12 entries in 0.962s
a111: 10 results for "xah lee", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=xah%20lee
asciilifeform: !#s xah lee
asciilifeform: ( bonus xah lee ! )
asciilifeform: err, xah lee
asciilifeform: http://xahlee.info/math/Simon_Plouffe_pi_formula.html << obligatory xah lee
assbot: I'm About as Good as Dead: the End of Xah Lee ... ( http://bit.ly/1ODj8fY )
phf: (xah lee)
ben_vulpes: BigBitz: xah lee
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: xah lee
assbot: I'm About as Good as Dead: the End of Xah Lee
asciilifeform: re: people who starved: apparently xah lee (old crackpot blogger, linked on me site) recently did.
assbot: I'm About as Good as Dead: the End of Xah Lee