252 entries in 1.136s
pigeons: rota
pigeons: no they are his rota
pigeons: mircea_popescu: kimdotcom has his own rota http://www.fscl.org.nz/
mircea_popescu: rota rules you must all buy me a shrubbery.
Bugpowder_: can we get a ROTA ruling
mircea_popescu: i was trying to push for it with the rota, but as long as it gets made somehow it's all good.
pigeons: buy 100 btc worth and take him to rota
mircea_popescu: http://trilema.com/2013/rota-post-mortem/
mircea_popescu: truffles o, that was some drama you missed out on i guess, with the rota and whatnot.
Bowjob: get the rota back!
mircea_popescu: Rassah applied to be an MPEx Rota judge.
mircea_popescu: they hate on the rota too. i had no idea.
smickles: oh, hey. is ther rota dead to the point that it shouldn't be mentioned in new contracts as the dispute resolution method?
jcpham: i'm not upset. i just think it should be made the clear the rota shouldn't be deciding moral debates about customer service
pigeons: mircea_popescu directly told wences to use the rota instead of settling it
jurov: lol i told mircea maybe first rota case will be about "mpoe-pr is public nuisance" cause it falls into its scope
jcpham: the blockchain predetermined it. he asked the rota to make a moral decision
jcpham: the rota was used improperly for a moral judgement
pigeons: well you can use the rota but even if you pay the judges and neg rate them for ruling you should return someone else's funds you may still lose
markedathome: he posted in bitcointalk but no one owned up to sending it, either on purpose or in error. How he then got to the rota, I haven't a clue.
dub: <TheButterZone> http://trilema.com/2013/rota-post-mortem/ - i wonder how this correlates to the 519.704 BTC I got randomly
jurov: dub, http://trilema.com/2013/rota-post-mortem/#comment-91531
midnightmagic: The rota still exists?
pigeons: yeah i htink mircea_popescu is pretending to be upset to make people more likely to see oh the rota isnt biased to mpex, let's use it
dub: mircea_popescu: if you actually re-read teh comments with a neutral eye, it actually looks like the rota worked perfectly
Bugpowder: I just assumed this was all an MP scheme to get the Rota off the ground and produce credibility that MP was not pulling the strings.
mircea_popescu: more generally, the rota can never work, in practice, because normal, honest, well meaning people have no way to reliably avoid falling in such tarpits.
dub: mircea_popescu: if you had stuck to your rule I'd side with you, but you changed your mind after making him use the rota
mircea_popescu: specifically http://trilema.com/2013/rota-post-mortem/ ?
jcpham: if a rota member tries it and i'm nominated i'm going to take their funds
Namworld: You should simply not accept rota for such cases.
jcpham: a blog post denouncing the rota an implementation of the new returned funds fee to protect yourself should suffice ;)
dub: third judge weighs in on the rota decision
jurov: lol i realized i can't enter rota even if i wanted
jcpham: or any other rota member
Namworld: Well I wish to use the rota
jcpham: Namworld the rota was proposed here: http://trilema.com/2012/the-first-roll-of-judges-december-2012/
Namworld: I don't know. Who's in the rota? How do I start anything?
Namworld: So, can I use the rota for GIGA.ETF...
markedathome: I think that it does show that the rota needs to have area of jusrisdiction and contracts specifically stated, either in the case, the rota site/faq and in nominating the selection of the judges
markedathome: rota peeps - faq q24, whilst not strictly mentioning deposits, isn't this also relevant?
mircea_popescu: pigeons he only made it clear at the rota, actually.
pigeons: it shouldnt have gone to rota because he made it clear to you he paid the money
pigeons: only reason (other than bad faith wanting to promote rota) would be you didnt want to pay
pigeons: why should this have gone to rota?
mircea_popescu: pigeons why would i "settle before the rota" ? what bs is that?
pigeons: which costs, your time was unavoidable here, but you didnt have to pay the fees if you settled before rota
jcpham: i would seem that due to the lack of rules, the rota can make all sorts of WILDLY INACCURATE decisions
mircea_popescu: well rota is well fucked then.
jurov: rota just decided else
dub: well then the rota wasn't what I and apparently others thought
pigeons: and when it does happen, and you've shown mpex that you made it error, they dont fix it, hence the rota decision
dub: to an outsider reading that blog post it actually look slike the rota worked fine
dub: markedathome: he paid a 10btc fee to use the rota
dub: maybe there will be a real case for the rota one day but it now seems unlikely
dub: I think the rota did mpex a favour ruling this way
pigeons: it was a rule, but mp told him to go to rota
Namworld: So... can I use the rota for the unclaimed giga.etf case? =P
jcpham: you guys should make bets on rota disputes from now
pigeons: no way you get anything of the fees when you could have settled it without rota
pigeons: mp paid 9 btc to get his rota promoted and scare people into being more careful depositing because of raised awareness of the hassle of errors
dub: why is the rulling against you a problem if thats what the rota is for, processing your customer service enquiries
dub: mircea_popescu: nah, its a dumb thing for the rota
dub: next rota case, should I have cornflakes or museli for breakfast
pigeons: i am very upset this was a rota case
dub: I think you caused this by using the rota for something so trivial tbh
dub: pigeons: 1) because the policy 'wences' agreed to by using mpex is clear and you ruled against that. 2) mpex would have looked a lot worse having forced the use of rota then winning
pigeons: dub: actually, the reason is so he can promote his rota
dub: wtf is an mpex custoemr service dispute doing in rota
dub: if the guy had been forced to use the rota and lost, incurring further cost it would be even more of a joke
pigeons: of course its a win, he either didnt have to pay, or else his rota gets promted and he pays what he owed
pigeons: but since it decided against you it isnt good policy what the rota decides
pigeons: and used the rota to back your policy
pigeons: if rota decided with what you agreed, you would have made it policy
dub: mircea_popescu: that doesnt make an sense, your policy is that he would not be refunded, why would that change during a rota case?
mircea_popescu: basically yay rota, it managed to lock itself out of pretty much the only subject matter anyone thought it worthy of considering
pigeons: yay rota
pigeons: ok then the rota did its job
pigeons: mircea_popescu: the problem is this isn't an organic dispute, you would have paid the guy, but you decided if you made him go through the rota you would get publicity for it
jcpham: now that i know discussion came before the rota case
jcpham: it was understanding that the parties didn't try to resolve it amicably - straight to rota, no discussion
pigeons: changing the policy via the rota?
pigeons: it is also in the comments on the general rota post
dub: I don;t understand how it went from trying to help the guy to rota
dub: the rota is a binary decision maker, not a policy generating device
pigeons: but mircea_popescu forced him to sue cause mircea_popescu wanted to promote his rota, and we are his pawns in that
dub: mircea_popescu: I don't understand how the rota could change that, its your policy
mircea_popescu: i was considering changing this policy, via the rota.
pigeons: i know it says dont fuck up your deposits, and im careful cause i know mircea_popescu will keep it, but if he's gonna use this to try to push his rota, well fact is it is a breach of fiduciary duty it is totally reasonable to fix this when shown proof
pigeons: i wanted to include that i thought the rota was a good idea and didnt expect mircea_popescu would pt barnum it
pigeons: if you are going to make a point that people can use your rota and it is a good alternative dispute method, forcing the issue on something like this when you just should have credited the dide without all the hassle is shitty
dub: its obviously the guys fault but forcing the rota to deal with it is not good for either rota or mpex imo
pigeons: it was engaged because instead of mircea_popescu just being a normal human, he used a customer service case to not fix the issue so he could force his customer to sue him to get justice, just so he could promote his rota
dub: did he then demand rota justice or did mircea_popescu
dub: sorry why was the rota engaged?
pigeons: yeah i wanted punititve damages against mircea_popescu for wasting our time, using the rota as a promotion, and forcing customers to sue him just to get typical service
dub: who initiated the rota action?
mod6: (11:25) < mircea_popescu> ima hold rota entrance exams, consisting of reciting cicero and laurian in latin
jcpham: so he won't even need the rota
mircea_popescu: ima hold rota entrance exams, consisting of reciting cicero and laurian in latin