asciilifeform: 1 possible pill is to run'em in pairs, and both reset if dun see pm from the other within x min ( iirc mircea_popescu suggested this some yrs ago )
asciilifeform observes that 'bot that knows when it has lost contact' is still open , afaik, problem
asciilifeform: lobbes_field: i've previously used 'cl-who', but it needs to get eaten/genesised/frozen☟︎
asciilifeform: it's rather like if some scrap dealer took pity on the cargo island folx and gave'em an old boeing carcass.
asciilifeform began to see mircea_popescu's point re 'linus set back field by two decades' . the finn's gift to the 'self-published chats' fly eyes folx is moar or less errything they have to work with in re convincing selves that 'yes we do things'
asciilifeform: they're able to maintain a kind of optical illusion of activity, but only in re softs
asciilifeform: on reflection, there aint much that is mysterious re the opentards' collective failure to bake irons. ( irons require some sorta head, and cannot be baked via 'million fly eyes' process )
asciilifeform: i suppose this is unsurprising, the ants also do not , luckily for asciilifeform , know that they collectively exceed him in mass, and could eat him if could all agree
asciilifeform: somehow the point is lost on'em, that if for erry 1 $ they spent on 'raspberry' they kept a dime, they could buy half of tmsc co
asciilifeform: the 'linux'-flavoured derp traps do seem to have common thread where 'maybe divine eye finally opens' re irons. 'maybe this year china gives us on what to run' etc
asciilifeform: would be interesting to count the ants ~leaving~ ( the better traps, are mixed in such a way that some small % can get loose, and bring back friends )
asciilifeform: i had occasion to set 1 up recently, and it had maybe 400 by nightfall, and whoknows maybe they also 'wait for divine eye to finally recognize' etc.
asciilifeform: they remind asciilifeform of those glue traps for ants.☟︎
asciilifeform: i expect there's a ~bottomless supply of those, if (who? for what?) ever needed 1.
asciilifeform: 0 followup to last night's thrd, or anyffin of the kind, they have memory span of aquarium fish.
asciilifeform: 'this year's best containerization systems on redhat' etc etc garbage.
asciilifeform: for properly dressing up walrus offering, clearly.
asciilifeform: relatedly, asciilifeform barfed, tuned out today from #techderps , it's kilometre of join/part liquishit + 'communi^H^H^H^H^Hlinux on desktop by 1980^H^H^H^Hnext year' snoars etc
asciilifeform: ..which resolves always to 'maybe moar walrus offerings'. cuz what else.
asciilifeform: chukcha incidentally very easily conceptualizes 'maybe the gods dun like me'. typically his problem is re the 'wat do'
asciilifeform naively imagines it'd sink in by some point, but from mircea_popescu's telling of the story evidently it didn't
asciilifeform: 'bbbut the planes came for grandfather in '43, wai not for me'
asciilifeform: imho straight cargo cult -- fella thought himself to be a product of similar process, didn't see 'why can't do again'
asciilifeform: 'but want bordeaux '57 from the teat of my sow!111'
asciilifeform: arthur d. little inc. once sewed silk purse from actual sow's ear. and floated a pb balloon, as advertising stunts, in '20s. but indeed 'remarkable bear, not remarkable dancer'
asciilifeform: 'race is not always to the swift, but that's where smart money bets'(tm)(r)
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i'ma guess story took place in europistan. in usa, 'ghetto' means dark meat, and not errybody has taste for same.
asciilifeform: 'you wanna park auto on the grounds ? get rubber stamp there'
asciilifeform at the time was working , un-uniformed , in army lab thing, and force to sit for 'motorcycle safety class', despite having never owned motorcycle.
asciilifeform: phunphakt, moar usg army d00dz during iraq years, dead on 'harley' than in the field. 1 way to perma-escape 'dependopotamus'...
asciilifeform: sounds like the stage at which fella oughta take up motorcycle, or better still, single-engined prop plane, at least live a little and shorten the misery years
asciilifeform: pretty sad. why didnt he at least birth another 1
asciilifeform: oh hey mircea_popescu was this the same fella who later was found dead on street, and the anatomists found no reason why, 'simply tired of living' ?
asciilifeform: recently usb banned the use of toy choppers in the open street, so they built a thing resembling tennis court. grad students on ladders pry the little broken corpses out of the ceiling net.
asciilifeform: these reliably produce 'papers', the currency of academitardia, so bottomless appetite.
asciilifeform: then went to 'engineering' . and saw, ~100% to do with toy choppers
asciilifeform: i was not able to get an answer re why the room with sewing machines. (thought 'maybe programmable, like jaquard's loom?' but looked, nope, 'singer' )
asciilifeform wondered what then folx do in the 'engineering' hall across the street
asciilifeform: carpentry hall nominally cuz 'robots are in nao'
asciilifeform: in dept, nao 4000+ warm bodies, of which 700 claimed female. ( in asciilifeform's time, was ~400, and maybe 1 platoon of female, all wearing hijabs )
asciilifeform: and 'tutoring halls' run by 'assoc for women in kompyooting' ( to help 'diversity' , i.e. folx who can't pass the (massively watered down in past 2 decades ) curriculum
asciilifeform: oh apropos, luvvly lulz : in asciilifeform's old uni, they had 'grand opening' of massive 9story glass monster for 'comp sci dept' . guess what inside ? carpentry, sewing shops!
asciilifeform: not even rare or expensive box, a hundy an' a half.
asciilifeform: << before this thread lost -- it is interesting to asciilifeform , 'apu1' is the 1 (afaik) x64 box still in production where you can actually boot with 100% selfbuilt bios. and 0 discussion of it anywhere on net, aside from tmsr.☝︎
asciilifeform: none of these currently on front burner, but will be 9000x easier to revive if meanwhile lobbes et al produce an edible cl 'wwwism kit'☟︎☟︎
asciilifeform: ( and, earlier, with 'cl phuctor frontend' and possibly other minor proggies )
asciilifeform: iirc diana_coman built the cuntoo that runs on the 2nd box, on this gentoo.
asciilifeform: ave1's musltronic gnat does run on each, and so do the musltronic bins it births. however the system utils are still glibcistic.
asciilifeform: ( on each, 'rebuild world' was executed, bins rebuilt with asciilifeform's flags etc )
asciilifeform: to be maximally pedantic : both 'dulap' and 'rk' gentoo tarballs were created by literally tarring up the contents of two respective boxes where asciilifeform hand-sewed a gentoo based on the classic 2015-era 'kill list' gentoo recipe.
asciilifeform: ( dulap-gentoo does not boot from stick, it requires working hdd to install )
asciilifeform: iirc hanbot was ~not~ working from dulap-gentoo tho, but from an even older bootstick image.
asciilifeform: dulap-gentoo is essentially same item as rk gentoo, and is installed same way.
asciilifeform: if you want another box, can be baked very quickly. but it does not reduce the amount of sweat needed to install cuntoo at later point.
asciilifeform: it's what's on an' dulap. but defo obsolete, it's a stone age glibc-based gentoo.