12800+ entries in 0.49s
bounce happens to not have a number in a supported country so can't check.
I don't suppose you have a list of fees and stuff somewhere?
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform
i don't imagine post charges differently ?!
I don't disagree with your assessment, it just makes me feel weird to try to learn something that's so esoteric
mircea_popescu: is this like "
i don't eat anything for as many as 20 hours a day, so
i'm therefore anorexic" ?
thestringpuller: "My point was that
I have run and continue to run successful business(s) on the Bitcoin platform and yet somehow
I've managed to do this without WOT... again shooting your theory to hell and gone." <<
Don't know what businesses he is talking about.
i personally
don't give a shit. my thinking is, if im making a backloading hoe,
i shall name my backloading hoe a backloading hoe. sure, someone may or may not exist figuring his hoe is THE backloading hoe. this does not interest me. if he has already built a "backhoe loading palace" or not, if and when
i feel like building a backhoe loading palace,
i shall call it... guess ?
i've had him shadowed for months now, he's not done anything.
i don't even mean anything indictable, he's not done anything AT ALL
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform
i don't think anyone made it to market ?
i think just plans for.
midnightmagic: the key is held by gavin. satoshi still has it.
i don't know who else.
I don't think anyone else.
I just
don't trust the coin control nor tx selection to pull the most-private from the unspent list is all. It is a bit more work to make decisions about it though
nubbins`: ah, nothing in particular,
i don't think. merging bugfixes etc from 0.6 would be next
i guess
mircea_popescu: (
i don't mean it never is,
i mean the noun is outside the domain of availability of the adjective. like a circle can't be heavy, 2d figures have no weight)
wywialm: mircea_popescu, quite well, but
i don't see how can
i use two linear instruments to obtain nonlinear payoff
Vexual: hey
i don't give a fuck, im impressed you strayed on for so long
mircea_popescu: nubbins` "
i don't believe
i suck because
i suck, let me rephrase this five thousand different ways maybe one sticks"
i havent watched for a while,
i don't know who is on it
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Anyways with the dependopatomus
I don't think the jealousy comes from them resenting what their actual highschool classmates had when they weren't in the service, but jealousy of what the hollywood version of the rest of their high school class ahd.
mircea_popescu: kinda why
i don't think much of the entire "multisig" bullcrap.
mircea_popescu: so if version x is signed by people
i know and version y is signed by people
i don't know, x is official and fu.
I don't see why that's a requirement, but ok
i don't think you two are discussing the same discussion.
I don't think the head-body metaphor applies here
cazalla: joecool,
i pray our aboriginals
don't find this out or they might introduce TSA here
mircea_popescu: bounce:
I don't care if maladjusted angry youths want to run away and make trouble in a war zone.
I do care if they come back, recruit some more kids (to do the same), cause trouble, shoot some jews, what have you. << how else do you expect the shithole to be fixed ?
I don't see how it'd be worthless. In fact, if someone wanted to do business with me, they could literally ask you how it went
bounce: hm.
I don't think they've been gone after, have they?
mircea_popescu: othernubs`> let others extend.
i don't want gpg to incorporate curl libs so it can automatically grab otps from gribs << EXACTLY. do one thing, do it well.
mircea_popescu: othernubs`>
i don't think gui should be a priority, at all. << prolly not. if they kill the qt branch it would be no loss anyway
i don't want real bitcoin to come default w/ candy
othernubs`: let others extend.
i don't want gpg to incorporate curl libs so it can automatically grab otps from gribs
i don't think gui should be a priority, at all.
mod6: when testing this,
i don't wanna to "hack" a bunch of stuff together.
i'd like to do it in a linear manner so seeing what was required is simple. because
I'm sure that
I can just start pulling down packages on my own and get it to work. just was trying to keep it simple.
I don't care if maladjusted angry youths want to run away and make trouble in a war zone.
I do care if they come back, recruit some more kids (to do the same), cause trouble, shoot some jews, what have you.
i don't know why
i did not do more of it myself. only once tried SMB packed of death against neighbor's win machine flooding the ether with all kinds of windoze packets
mircea_popescu: my twitter's dead and
i don't feel like social media anyway
ben_vulpes: but
i don't see any roadblocks at this time.
Apocalyptic: well if you
I don't see the point in the '0',
undata: mircea_popescu: what makes you like Argentina? Things like wealth taxes
don't convey a sense of respect for private property, though
I can see how that'd be irrelevant to BTC wealth
I started to reply at length to the many misstatements in your message.
I don - Pastebin.com
I realise now you were talking about Michael Go, and his involvement with MMADX several years ago.
I don't know the details of his involvement with that, but it is not connected with Independent Reserve.
AdamIRAway: Secondly, we aren't using any software from Admiral Markets or MMDX, not a single line of code,
I don't know what systems they've used previously. Our systems have been developed in-house over the past 15 months.
cazalla: mike_c, which pete linked to but it's a commentary and as news alone,
i don't think anyone cares what someone said regarding bitcoin so it could only be commentary on qntra
i don't mean to poop on pete, but his is the one
i just read.
morgan-freeman_: bounce:
I don't spam! my friends told me to put it on #bitcoin-assets and #bitcoin-otc -
I've never seen these two channels so
I tried
morgan-freeman_: well,
I don't know but there is only a horse manure as a choice.. once
I saw an elephant shit on one site, but no bitcoins
PinkPosixPXE: Well.. since it's my first,
I figure you can at least cut and scrap what you
don't like. But
I wanted to include as much as
I could, didn't realize it'd be so long, heh..
mircea_popescu: assbot: Kraken Considers Purchasing MtGox Assets As It Pushes Into Japan | Qntra.net << ok, this
i don't get.
cazalla: they've done a few million dollar deals with bitfury, so they claim anyway,
i don't know who is jewing who anymore
mats_cd03: could try ruining my credit but
i don't care about that
I don't even mind fingerprints as such that much -- when used as corroborating evidence established by an expert -- but wholesale fingerprinting of everyone for essentially no reason ("passing customs") and automated "matching" is an enabler for insidious systemic malice that really is a problem on its own.
decimation: interestingly
I don't think the kgb used polygraphs very much
ben_vulpes: just a few years ago
i was building wafer hosts - there is much
i don't know about websec.
i don't know if it does, thats a good question
decimation: asciilifeform:
I suspect for the second half that they
don't think of themselves as evil - they think that those who would wish them ill as evil. they are just trying to do good, you see - they are just "in the loop"
decimation: heh unfortunately no " Key,
I'm f*cking tired of the fact that you
don't fix problems in the code *you* write, so that the kernel then has to work around the problems you cause."
I just file support tickets and frontline support derps about how they
don't see a DOS
I don't see so much evil behind what redhat/poettering is doing as much as just steering the boat toward their interests
Namworld: Seriously, wtf... That's fucked up.
I don't even want to know how that could possibly work.
i don't mean disease, weird pseudomedical garbage, etc etc.
i mean, something noteworthy.
chetty: <mircea_popescu>
i have no idea why they
don't just out and confiscate private property.//they do all the time
mircea_popescu: but anyway,
i guess the greeks "
don't understand how the world works"
i have no idea why they
don't just out and confiscate private property.
i don't think any sort of mp reality show can be on tv
mircea_popescu: maybe the problem here is that
i don't spend nearly eno0ugh time with teenaged/young adult males. so to me all sort of shit's funny that most everyone else has had it with up to here
i mean, in the long run,
i don't think any of us give any particular fucks about the whole situation aside from the spectacle
cazalla: what's the point though?
i don't see what you stand to gain
i don't think a princeling exists sharp enough to do any of this.,
cazalla: they
don't get it,
i'm not claiming they ran the ponzi but assisted it and like andreas, they
don't accept their foolish behaviour so it will happen again
i don't know how they could create an advertisement like that without at all being suspicious
mircea_popescu: <mike_c>
i don't understand. what's the fun of all the ddos if you're not going to come in here and taunt? <<
i was doing the taunting. saturated mkt.
i don't understand. what's the fun of all the ddos if you're not going to come in here and taunt?
i don't understant though fully. If hooligans have access to botnets and can't monetize them, why
don't they rent them out for people to attack other people?
I don't follow. did that guy know that would happen in that case?
Adlai: bounce:
i don't know what it's worth exactly, but just listening to everybody's fearbabble and the taboo against suicide suggest that it's way overvalued these days
cazalla: ThickAsThieves:
i haz a post
i wanna give them dibs on <<< if you've posted it to your own site,
i don't see much point in qntra mirroring it
i still
don't see what's the advantage of "go everywhere with an identity provided by a 3rd party"
i'd actually rather read, which is why
i don't like tv series that last for dozens of hours
Adlai: eh,
i don't think it has to be bullshit, it's just bullshit in the current way government is conducted
Adlai: mircea_popescu: he's paraphrasing a book,
i don't think he agrees with that statement himself
don't worry,
i'll still waste some of my free time at the yeshiva
mats_cd03: aaaand this is why
i don't live in california anymore
peterl: actually,
I don't like it, but it is ironic how he does not even seem to notice the irony
i can't cook it properly, so
I don't buy it
i don't need duplicate content issues from google on top of this ddos shit