113 entries in 1.04s

jorash: Gottesman-Knill theorem shows 'stabilizer systems' are classically easy despite beign quantum-entangled. Such systems require the addition of a 'non-Clifford gate' to become universal (ie. to be able to run all quantum algos). Such non-Clifford gates may be 'teleported' by '
magic states'. This results in an exponential slow down (2^N bits where N is
number of qubits). *However*, by
Bugpowder: I mean, volatility is in the model, and is a reflection of some relatively short term variance, rather than a long term (1yr) variance or a
magic number.
mircea_popescu: 3 is the
magic number. if you get a chick and you both do her especially.
midnightmagic: The
magic Satoshi? You think the huge
number of sociopaths running bitcoin are interested in an outside non-mystic taking the reins?
Bugpowder: Some are listed as OVER MAX, when there were double 250BTC bets on the same address on the same
magic number, but some of those were winners and some losers and I don't think they are counted