was often openly ridiculed at scientific conferences.
gabriel_laddel: Finally figured out how to score meth tho. Tis the bomb diggity & works exactly as I noted here in the logs prior to finding it.
gabriel_laddel: After that call + several others failing to pick up, I gave up on the whole thing. If you lived out here, you'd not expect sanity from the court system, or any established entity tbh
gabriel_laddel: ben_vulpes: tsmr as the only honest, straightforwards, USEFUL collection of humans I'm aware of...
gabriel_laddel: BingoBoingo am here to visit a friend in psyc ward, totally unrelated to my issue.
gabriel_laddel: BingoBoingo am in el camino hospital right now, getting a phonebook & phone..
gabriel_laddel: BingoBoingo having dated an aspiring stanford doctor -- is where the failed engineers go.
gabriel_laddel: Will compile a report with names of doctors & so forth from paperwork I have, this adhoc bs is silly.
gabriel_laddel: ben_vulpes Stanford hospital is a scary place. They lied to me MANY times about how many xrays I'd get, that they'd let me get copies...
gabriel_laddel: ben_vulpes I jumped from one roof to the other with electricity.
gabriel_laddel: Fed me too much fluid prior to anaesthetic, which flooded lungs when knocked out. Ended up in ICU for 4 days.
gabriel_laddel: asciilifeform surgon irritates me on a personal level + the first time stanford tried it, they fucked up
gabriel_laddel: mircea_popescu Glad I brought this up. Am insured, have option of surgery.
gabriel_laddel: BingoBoingo right heel is totally shattered and collapsed into my upper foot.
gabriel_laddel: Anyone who gives me good resources (pubmed refs etc) can have the video whenever I get around to it
gabriel_laddel: Speaking of which, am going to be performing self-amputation of right foot as it is in the way + I don't trust or want US doctors.
gabriel_laddel: Could do more, but my foot is busted & surgery takes ages to schedule b/c US 'healthcare' isn't etc.
gabriel_laddel: asciilifeform nah. Same old thing -- selling M, treading bitch niggas and getting ~nowhere fast.
gabriel_laddel_p: for the record, my "unacceptable behavior" was stating outright that windows has no place near the codebase. nor osx.
gabriel_laddel_p: at which point I was sort of curious what the fuck he did all day at google anyways
gabriel_laddel_p: he thought 100k loc in one language vs. ~30 million in 20 languages wasn't a big deal.
gabriel_laddel_p: he saw, with his own eyes the line count for CLIM, and had worked with the browser for several years. we looked at the loc count for chrome & compared.
gabriel_laddel_p: incidentally, I remembered exactly where the demo to google earth guy went off the rails after logging off last night.
gabriel_laddel_p: we are going to be getting dinner at some point is my understanding to work out details.
gabriel_laddel_p: trinque: or do you disagree with his judgement that such a thing is necessary?
gabriel_laddel_p: trinque: do you need me to find log references for when he has asked this, or do you remember offhand?
gabriel_laddel_p: trinque: anywyays, this seems obvious to me. MP has been asking for a tsmr linux for years. if you all have had it floating around FUCKING RELEASE.
gabriel_laddel_p: trinque: I'm telling you it is going to play out like that, and not in another way.
gabriel_laddel_p: now, I am 100% with ascii that floats have to die. no question. I, however, am severely undereducated & don't know what to replace them with.
☟︎ gabriel_laddel_p: for example, are you familiar with the book "the end of error"?
gabriel_laddel_p: there are however, a number of issues, such as a how to get rid of floats & what to replace them with that can be safely engineered on the unix-not-even-lispm
gabriel_laddel_p: it is unclear at this point what the hardware, real lispm implementation is going to look like & I have months of logs to catch up before I begin to even comment on this
gabriel_laddel_p: specifically, when I say "meet in the middle", a fixed CLIM will run just fine on new tsmr hardware reverse engineered fpga lispm with a minimum amount of fuss
gabriel_laddel_p: an entire, sane lispm-like (which yes, ascii disagrees with) unix can be had, and then this can meet the hardware implementation "in the middle"
gabriel_laddel_p: trinque: because lisp/s-expressions/incremental compilation means that you don't have to make decisions about everything right away.
gabriel_laddel_p: this is essentially what masamune is, admittedly in a ragged & impoverished form, right now, today.
gabriel_laddel_p: this means that all of the Unix tooling can essentially be dumped in favor of lisp + CLIM.
gabriel_laddel_p: all existing CLIM implementations have problems. it is an annoying, irritating, but utterly straightforwards process to fix any of the extant CLIM implementations
gabriel_laddel_p: first concrete step towards sane computing is a tsmr gentoo that is A) self contained B) infectious / replicates as described above C) uses CLIM for all graphics.
gabriel_laddel_p: trinque: let's put it this way irrespective of anything any of you say, I say the future is going to look like this:
gabriel_laddel_p: shinohai: in particular. ascii gets a pass for writing loper_os
gabriel_laddel_p: but you know, invite me to stuff & call me "the lisp machine kid" + insist on my showing it off to their idiot friends
gabriel_laddel_p: I rather have the same reaction to the old symbolics people in the area who have now seen masamune after sinking you know, a decade of their lives or so into lispm & then don't buy
☟︎ gabriel_laddel_p: trinque: apologies. I think this is mostly just that the path forwards is clear to me, and that e.g., you people see a masamune video & ask zero questions I'm mostly left wondering why you even bother pretending you want a lispm
☟︎ gabriel_laddel_p: I can't quite put my finger on it, but I think we're talking past one another here & have been for some time.
gabriel_laddel_p: trinque: if all this is so easy, where is the frozen tsmr gentoo that can do what I described above?
☟︎ gabriel_laddel_p: maybe I overcomplicated things,but wrote in terms of CPIO format then fed into linux kernel from syslinux.
gabriel_laddel_p: trinque: it isn't "duplicating the contents of a block device", but rather having that USB able to build itself onto another machine that can in turn generate replication USBs that is the problem
☟︎ gabriel_laddel_p: (single function call generates a USB that boots into a CLIM environment, no version changes, ever)
gabriel_laddel_p: trinque: first I had to nail down masamune replication. which I actually managed to do
gabriel_laddel_p: asciilifeform: imho can be cut down to an easy 30k loc that will be faster, conceptually "closed"